Chapter 3

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He was the one in the wrong yet he got the guts to give me that ‘I-don’t-care-who-you-are look?! Well, what would I expect from a guy who grew up sheltered and basically lives in a different world wherein people were ought to serve him? That Carrdogant (short for Carrdon the Arrogant) really thought he’s someone who cannot be under someone’s rule and command! Still, he’s at the school! He can’t act the way he wants because students are just students, and no one is above over the other. I was ranting inside my head about that Carrdogant guy when I felt a splash of water all over my uniform. What the H?! I looked upon whoever did this and saw a car that stops meters away from me. I am now ready to raise my right eyebrow at the highest part of my forehead when a guy wearing a headband on his head gets out of the car. Erick Trevon?  He walks towards me with evident humor plastered on his face. How dare this guy make fun of my situation?! Before I can even give him a long speech about how terrible he is to laugh while I am standing in front of him—soaked with dirty water from a pit hole—he suddenly apologized and handed me a handkerchief.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t see that there’s a pit hole in there.” He says as his hand is still in the air since I haven’t accepted his handkerchief. “Did you find this entertaining?” I sarcastically asked while trying to shake off some dirt that may stain my uniform.  I looked into him and… Does this guy have a natural smiling face? I think his muscles in his face don’t know to move in a frowning position. “I’m genuinely sorry, miss. I didn’t intend to do it,” I sighed. “Fine, just be careful next time.” I will let it pass today since he looks truly sorry plus, he gave me a bandaid earlier when I was hit with a ball by his teammate. He seems nice… unlike the Carrdon guy.  “How about I’ll drive you home…? Just for compensation,” he offered.  “No thanks. I don’t even know you. Why would you think I’ll hop on in your car?”  I thought he would complain about how rude I was but, he just lightheartedly laughed, “Okay, I got it. Just tell me how I can make it up to you.”  Well… aside from the stain in my white blouse which I am certain that I would have a hard time cleaning it off, I guess I’m already okay and I don’t need any compensation for this.  “You’ve already apologized. Thank you but I’m okay now.” I smiled to show that what happened was already settled. “Seriously… I’m fine,” I added when I saw that he’s not satisfied with my answer. “Alright, just hold on a second.” Before I can even answer, he walks back to his car, pulled out a black jacket, and handed it over to me. I was hesitant to accept it at first but, based on his personality he had shown, he won’t stop until I get it.   “Thanks. I’ll give it back to you.” I said as I hung the jacket on my left arm.  “No problem!” He winked at me and did a three-step backward while bidding his goodbye. He honked his dark blue Chevrolet Camaro car as he leaves.   I should not be surprised how an eighteen-year-old boy drives nearly $27 000 worth of car because according to Ynna, whom I would describe as Erick Trevon’s number one fan, his family owns a five-star hotel named OCA Hotel or “Oro de Clase Alta Hotel”. I sighed and raised the jacket in front of me with both hands. It has a brand name that I am not familiar with which is located at the nape part of the jacket. Is this the brand name or just the details of the fabric? I guess this one is from a top expensive brand or maybe a designer cloth! I honestly don’t know if I’ll use this or just continuously hung this on my arm. But since he’s the one who handed this to me, then fine! Let’s just have to make use of it. I removed my backpack, wore the jacket, and the backpack again. From his built, the jacket was obviously larger than my supposed cloth size. But I can say that this is better since it covered my wet clothes underneath.   Outside of our apartment, I saw an orange pickup truck. I know that its owner is not from this apartment. Not to judge but all who live in this building barely have the extra cash that can buy a new pickup truck. Some are even having a hard time paying rent—like us. I wonder if Mrs. Dehli would let us delay our payment again or we need to find a spot on the streets where we can sleep tonight. I wasn’t able to ask for an advance salary from Mr. Rodley and both of my parents declined my request. I mean, my aunt’s request. I’m just the one who did the talking. I lazily walked into our apartment and even I have my key, I knocked at our door as a sign of respect.   When I opened the door, I saw my aunt with a guy in his 30s (I think), sitting on our sofa. The guy was leaning forward at my aunt and her hands are at his shoulders. More like they were doing some adult stuff until I barged in. Oh, scratch that, I didn’t barge because I knocked!  They both stand as nothing happened and act as if what they did was not big of a deal since they are grown-up adults and it does not matter if a 17-year-old girl saw them because that was “natural”. And maybe they think it is something I would do in the near future or they think I am old enough to know about "it".  Argh! Just the thought of it disgust me! Just so they know, we are living in the Philippines... a very "conservative country", but one with the highest rate of teenage pregnancy. Yea, ironic, isn't it? I am not used to seeing underage teens doing things that a minor shouldn't be doing.  Instead of awkwardly standing in front of them, I walked towards my room, and just like them, I act as if what I saw was not a big deal. But seriously speaking, it was really not a big deal, I just saw the guy which I have never seen in my entire life leaning towards my aunt—it’s not that I caught them kissing! Although, I’m pretty sure that was the scenario before I entered our apartment.  "I'll call you... Sure, I'll wait." I heard their subtle small conversation while walking upstairs towards my bedroom. I removed the thought of them in my head. I undressed Erick’s jacket and tossed it on my bed. I checked my white blouse in front of the mirror to see if there’s any dirt. I sighed when I saw some stain on the lower part of my blouse. I undressed my uniform and quickly change my clothes since I can already feel the cold due to its wetness. One last check in the mirror and I noticed a small scratch on my forehead. I suddenly remembered the band-aid that Erick gave me. I searched it on my skirt's uniform that I tossed on my bed. When I pulled it out of my skirt's pocket, it's already crumpled. But, I think it is still useful. After all, it is covered in a smooth paper-like wrapper and I bet, the band-aid itself isn't damaged. I tore the upper part of the wrapper and put the red-checkered band-aid on the scratch on my forehead. The band-aid is kinda cute and looks expensive. Unlike the plain band-aid that I always bought since I often had a paper cut when I'm still working at a paper company last year. Before going downstairs, I tied my hair into a messy bun with a ponytail that I always wear on my wrist. I brought my uniform and Erick’s jacket downstairs to do laundry. I went to the bathroom to get a basin and put it in the sink. I tossed all the clothes that I’m carrying and switch on the faucet. I grab a laundry powder from the cabinet and put a scoop of it in the basin. I started doing the laundry. This is very unfortunate because the last time we had a washing machine was when my parents are still together. My aunt Magenta doesn’t bother to buy one because she said, 'You can do it manually and washing machines will just increase our electricity bill.'  Not that I want my parents to go back together just to have a washing machine. I am just worried that my uniform won’t be dry until tomorrow because I only got one pair of them. Plus, the weather's gloomy. Maybe the reason why there was stored dirty water in the street's pit hole.  I mean, I have an extra two pairs but that was my uniform from 7th grade. I only bought a new pair this year since it doesn’t fit me anymore.  As I was doing my laundry, my phone rang. I got up and reach for my phone on the top of the cabinet. It’s Angelica, my co-writer in the school’s newspaper. Oh crap! I forgot that she mentioned that there will be an org's meeting. After my duty, I went straight here to our house and I completely forgot it. W to the H!  I answered the phone, “Sheina! The meeting’s over and you didn’t attend without telling us! Where have you been?”  “I’m sorry, I forgot about the meeting. I’ll talk to our leader tomorrow about it, but can you give me the summary of what was being discussed in the meeting?” I pressed my phone between my left ear and my left shoulder so that I can continue doing my laundry. “Fine!” Even I can’t see her, I can say that she rolled her eyes after saying that. “Well, we’ve already distributed the task, and you were assigned at the sports section. I am the one assigned for documentary and photography, so might as well call me when you were going to interview the team captain of each sport. By the way, we will only cover three out of six sports in our school: Basketball, Volleyball, and Swimming.” "And why is that? Isn't it a bit biased?" I'm just wondering why we won't cover all the sports in school. Even that would benefit me because my job will be lessened, I still don't agree with it. "Well, because our school is the champion in those sports categories last school year. If the other sports wanted to be featured in our school's newspaper, then they should do better this year." Angelica is sometimes contemptuous but, that is what I like about her. Although it may sound rude to others. She never fakes her feelings, she just freely expresses herself.  Covering only the three sports and fully neglecting the others is kinda unfair. Not because they didn't win, the school has the right to disregard their efforts and not recognize their hardships. Only then I realized, that it is not just the school that does this. The world was always been unfair. From the exploitation of laborers which benefits only the ruthless capitalists; the physically and mentally disabled, and old people which were isolated from the pool of workers; women being oppressed for the inability to freely express themselves because of the standards laid by the society; poor people being easily disrespected and unjustly treated; and many more. The world was never been fair because, in the first place, it was not designed to be. I don't understand why He positioned people at the same race track with the different starting lines.  This is the reality, people would only treat you good only if they can use you for their own betterment. Few would treat you better if you offer nothing. Because the rarest thing on earth is genuineness. A genuine act of rooting for someone else to do better, a genuine love for someone without expecting in return, and many other acts of genuineness.  I sometimes wonder if people act kind just to not be labeled as otherwise, and if people only believe in God because they are afraid of the concept of heaven and hell... that if they didn't believe in Him, they will be a subject for punishment.  "Hey, you still there?" I went back to my senses when I heard Angelica's voice over the phone. Ugh! My mind flew out of its place again. "Alright! I'll prepare the questions tonight," I say while scrubbing back my clothes in a Z motion.  "Okay then! Bye-bye, my Sheina! Don't forget to give me a heads up before interviewing the team captain of each team okay?" I was about to agree until what she said sunk in my head, my eyes went wider.  "Wait! What? Why does it have to be the team captain?" I almost drop my phone that was having a hard time clinging in between my ear and shoulder. The H with it? If I'm not mistaken, Ynna said that the Carrdogant guy is the new team captain of the basketball team even he is just a transfer student. Wait... he's a transferee! I think I can negotiate this out with Angelica! "Why? Do you want to interview all of the players?" She sarcastically asked. "Of course, it would be better if we will interview the team captains! That was also the suggestion of our leader." "I heard that the basketball's team captain is a transferee student,  we might as well find another player for the interview. It would be better if the one we interview is also a player last year," I explained. "You mean, Aivon? Aivon Carrdon. Yeah, I knew him. His family is friends with my family. I always see him at social gatherings but we don't talk that much. He's kind of distant." I should not be surprised if he knew Aivon. His family and her family are both of the same social statuses, of course, she's familiar to him. "That is why we need to find another interviewee, I don't want to work with someone that cold!" I argued. "Why do you think I volunteered to do the documentation?" She asked in a rhetorical way. "I don't want to have a headache for constructing questions, but I do like to go near him, and... this is the best option I can get!" I heard her giggle on the other line. "Plus, I can take a picture of him!" W to the H! I can imagine her dreamy face right now! Ugh! I guess I don't have a choice but to interview that Carrdogant guy. I know that Angelica would literally spend the whole night talking and persuading me about this. Might as well end it now. "Fine! I'll just message you the day of the interview and the other details," I say as a sign of defeat. I rolled my eyes when I heard her uttered 'yes' on the other line. "Alright, I need to hang up now, one of our subjects dropped an assignment on the first day of class. Can you imagine how cruel was that? Ugh!" Before I can even answer her dramatic sentiments, she already hangs up. 'Knock knock knock' I heard a knock from the front door but I ignored it since aunt Magenta is in the sala and I know that she will open it.  "What is it again Dehli? I've already paid you and we are already clear of debts. What brought you here?" Asked by my aunt which the annoyance was evident in her voice. "Magenta, I just want to inform you that we will be increasing the rent starting next month." I heard Mrs. Dehli answered. "Oh for the love of God, we barely managed to pay the rent on its original rate, and now you want to increase it? Do you really want to see us sleep on the streets?!" My aunt hysterically said.  "I'm sorry but I have no choice. I need to keep up with the interest rates on mortgage payments." I can sense the genuineness of Mrs. Dehli's voice. I knew her for years and my aunt and I live here ever since my parents got divorced, Mrs. Dehli won't unjustly increase the payment rate for the sake of greediness. Because if she is, she would have kicked us out when we weren't able to pay the rent for the good five months! Given that there are a lot of tenants willing to take our place. This apartment has a good location and is very accessible since it is near the market, school, and the town. Even I am not happy about that news, I meddled before my aunt says inappropriate things to her. I went to the sala and peek on the front door where Mrs. Dehli is standing, "We got it, Mrs. Dehli. Thank you for informing us beforehand," I smiled. She smiled back at me, "Thank you for the understanding, Sheina." She didn't even bother to look at my aunt before she left. My aunt closed the door by slamming it. "The audacity of that old woman to increase the rates that would definitely leave us in debt?!" She turned to me, "And you? You didn't even bother complaining and gradually accepted her terms?! As if you're the one who's paying our debt?!" She shouted while pointing her finger at me. Her big circled gold earings are swaying on both of her ears and honestly, I am the one being afraid that it might tear her ears! The earrings looked heavy because of the extra replica stones glued on them. "How did you managed to pay the rent?" I asked, diverting the topic, and since I have no idea where she got that money. Even she works as a server at the bar, I am aware that her monthly paycheck is not enough to clear our debt. Unless she asked her boss to give her an advance salary which I highly doubt. Because the last time she asked for an advance to pay for the bag she bought with a loan, her boss nearly fired her. I overheard their conversation over the phone and our apartment's not that big for me not to hear it, especially that both of us are seating in the dining area at that time, literally three feet away from each other.  "I asked for an advance to my boss," she says. I raised an eyebrow, turned my back on her, and went back to the bathroom to finish my laundry. I didn't bother to interrogate her because I knew she won't tell me the truth. Okay, Sheina! Back to the track! Let's finish this laundry and we have some things to do later on! After I finish scrubbing, I rinse it with water and when I am already satisfied, I squeezed the water out. I put the newly washed clothes in the basin and went out of the bathroom.  I went to the small terrace of our apartment to let my clothes dry. Although I'm not sure if these would be dry until morning. Given that the sun is on the verge of stepping out since it's already 6 pm. I put a hanger on the clothes and hangs them on a horizontal stainless steel bar drying rack. Since the sun is insufficient to dry my clothes, I'll leave them out to the wind. I sprayed some fabric softener so it won't smell bad.  I stopped spraying some fabric at Erick's jacket when I got curious about its clothing brand. I check the name and I realized that it's not the brand's name, just instruction, and some details. There's a longer paper attached at the back of the clothing label. I think the writing is in French? I'm not sure about it but the writings are definitely foreign. My eyes went wider and with an instinct, I gasped and motioned my right hand to cover my mouth. At the lower part, it says, "DRY CLEANING ONLY" in English and all in an uppercase letter! "Argh!" I screamed in a subtle way because of frustration. How will I explain this to him? I can't think of any excuses! Bad luck indeed!  ----------- Tamed by You by: Joanne Cristel ©2021                                             
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