Chapter 1

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I assume we all have dreams in life, big or small. Although in my 17 years of existence, I knew some people who have no dream yet—people who are still in the process of seeking their purpose in life; people who still do not know what they wanted to be. However, they may not have a dream but I suppose, they have goals. In their everyday life, it is impossible that they weren't aiming for something. A simple thought that 'I need to take a bath' or 'I need to drink water' is considered a goal, even it is small. You are aiming to take a bath to get ready for your day, or you want to drink water because you know that it is a vital component in your body and you are aiming at healthy living. No matter what the reasons are, these only implies that all people have goals. In my case, unlike other people, I know exactly what I want to do with my life. I know what my dreams are, I know my priorities, and I know what I wanted to be. People often say that men are all created equal for the reason that He gave all of us a chance to live. However, they failed to understand that even God gave us a chance to witness His creations, we still have different ways of how we live our life. We are not born with equal resources, some are rich, some are unlucky—just like me. "I told you! We will be paying the remaining balance next month!" As I was walking down the stairs with my backpack (which I was using for about four years now), I heard my aunt Magenta shouted at Mrs. Dehli, the landlady of the apartment we are currently renting. I went straight to our small kitchen with the hopes of finding something to eat for breakfast. I opened our fridge and just like what I was expecting, several recycled mineral bottles with water, a jar of an almost empty strawberry jam, and a sliced onion which is probably the excess from whatever my aunt cooked yesterday, greeted me. Since a strawberry jam and a sliced onion does not go well with each other, I guess a bottle of water will fill my stomach for this morning. "Your bill is already 5 months late, Magenta! Our everyday expenses depend on this and I also have a family to feed!" Just when my aunt would about to shout back, I walked near them. I hold the doorknob and opened the door wider, making my aunt hissed, allowing me to have a clear view of Mrs. Dehli. My aunt walked back to our small sala and started watching tv, leaving me here, dealing with adult problems. I sighed.  I faced Mrs. Dehli and quickly checked her out. She's wearing an old white floral dress and a cardigan which somewhat covered the ketchup stain near her chest. Her curly black hair is also tied in a messy bun. Dark circles under her eyes are very evident in her dark-brown-colored skin. She looks stressed. Who wouldn't right? Aside from being a mother of three teenagers, my aunt hasn't paid the rent for five months now! "I'm sorry for the delay, Mrs. Dehli. I'll pay you right after I got home from work and I'll talk to my boss if I can get my salary in advance," I stated with the most begging expression I can ever make. "I understand that you too are struggling, Sheina. But I also need the money, plus, your wage is not even enough to pay half of your balance. If you can't pay today, I'm sorry to say but you should start searching for another apartment," She answered apologetically and started walking back to her apartment located on the ground floor of this building. "Tss. I told her I'll pay it in full next month. She just doesn't know how to wait." Aunt Magenta uttered with a sullen look.  "I gotta go, I'll be late for work," I answered, ignoring her rant. "Call your parents, maybe they can send the money in advance. Aside from the rent, we don't have any food left in the fridge." I let out a deep sigh.  "If only you didn't spend the money buying new clothes and fake designer bags," I whispered. But then, our apartment is not that big for her not to hear it. I used my backpack to cover myself when she threw the remote she was holding in my direction. Thanks to my fast reflex. "What did you just say?! I spent my own money to feed you. Buying the things I want with the money that your parents gave me is a payment for I was the one providing your necessities!" I bit my tongue to stop myself from complaining about how she provided my everyday needs. Instead, I fixed my backpack, tied the laces of my old Vans white shoes, walked out of our apartment, and closed the door behind me. I don't want to get used to the money my parents gave me, anyway. I'll provide my needs without their help. I've only taken three steps when the door suddenly opened, and I saw my aunt standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips, "I