|6| Into Each Other

1221 Words
"So the business deal should be for the big show tomorrow night?" Tony nodded, feeling less concerned about it. His mind was still running through the delicacies he had had during breakfast. It had been beautiful, but his lips couldn't lift to say they were good. Having eaten a bowl of ramyeon, a piece of steamed bacon, and the greatest of all; fish fried with tomato sauce and extra cheesed ham sandwiches; he hadn't felt ad great as ever. Used to skipping breakfast, he hadn't wanted this but now it seemed, all he wanted was that. "Mr. Tony?" He blinked twice and stared hard at Mr. Priere, the companionship, and partner of Welson Washing Automatic Cleansing Washing Machines; the super new trend creator with about millions sold where the machines could calculate the water quality, amount of cloth detergents without any manual aid. The big success however brought some losses, and now the main manager was trying to share ties with the rich Mr. Tony Parker, in return for the money. "This is not a loan, Mr. Tony." He nodded, nonchalantly, still stuck in the resolve of his mind. "So are you on?" "I'm definitely turned on, by not you, however!" Tony's screech made the entire table shrink a bit. They turned dumbfounded by the comment, while a rather awe-struck Frankie bit his lip.  Thankfully, Tony realized his mistake early itself and changed the topic. "A joke amidst such talks should be brought upon. Anyway, about the business, I'm taking it only after the contract is made for a share of 50 percentage benefits." The table flinched. They must have heard about it before, about how Tony always needed half-percentage deals even when the business was never his in the first place. However, the manager looked so shocked that Frankie immediately recognized he had had no idea. "HALF? ISN'T THAT A BIT TOO MUCH?" Tony shook his head. "The too much is always my rate. For money isn't a game, Mr. Menon. It's a complete installment of what is ever so precious in our daily lives. 25 for lending and the remaining for the trust" Mr. Menon shrunk down, in shock. Mr. Priere, seeing his master settle down into a dilemma, stood up and said politely, "Of course sir. But the 25 for trust can be paid back right if the dealings go well" Tony shrugged. "Depends. However, seeing the way Welson's have been coming up, Godrej isn't going to just stop, are they? Your competition skills shall pay the prices" Tony was keen in his research, which made once again the entire gathered staff and a rather close Frankie impressed. He knew his master was always up to the mark in everything he did, even though his personality was all proud and harsh. However whenever everybody dipped into silence at his each and every word, his respect for him grew. "Sir, apart from our losses, we don't have any other issues. It's just the helping hand we need" Tony clicked his tongue. "You are supposed to be dealing with this but I'll tell you. When a factor pulls down a company, another in the competition level rises up; grabbing the hearts of the crowd. It eventually takes up positions which one can never replace, no matter how much money is invested" Silence lingered. "The loss in your business brought up heavy prices in international markets. Look at the rate diminishing onto the graphs. In Australia, Europe, and most of Asia, there is a huge deterioration. People always grab onto the costs rather than their liking. So when Godrej came up with the low prices, they were promoted. Their rates as you can see, have increased hugely" Mr. Menon nodded, agreeing. "50 it is" Tony smiled a little and stood up to leave, followed by an impressed Frankie. The employees and chief managers stood up to bow, while a rather disappointed Mr. Priere stood up and asked, 'Then what do you do, Mr. Tony, when your big managing companies break down?" To that, Tony winked and said, "My secret keeps me going" Nobody knew what to say to that. "Sir, I have watered the plants and also cleaned the yard" 'What about the house?", shot back Tony, through Frankie who was removing his tie now. They had entered the big villa, after a tiring interview and a long ride. 'The young lad did it, sir", quivered Mr. Feran. Tony glared. "You made him do right? How dare-" "I DID IT BY MYSELF!" Tony swirled around to meet the eyes of the voice. He almost gawked. In fresh yellow-painted striped jeans and a black shirt; Travis looked cute and sexy in that wet hair that hung like it was styled and the perfect face washed and kept so plump and beautiful. For a moment, he would have drooled but it all disappeared when he gritted, "I told you to stop nitpicking on Mr. Feran. To me, he like a father" He said, putting his arms over the gardener. Those shoulders shook a little bit melted in the touch. The face enlightened in a smile at Travis who gave back his cute bunny smile. "Mr. Feran makes me feel at ease. So, how was the deal?" Tony said nothing, averting gaze, and walked off to his office.  Travis shrugged at the annoying behavior and walked off with the gardener to the kitchen. Only Frankie saw his master's peep through the window at the kitchen.  To which, he smiled and blushed. /Holy Moly! Ain't pigs flying tonight?/ "Lunch is ready!" Travis's chirruping sound echoed in the luxurious dining hall, as he cleaned the large table for eight, put out the plates and crockery, and also placed the hot dishes. Roasted chicken, grilled turkey, cooked rice, fruit pudding, cream and salad, marmalade, along freshly fried egg fries with oatmeal arrived. Healthy and nutritious insulted with a chocolate shake; the household settled down to a good meal. Travis sat next to Frankie, while Tony sat at one of the corners, the chair meant for the master. He was about to dig in when his eyes saw Mr. Feran shivering as he sat down opposite Travis. His eyes almost bulged out. "What the-" 'I told him to." Tony growled as his eyes ran to Travis. "What? When we were in Mrs. Fancy's house, she made the entire household eat together" "I'm not her!', Tony gritted in his breath. "Then why steal me of all that?!", Travis mumbled, before having a morsel. Feeling upset, Frankie looked at Travis with pathetic eyes, asking him to give peace at least at the table to which the latter agreed relentlessly. "Sit" Tony said, without a glance. Mr. Feran wanted to walk away, but Travis insisted.  The old man sat down and dug down on the delicious food.  Tony paid glances at him, nonchalantly only to see him smile widely at Travis. The latter kept smiling while asking him to eat more. The smile made Tony get stuck for a moment. /I never make him smile like that.../ /I wish I could.../ Tony sighed, ate to a full stomach, and walked off to his room before anyone.  Only Frankie again saw, how Travis traced his eyes across to Tony all the time. He simpered. /The two are into each other...then what's wrong?!/
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