|12| Your my Medicine

1974 Words

"Woah! So you did catch up with him?" However, Feran's words sunk deep within when he saw the overflowing shadow behind Travis. The former was now stammering as a wet and tired and furious Tony, his master, followed. Without even a glance at the housekeeper, he stormed into his room without another word. Whereas for Travis, he managed to force a smile towards Feran and mumbled, "I guess...I did find him, after all" Nothing more was exchanged. He then went up the stairs and opened himself to his bedroom. Falling upon the bed, he let the waterdrops cool him down. Nevertheless,  The incident kept running in his head,  making him hot. "I'm afraid he's taken" "Excuse me?!", Trevor was marking the confusing countenance now, even though his glare hadn't left the big man before him. Tony was

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