Chapter 4

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I'm biting my fingernail on my thumb while starring at Erick's jacket laying on my bed. The jacket's sleeves were hanging and both are uneven. His jacket was totally stretched out of shape! My uniform is still wet however, I tried to iron the long sleeve blouse and fortunately, it worked. But my skirt is still damp and the iron is not enough to let it dry.  I went to my closet and search for the uniform that I used since 7th grade. Luckily, its fabric is still of good quality. From what I remembered, I was 5'3 tall in 7th grade. I'm 5'5 now. My aunt was the one who bought my uniform back then with the use of my parents' money. She bought my uniform in a bigger size for according to her, I'm going to use it until I graduate high school. Yeah, right. Talking about Filipino traits! I tried wearing my old skirt just to see if it still fits me, and just like what I expected, it was shorter than the skirt I'm always wearing. My skirt was usually just an inch above my knees but right now, it's probably three inches above. I think this would do. It's not really short. This may be one of the few things that I would thank my aunt. Her 'practicality' is useful. My phone rings. Just like my everyday morning routine, I set the alarm at 4:45 in the morning so that I can have ample time to prepare for my 6 am work at Quick and Grab Cafe. I don't have a hard time waking up this early since I'm already used to it. Today, I woke up before my alarm rings because I was worried if my uniform won't be dry and I'm too anxious about Erick's jacket that I haven't had enough sleep.  I go downstairs to take a quick bath. When I went out of the bathroom, I saw a shocking view. My aunt is cooking breakfast. What’s most surprising is, we have something to cook! I go back to my room, changed into a sweatpants and sweater. I folded my uniform properly so that it won’t get crumpled. I put it inside a purple paper bag. I’ll hang this in my locker when I got to work. After brushing my straight long hair, I carry my backpack and the paper bag to bring downstairs. Before I leave my room, I glanced at Erick’s jacket which I hang onto my closet’s handle, and sighed. I’ll deal with that later. Aunt Magenta cooked pancakes. I checked my watch and saw that it’s 5:20 in the morning. I still have time to eat. But instead of seating on the dining table with my aunt who is currently enjoying his breakfast, I get a tissue paper located beside the sink and grabbed two pancakes, “I gotta go!” I hurriedly say. I don’t want to eat with her and it seems like she’s okay with it. My aunt didn’t say anything but I’m already used to it. She doesn’t care about why do I need to grab some pancakes instead of eating them with her, she doesn’t care if I may be tired of working every day before going to school, she doesn’t care that I might be in trouble if I went home late because of duty hours in school, she doesn't care why I have a red checkered band-aid on my forehead, she doesn’t care about me at all. What’s funny about this is, I tend to complain a lot about how bad she treats me since she became my guardian but to be honest, it’s actually better this way. I don’t want to ask for their help because I don't want to be indebted and I want them to see that one day, I did it without them.  ******************* “Good morning Mr. Rodley!” He’s busy organizing the counter when I entered. Just a couple of minutes had passed when Rein came. “Hi, Sheina!” She taps Mr. Rodley’s back as a greeting. Mr. Rodley gave him a nod. She looks at me and asked, "What happened to your forehead?" I tell her about what happened during my shift and she just laughs. It surprised me that she knew Erick and Aivon. She told me that Erick is popular in our school, he studied in the US before he transferred to our school last year. When I think about it, Erick is a bit familiar to me, maybe I'm just too busy minding my studies and doing part-time works that I have no time thinking about who he was. And Aivon, even he's just a transfer student, effortlessly made his name well known. I really should thank that I have gossip friends like Rein and Angel. At least they feed me information about our schoolmates which I would never know without their help. We both went to the locker room and changed into our working uniform. After we dressed up, we went to our stations. It is exactly six am and we are now going to open the store. Some early-bird students went directly to our café and eat the breakfast that they missed at home. The crews, including me, became busy serving the customers. Time passed very fast and it is now nine forty-five am. Rein and me, both of our shift ends at ten. A loud sound of the wind chime that hangs just above the entrance door invaded the cafe when Angelica slammed it to welcome herself. I smirked at her 'scandalous' opening. I saw at my peripheral vision that Rein is laughing while Mr. Rodley's eyes are following Angelica's every step—thinking if this petite short-haired girl with a glass that looks innocent—who have an Angel as her nickname—was the one who slammed the door of his precious cafe. "Sheina!" She sweetly galloped towards me. "Can we do an advance order in this cafe? I'm just thinking if we may give it to the interviewees as compensation," she says, coping with my pace, while I'm walking towards Jason to give the order list of the newly arrived customers. So that's her reason why she went here this early? Knowing that our classes start at one in the afternoon. I mentally shook my head. This girl has a lot of time to spend leisurely, I envy her. "So what are you going to order? I can hand it down to Jason and I'll just pick it up after class." I winced when she put her right arm on my shoulder and jumped in excitement.  