'Are you sure Piper will be cool? The last thing Autumn needs is more drama' Jackson sarcastically sniggered to himself when he read Dalton's text. “'Cha, none of us do," he mumbled. He glided his fingers across the screen. 'It'll be fine. See you tomorrow' Sent. Jackson tossed his phone onto his desk and leaned lethargically back into his chair. Piper was just going to have to get over it. She was out-voted 3-1 anyway and she knew it. Jackson knew that was the only reason she even agreed to hanging out with Autumn. She didn't want to come off as a victim and that worked to his advantage. He wanted to see Autumn as much as the others. She was his first love and, well, first in everything essentially. Piper hated that. Sure, Jackson had thought about her over the last years, but