spent my time at night working as a server at the bar, and you..." she points her index finger to me"... don't have the right to teach me on how I should spend my money! If you don't want to live with me then go back to your parents! That way, it would be easier for me!" Right after that, she slammed the door. I walked out of the building as if nothing happened. This is an everyday scenario in my life, hearing hurtful words does not hurt me anymore. I am not sure if it is because I am already used to this kind of life or maybe I know that there are other things that I have to do and being emotional is not on my schedule or maybe I am already too numb to feel hurt at all. ******************** "Hurry up, Sheina! We have a lot of customers today!" Rein, my co-worker, as well as my friend since 7th grade, shouted as soon as I entered the restaurant I am working at.  I quickly went to the locker room to change into our uniform. I wear our brown polo uniform, brown slacks, tied my long straight black hair into a bun and put a hairnet on it. I glanced at a small mirror that I glued in my locker door and checked for blemishes. I grabbed my bottled water inside my backpack and have a couple of gulps. I licked my lips to wipe the excess water, and there... 'I think I look more presentable; more lively.' I slightly smiled and went out of the locker room to start working. "There you are! Here's the notepad. Get the order at table number 5, I'll serve this at table number 8," Rein said as she handed me the notepad and the pencil while her right hand was holding a tray of pancake and a cup of coffee. "Thanks, Rein!" I am not late. I got here at exactly 6 am. Maybe she went here an hour earlier because she was already working when I got here.  I went to table number 5 and there are three girls occupying the seats. Can I just comment on how lucky my day is? These girls are from my school and just a heads up, they are not very friendly. Mina, the girl with long straight, and dyed golden brown hair, along with the two girls—which I don't know the name—are here at our cafe. Some of our guy customers shamelessly checking out Mina, and she's totally aware of it! Of course, she's aware of it, Sheina! Who wouldn't notice it if the majority of the eyes inside this cafe were glued on her?  "Hi, good morning! Welcome to Quick and Grab Cafe! May I take your order, ma'am?" I said in my usual customer-friendly voice. "One order of pancake—no syrup, a cup of coffee—one teaspoon of sugar and creamer." "Eggs benedict and an iced coffee with one tablespoon of sugar." "I would like to order a waffle with two pumps of maple syrup plus, bacon, and eggs. I want my bacon to be toasted," Mina, and the two girls, consecutively answered without even giving a glance at me. Fortunately, I listed all their orders. "Noted, ma'am. Your orders will be served at a maximum of 15 minutes," I politely said.  I went back to the counter to give the note to Jason, one of the cooks. "Here are the orders at table number 5," I stated as I rang the bell to caught his attention.  "Thanks!" He gave me a quick smile but before going back to his work, he asked, "Was that Mina? Mina Ferey?" I just nodded my head as an answer. Mina is a popular vlogger, of course, everyone in our school knew her-- and maybe not just in our school.  Rein wasn't kidding when she said earlier that we got a lot of customers for today. It is understandable because today is also the first day of class, not to mention that our cafe is located right across from the school's campus. Most of the students go here to eat before and after classes. This is also the reason why I chose to work here. I will not have to think about getting late since it is just near my school! I only have a 4-hour duty for this part-time, meaning my duty ends at 10 am. My class starts at 1 pm so I still have ample time to get ready for school and do my school works if there's any. I continue my work, listing the orders of the newly arrived customers, attending to their concerns, and an endless 'Welcome to Quick and Grab Cafe!' to every customer who would enter. Ting!’ The bell rang, meaning the food was already ready to serve. I went back to the counter and carry the tray of orders and served it to table number 5.  "Thank you for patiently waiting, here are your orders!" I enthusiastically said as I placed their orders on the table. I was about to go to the newly arrived customer at table number 9 when I heard Mina called me. "Excuse me?" She said as she gracefully raised her right arm and slightly waves in my direction. I went back to their table and asked, "Is there any problem, ma'am?"  "I said I want my bacon toast, not roast." She said and raised her highly defined eyebrows. I'm just wondering how long does it take to perfect those brows? I snapped back in reality. I looked at her food and my eyebrows were tempted to raise May I ask if I was just born to not be picky of the foods I ate or is it just me? Because the bacon looks perfectly cooked! It's not even roast, not like what she claims! But then, I don't want to argue with one of the most popular girls in our school, knowing that some of the eyes here in our cafe were already at us. For the love of God, I want a peaceful school life. I don't want to be the hot topic of our school for arguing with Mina Ferey over the strips of bacon. "I apologize about that ma'am, I'll let our cook know about this." When I was about to get her plate of eggs and bacon, her two friends started complaining about their orders. "Are you sure that this has one teaspoon of sugar and creamer?" The short-haired girl with chinky eyes said. "I'm pretty sure that this is not one tablespoon of sugar." said the other girl who ordered an iced coffee, I can't even check her out because Mina Ferey continuously complained. "I told you that I want my waffle with two pumps of maple syrup. Why does it looks like you put the whole bottle of syrup on it?" She said while flipping the waffles with her fork. "The cafe is willing to change your orders, ma'am. Let me bring it back to our cook," I said as I was attempting to grab their plates. However, Mina started taking a picture of their order and said, "Nevermind, I'll just write about your bad service on my Instagram." She let out a couple of bills from her wallet and stormed out of the cafe with her friends. ******************* "What will you do about it?!" Mr. Rodley, our boss, shouted. "I made exactly what they want with their orders. The bacon was perfectly toasted!" Jason argued. "If the customers said it isn't what they ordered, then simply change it!" "Sir, we were about to change their orders but they already started taking pictures. They said they don't want it anymore. Plus, Jason did exactly what they want with their food," I meddled, which I kind of regret. I forgot that I was planning to talk to Mr. Rodley if I can get my salary in advance yet here I am, arguing with him. "So, do you have any solution on how we will convince her to take down her post?!" Mr. Rodley said hysterically as he shows to us the recent post, Mina Ferey made on her i********: account.   'This cafe serves roasted bacon and a below-average service! Definitely not worth your wait!' #QuickAndGrabCafe   Says Mina Ferey in her caption with a photo of her waffle and a strip of perfectly toasted bacon, but it's obvious that she edited it and added a filter to make it look 'roasted'. It is not even surprising that many in the comments section agreed with her. She's a popular vlogger and a youtube, of course, her fanbase is wider than the combined customers of this cafe. Since I have nothing else to say, I just shut my mouth and let Mr. Rodley threw his frustrations towards us. "Damn it! My cafe's name is now tainted. If our income decrease this month, the best thing to do is to close it! You, students, should better find other part-time jobs. Not to mention that this is all your fault." He shouted at us. "Uhh... sir, are we done now? I and Sheina have classes at 1 pm and our shift is now finished, I just want to ask if we can go—" "Just get the hell out of my cafe. You better do things right for the following days!" "Yes, sir!" Rein answered with her usual lively energy. As if Mr. Rodley's sermons don't drain her energy. "I gotta go back in the kitchen, sir." Jason politely said. He doesn't go to school anymore because of financial reasons that is why he works a full 8-hour shift here. He slightly pats my head as he walked back to the kitchen. Jason is like a brother to me. He was the one that guided me when I was still new here. Whenever my shift ends at night, he accompanies me to our apartment even his shift ends earlier than mine. Jason was already in the kitchen, doing his work. While Rein is already in the locker room, probably changing into our uniform. And I'm still here, with so much nervousness, preparing to talk to Mr. Rodley about my salary. "Uhm... sir? I know what happened today makes you very unpleased, but I still want to try my luck if..." I don't know if I will continue what I was planning to ask when I saw how grim Mr. Rodley's face is. "... if I can get my salary in advance for this month? We need to pay for—" "Really, Sheina? After what happened earlier, you have the audacity to ask for an advance?!" He shouted. I was about to explain my situation but he doesn't give me a chance to speak. Instead, he continued, "the cafe is at the edge of closing because students—the majority of our customers—will probably boycott our cafe after what Mina Ferey did!" I just bow my head, apologized, and ask if I can leave already. He just ignored my goodbye and turn his back on me. I guess, no matter how hard I asked for this favor, he won't agree on it.  "Sheina, hurry up! Today is the first day of our class! I'm so excited to see our campus again!" She said, giggling. I don't have any idea why she's very excited about seeing our campus again because last time I check, the only thing she has done there is to sleep at any bench she would see. She didn’t even think about what happened earlier. I quickly change into my school uniform. Wearing a blue plaided skirt above the knee, a white long-sleeved blouse, a dark blue necktie, and black shoes with an inch high; I removed my hairnet and let my hair fall down. My hair is a straight one but because I tied it in a messy bun, the lower part of it appears wavy. I brushed it with my fingers, get my backpack out of the locker, and motioned Rein that we gotta go. As soon as we set foot on the campus, Rein bid her goodbye to me because she needs to go to the registrar's office to process her allowance as an academic scholar. Speaking of money, even I don't want to, I have no choice but to talk to my parents. We need to pay for the apartment if we don't want to sleep on the streets tonight. I grab my phone and dialed mom's number. After a couple of rings, she answered, "Sheina, glad you called. I miss you, darling." Her voice seems so happy, and I'm sure it is not because I called her. I wonder why. I have no time to have a chitchat with my biological mom who left me to her sister because she wanted to enjoy her 'single' life, and me, being at her side is a hindrance.  "Aunt Magenta needs money to pay for our apartment. It was already on its 5 months due." I straightforwardly said. "Ohh... darling, I can't give you money in advance since I've already given your aunt the supposed allowance for this month. I—who's that?" My mom was cut by a guy's voice. Earlier, I was wondering why her voice seems ecstatic, now I know. She's with her flavor of the night? The flavor of the week? A month? Since what she does in her life is not my concern and since I can't get the favor that I asked, I bid goodbye. "Alright, mom. Bye." "Darlin—" I cut our line before she even finishes talking. I have a lot of things to do and I have no time to have a daughter-mother conversation with her. I dialed dad's number and after a single ring, a female voice answered. "Hello, may I know who this is?" I seldom call my dad and I was just wondering why does it have to be at this time when his wife holds his phone. "It's Sheina. Where's dad? I need to talk to him." I heard her hissed. If I knew, she was already itching to end this call. "He went to the supermarket to buy some groceries, he left his phone here. What do you need?" Margie, my father's current wife. "I was about to ask him if he can send the money in advance since we need to pay for our apartm—" "He has no extra money. Bye." She said and ended our call. I let out a deep and heavy sigh. I went to the school's field and sat at the nearest bench. I removed my backpack and put it beside me. I placed both of my hands on each side supporting my weight while I looked up into the sky and closed my eyes.  The warm breeze of a 12-noon wind brushed my face. I was imagining what my life would be if I have a complete and happy family. If ever I was provided with the support I need, life would be definitely easier. But who knows right? We all have different problems in life. Some may receive full support and an abundance of resources but they may have other problems that cannot be solved by money. People like me may have insufficient resources and deprived of material things but at least I am healthy. I believe that in this life, you can't have it all. No matter how rich or healthy you are, problems will always be present. And it's all up to you if you chose to give up or live by it. Criiinngg I opened my eyes as I heard the school bell rang, a sign that the class would start in ten minutes. I wear the right sling of my backpack on my right shoulder and started walking to my classroom. This is my life. I am a product of an unwanted pregnancy. My biological mom does nothing in her life other than dating rich and handsome guys. While my dad has a very jealous wife. My aunt works as a server at the bar. And here I am, left alone, struggling to finance my studies and trying to strengthen my emotional stability. Yeah, it sucks to be me. ----- Tamed by You by: Joanne Cristel ©2021
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