|13| Not Master...Its Tony..

1747 Words

Travis's POV I was naked. From head to toe, and surprisingly and beautifully, in his arms. He had begun, kissing my neck as I bent back my head, feeling for the pleasure. Tony didn't stop. A boss he was in life, and on here. I didn't know where we were too, for I had felt him lift me off the chair and walk. Throughout our lips curled over one another, not leaving contact, not taking shape but just simply getting stuck to each other. A wanting, a cruel feeling of needing so much of the other. My arms were around his neck, while my fingers kept tugging at his hair. Because I had needed it so badly. This way or the other; I could tell him, he shouldn't leave, no matter what. We broke from the kiss for breath. I looked at him. He was yearning more, with lips apart and that ragged breathing

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