|5| His Food

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The contract had been neatly made, with a pruned handwriting in cursive by the personal chef himself. Never in his life did Tony had to go through such a trauma, of having got a contract written for a chef in his kitchen. He had had been used to writing contacts for marriage deals, business partnerships, and furthermore serious stuff. But a 'No' to Travis, meant losing him and that wasn't what Tony needed now, the most. "Are you gonna say anything now?", he asked, with a slight sneer on his face. First and foremost, he wasn't enjoying any of this. After being technically hit in the face with a sudden deal of being a personal chef to a rude man like him, he wasn't ready to go nice on him, as he used to his Missus before. No, he wasn't, and that was final in his part. "I have signed" He said, making Tony sigh. /If he did make it, then he would right?/ Shaking his head at the childish cute face of Travis, which would remain as bubbly as ever even when he was furious, Tony lifted his pen to sign. However at one look at the contract, and his eyes were roaming through the statements marked in bold. "No platonic relationships. Only clean and neat beginnings, and clean and even better endings" Tony cringed hard his forehead. His man seemed pretty determined and intimidated.  "Cleanliness is a must. It should be maintained, so I must have permission to clean the house" Tony looked up, annoyed. "We've got servants for that!" Travis shook his head, keeping those arms crossed, "I can help! And stop calling, Mr. Feran a 'servant'. It's way more insulting, you see" The shy puppy eyes at the end made Tony gulp down his arguments.  /The f**k is happening with me?/ "And finally, the kitchen is all mine. I can make and discover as much as I want" Tony nodded to that, before scribbling down his signature.  He then lent it to a shy Travis who looked hella scared now, after his attempts to make this encounter even better and done with, whose fingers were still quivering a bit from all this sudden change. "Met Frankie?" Travis nodded, giving a cute laugh grin at Tony. The former almost blushed. "He's so fun! He reminds me of the beautiful fun I had as a child, All kind and sweet. He allowed me to take a bath in his shower and even he gave me some of his own clothes! I'm gonna enjoy the stay if he is gone be here!" A pair of hands clenched their fists. Tony turned from flushed to enraged. /Already worshipping him?/ This wasn't anticipated, but neither could he feel so insecure. After all, he was going to get married to a girl he hadn't even met for keeping Travis, by his side. If there was one thing he didn't want to lose, it was him and if Frankie's presence ensured that, then he knew, it would be worse to go against it all. Nevertheless, the jealousy crept through him all day.  And he couldn't stop himself from asking, during the evening tea, to Frankie. "Frankie?" The sudden informality made him flinch. Frankie was never used to this sudden honey-like tone, but often, the scary fierce bit of lion husky vocals making him feel all was alright. This change made it all seem pretty weird and even more frightening. "Yes, Boss?" "Umm..I hope you and your fiance are having a great time together, right?" Frankie choked. This was never what a normal conversation sounded like. Either something he had done was bothering his boss, or some bad news was coming from either side. He hoped it wasn't the latter and spoke, keeping his stumbling words straight. "Yeah, Boss. All good. Did Walien call you, by any chance?" Tony shook his head, a bit too satisfied. "It's just to see if you're doing well and all. After all, I barely ask of your life" Saying so, an accomplished and overwhelmed master walked outside the office room, while a stunned Frankie remained seriously speechless. His thoughts only revolved around one matter. "s**t! Did Wales call him and curse him to his face or what?!" Snatching his phone from the table, he immediately began to call for him. "Jesus! I hope not" "The breakfast is ready, sir" Frankie whispered, in the usual office talk, while putting on the black coat for his master. Feeling less concerned about everyday food, Tony nodded like always and made their way to the door outside with Frankie holding his suitcase by his side. Peeking through the window, he saw Feran watering the plants while Gudgud tore the meat pieces kept for him in his kennel. All seemed the usual, and so did Frankie's mind after having happy phone s*x with the overjoyed Walien who had felt ecstatic by his fiance's rare late-night call. It would have been another busy day running their businesses when the sudden delightful call came, "Breakfast ready!" Tony hadn't even kept a foot outside when he swirled around to find a chirruping sparrow, in a yellow apron and white shirt sticking to his body. The smooth hair most probably washed with a face, not quite needing any makeup for beauty. His strong nerves bulging by holding a platter of delicious foods, all in different genres and styles. Placing them on the table softly, like they were his precious babies, he took off his apron and slowly opened the chairs for everyone. While a shocked Frankie and Tony remained silent. "Boss, are we having-" "No, we are not!", Tony said sternly, looking at his watch. It was already half-past eight, and in an hour, the meeting about the biggest deal was beginning, at the Coarse Palace, south of North Hampshire. There was no way the biggest well-known businessman in the world was arriving late for something as significant as that. But a determined voice halted him. "Then why hire me, in the first place?! To make me a fool?!", he screeched, absolutely feeling bad. Tony gritted his teeth. He was getting tired of this all. Finding his boss in a dilemma, Frankie offered help. "Boss, I'll pack the food up and we can have it after the meeting gets over, okay?", he said, immediately gesturing for Travis to pack them up with his help.  However, neither the upset Travis nor the intimidated Tony moved. "Travis, please...The meeting is in an hour, and we need to move" He nodded, softly, accepting his depression with defeat.  However as Tony turned to take a look at the food, he felt like the aroma of those spices reminded him of that day. The day he had got the opportunity to capture a glimpse of him. The bathroom excitement. The deal to see him again at the kitchen. Everything rushed through his mind, like a lightning flash that he refused to re-acknowledge this decision. "I will eat them, here. Right now" Saying so, he sat down on the chair pulled for him, and began to eat. And there stood a shocked Frankie and a rather confused Travis. 
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