Why is this girl overreacting? We will just interview the team captains. If the reason why she's acting this way is because of that Carrdogant guy, then I might slap the S out of her so she would get back to her senses.  Seriously, what's so attractive about that guy? Fame? Status? Because definitely, it's not attitude! Yes, he's rich, that's already given. So what? Because you wouldn't even bother thinking about splitting the bills when you'll go out on a date? Ugh! lazy stupid B-to-the-chess girls would only fall for boys who have nothing to offer but money. And when it comes to looks, well... you can say that... uh, you know... his looks are... above average. Yep! That's it! Just above average. I won't highly praise someone that arrogant! "Hmm, just order them a drink and a snack. Pick your bestseller. Here," she handed me a couple of bills, "I'm the one who suggested it so I'm gonna pay for it!" She winked at me and waved goodbye. "See you after class, Sheina!" I sighed when she left. I stared for a second at the money she gave. Yeah right, she does not need to be sorry for spending her parents' money on the snacks. For them, this is just a small amount. Angelica is not me who needs to work just to earn funds. I can't easily let go of my hard-earned money, no matter how small, because every cent is important to me. I wrote the order that I picked in my notepad. The interview won't take that long and it is informal. I think a frappe and a bagel sandwich would do.  I walk towards Jason and handed him the notes. I told him that it is an advance order and I'm the one who will pick it up after classes. I went to the counter and gave the payment to Rein. After that, we both decided to end our shift since it's already ten. "Finally! Work is done!" She says as she unbuttoned her blouse and change into her school uniform. I did the same.  I have four classes today: Environmental Science, Media and Information Literacy, World History, and Creative Writing. These are my subjects on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Hmm not bad! I like my subjects on those days. Most of it is inclined into my interest. My dream is to be a writer of Movies and TV series, that is why I am very much interested in these kinds of subjects.  Yesterday, on the first day of class, I only attended the first period. I don't usually cut classes but it was different. I'm not in the right state of mind to attend Mathematics in Modern World and Computer and Technology subjects after what happened. It's better to went to my duty early instead of sitting in the classroom wherein I won't understand a thing. I guess yesterday was the last time I can go home early. My class starts at one and ends at five. I have two hours of duty after classes, and that makes my school hours end at seven. I sighed at the thought. "Come on Sheina, let's go." Our class starts at one but we went to the school early since we have nowhere to go. At the school's lobby, we saw the basketball team, including Erick and that arrogant guy. I bowed down my head and looked in the opposite direction, trusting my long hair to help me hide. I still don’t know what kind of excuse I’ll give to Erick. I just hope he won’t let me pay for it. I’m running out of funds and I can’t afford to pay for his expensive jacket! “Let’s grab a lunch at the cafeteria first and if there’s still time, we should go to the library, I badly want to sleep,” Rein says and walk first. She didn’t change a bit. Up until now, she’s still the sleepyhead I knew since 7th grade. “Alright, then. Let’s finish our lunch faster. Maybe I can do a one-hour duty there since I was assigned in the library every Tuesday and Thursday.” We both walk to the cafeteria, ate our lunch, and proceeded to the library. Rein slept at the corner where she can’t be seen by the CCTV. I went to the admin and asked if I can do a one-hour duty so that I can be at home an hour earlier later. She agreed. Although I won’t be home early because I will be doing an interview, it still helps. Time went fast and our class would start soon. I’ve already completed an hour of duty and Rei is still sleeping. I walk towards her and wake her up. She looked at me and I nearly burst into laughter when I saw her face. There are subtle red lines on her face. Probably from the book cover which has some parallel bump lines that