
331 Words
I was born to be positioned at the front. Never been placed at the back. I was always the priority. Never been categorized as inconsequential.  I was never been a fan of being dominated. Never been a subject for submission. I always take the lead. Never the one that follows.  This is how I live in my world. Never in my life, someone dictates what I should and should not do, not because I say so, but because they knew that this is how it should be: To be placed right behind me. To be the next before me. To be dominated by me. To follow the lead commanded by me. In the world I was raised, everything is easy and reachable, all are possible. From wealth, fame, talent, school, and life, in general, all are favorable to me. There's no need for me to wish for the things I desire because all are already provided. Yet, I have never experienced being truly happy... nor been in deep pain, because things for me are always in between—never been black or white, always gray. Tho, I'm not complaining since I like it that way. In a world where nothing is permanent, emotions are not excluded. Happiness, no matter how you took care of it, will cease to exist. Hence, being obsessed with the things that are considered temporary is an act of a fool. Pain, on the other hand, is the absence of happiness. Following the logic, you will never experience pain if you don't know what happiness feels like. Being in the middle means fewer complications. The fewer your complications, the more smooth your life would be. And in my case, I'll choose the easier life... in the middle... with no commitments. I was the author of my own life, I write my story based on how I wanted it to be. This is what I am: Cold. Rough. Dark. Untamed. --------------- Tamed By You by: Joanne Cristel  ©2021
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