The van halted outside of the academy after a painfully silent ride. I was aware of the fact that Bailey’s eyes burned against my skin. I was aware of the fact that her head rested against Phantom’s shoulder. I was aware that she smelled of the man who used to be her best friend. I was f*****g aware of everything. When did my mind get so polluted with her? At what point did I think it would be a good idea to hold off a rejection… I can’t have nice things. And Bailey… f**k. I f****d up not rejecting her the moment I scented her. Ripping my mask from my face, I scrubbed my hand down, pulling at my jaw. My muscles were tense from clenching my f*****g teeth for the last two hours. The rear doors swung open, and once my feet touched the Earth, a sigh of relief left my lips. My large