she used as a pillow. “Don’t look at me like that. This will fade soon.” She says as we enter our classroom. We continue with our class schedule and on our 30 minutes break, I took a nap. I almost fell asleep on my World History subject because our prof just let us watched a documented film that I’m little-to-no-interest with. Don’t get me wrong. I love history, I’m just not a fan of watching documentaries from Youtube instead of having an actual discussion. That was my last subject for today. I bid goodbye to Rein and went straight to the library for my duty. Fortunately, I saw the team captain of the men and women’s volleyball team at the library. I think they are not there to study because they did nothing other than talking and holding each other’s hands. Since there are almost no students in the library for the reason that it is just the second day of class and usually at this hour, students are on their way home. I’ve already done arranging the used books on the shelves so I asked Ms. Antara if I can do my duty in the newspaper team to which she agreed. The two agreed to have an interview, it turns out that they are a couple. The interview went smoothly and I asked them if they can give me a minute to pick up the snacks that the team provided at Quick and Grab Café. “Oh, we are actually planning to go to Quick and Grab café to have our little date. Why not we go together and we will just claim it there?” says Bianca, the team captain of the women’s volleyball team as she clings her arm to her boyfriend, Ken. “Sure! That’s actually better!” Since my duty in the library was done, I come along with the couple. When we arrived at the café, I gave them their frappe and bagel sandwich. They make an additional order which I handed down to the other part-timer. I asked Jason for the other orders and he gave them to me. I texted Angel to meet me at the basketball court since that Carrdogant guy would be there. Carrying two strawberry frappes and two bagel sandwiches, I walk back inside the school. “Sheina!” Angel shouted when she saw me at the court’s entrance. “Let me carry that,” she says as she grabbed the paper bag on me. “I’m the one who’ll give it to Aivon!” She declared. “I interviewed the volleyball team during my duty hours in the library and I already documented it since I am thinking that you’re still in class.” “Okay, no probs!” Yeah, right, I knew it. She just takes the task of documentation for Aivon. We walk together to the players on the bench. Aivon is not hard to find since he always stands out in the crowd. He's sitting at the bench, using his phone while drying his hair with a small towel. Angel excitedly run towards him.  "Hi! I'm Angelica Perry, from the newspaper team. We are here to interview the team captain— which is you— for the sports section of the paper. I'm sure you are already aware of this since our team sent you an email yesterday. Mind if we can borrow a little of your time? Shall we start?" Angel asked without pausing. The excitement was very evident in her voice and I literally rolled my eyes. I stand behind her and let her do the talking. Aivon looked at him coldly, "I haven't replied to your team's email," he answered in a plainly uninterested voice and went back staring at his phone screen. Angel's lips curved downwards.  "Uhh, don't worry... we bought a frappe and a bagel to compensate—" "I'm not into sweets," he replied without even looking at Angelica and continue scrolling into his phone. "But this would only take five minutes or less!" Angelica said, continuously persuading him.  "Let him, Angelica. He is not interested. Let's just interview another player." I don't want to feel the second-hand embarrassment from Angel so I grabbed her hand and asked her to find someone who is willing to do the interview. "Hey there, snobbish girl! What you doin' here?" Erick comes out of the blue and puts his arm on my shoulder. I was a bit shocked and wasn't able to move. W to the H! What if he'll ask about his jacket?!  His hair is still wet and he smells good. He has a small towel that hangs on his shoulder. Since he's tall, when I looked up at him, I bend my neck a little upward. He looks back at me, smiling. One flash of light coming in front of us and we both look at Angel who holds a camera. "You look cute together!" She faced the camera on us while giggling. In the picture, we are both looking at each other while Erick is smiling with eyes glittering—probably from the angle of lighting. While my face looked speechless—eyes wide and lips parting a little. I was about to tell Angelica to delete the picture when Aivon suddenly talked, "I thought you went here for an interview? Let's start and I still have a lot of things to do," Aivon said. He stands up and walks towards us while both of his hands are on the pocket of his khaki shorts.  He's starring straight into my eyes with his usually cold stares. He stands up and positions himself in front of the camera. What's wrong with him? I thought he don't want to participate? "Oh, so you've changed your mind?" Angel asked enthusiastically. "I didn't say I won't do it." My eyebrow is once again, tempted to raise. It was obvious that he was not interested. "Alright!" Angel gave a single clap and fixed the angle of the camera to Aivon.  "You're here to interview? If I have known, I would volunteer," Erick said as I released from his arm. "You can join here, Erick. I assumed there are questions about last year's game. It would be better if you're here," Aivon says. "Dude, even you didn't mention it, I'll join. I want to be interviewed by this snobbish girl," he says with a lopsided grin and walked towards where Aivon is standing. I just ignored her side comments and proceeded with the interview. I asked about what kind of preparation are they doing for the upcoming game, how big is the chance that they would win again this year's tournament, and many sport-related questions. Angelica's eyes were busy looking at Aivon behind the camera. It was just too obvious because her eyes are twinkling.  Fortunately, the interview went smoothly. Angelica clapped her hands as a sign of a successful interview. I just smiled at her.  "Great job boys," she lends a hand to Erick and Aivon for a handshake, which is not necessary. If I know, she's just doing it to use as an excuse to touch Aivon's hand. "and here's your frappe and sandwich—" she was about to reach Aivon's hand when Mina Ferey went out of nowhere and slaps her hand.  With a scornful look, "Back off," Mina says. She raised an eyebrow at Angel and looks at her from head to toe. She rudely grabbed the frappe from Angel's hand. She drinks it while looking directly at Angel, mocking her. Angel just gave her a frown, which she ignored. "So, Aivon, are you free tonight?" Her voice escalated from deadly to sweet as she shifted her stares from Angel to Aivon. She hooks her hands at Aivon's left arm and advances towards him. Aivon didn't make a move nor shoo-ed her. I wonder if he likes it when girls desperately cling to him. Seriously? I've already made a disgusting face on my mind. "Ehem," Angel made a fake cough to caught Aivon's attention and to remind Mina that we're not done yet. "Boys, I need to take a picture of both of you for the school's newspaper... Mina, if you don't mind, can you move out of the frame... please?" She says with an obviously sarcastic tone. "You can take a picture of them while I'm here," she said as she moves closer to him. "It's actually an opportunity to let the school know that Aivon and I are something," Mina answered, stressing the last word, "and girls should stop flirting with him and start backing off," she added while glaring at Angel. "Tss," Angel hissed and grinned. "As if he's interested," she mumbled. "You were tailing him since when...? 8th grade? Or maybe even before that? But did he gave you even the tiniest bit of interest?" Angel's lopsided grin grew wider, "No, right?" "What did you just—" before she can pick a fight with Angel, Erick already meddled. "Woah girls, calm down," Erick says, but he's obviously enjoying the feud between the two! Aivon is just there, standing, deeply uninterested in what was going on in his surroundings. Mina's hands are still hanging on his. He didn't even bother removing it. I can't blame Mina for assuming that there's something going on between her and Aivon. He has no plans on clearing what's between them nor dumping her. He keeps on sending her mixed signals and she would assume that what she's doing is okay to him. Those boys are the real douchebags! Why play with someone's feelings if you can clear it to her right away and so she could stop announcing to others that the both of you are in a sort of mutual understanding relationship... to which would obviously make her look desperate in the eyes of others?! This makes me furious. I went towards Mina Ferey, grabbed her arms, and tossed her aside. I'm done watching her bitching about everything and fighting girls over an undeserving boy. "What the—" she says as she nearly tripped. Since she's still holding the frappe that was still almost full, some drips of the strawberry syrup, whip cream, and a strawberry smoothie spilled Mina's hand. "We need to finish the documentation. If you'll excuse us." I said without looking at her, not minding her grossed face from the spilled smoothie on her hand. I saw Angel pouted with a hint of contemptuousness on my peripheral vision. Erick laughed, while Aivon stared at me with a ghost of a smile... probably mocking me?  I don't care about what he thinks. I hate boys like him. Boys who let girls look desperate for them. It would only feed their ego, thinking that their existence matter which to be honest, they are not even relevant. I looked back to Mina which is now glaring at me. Just be thankful that I helped you out to not be labeled as a desperate girl who wanted to make public a relationship that everyone knew isn't true. I hate girls that stick into boys for validation of self-worth and risking their happiness for it. ------------- Tamed by You by: Joanne Cristel ©2021              
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