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"Are we .... going...somewhere?" Yarrow questioned Sacchi who was driving from past an hour. She looked uncomfortable watching the road in front of her. First, she thought she was right but just in half an hour, she felt as if she was the bad person. She stopped the car and took few deep breaths. Why she was feeling as if she was doing wrong. "Sacchi..." Yarrow called her. "Are you angry.... because I bit you?" He questioned her trying to form sentences while Sacchi looked at him rather surprised. She nearly forgot that the man marked her. "No, no, I am not.... I just.." She paused looking at his face where she could not find anything she wanted to find. "Can I tell you something?" She asked him who nodded slowly. "I had a fiance. He died and I was very happy...... because I thought....he did something wrong with me but it was not his fault. What should I do? I don't want to hurt him but this is the only way I can take my revenge." She looked up who blinked slowly while Sacchi knew he had no idea what she was saying. Before she could say anything, her phone again start ringing. She knew it was Lizzy on the other side who was calling her from morning trying to stop Sacchi from doing anything stupid. Sacchi picked the call. "Sacchi, where the hell are you? Please, don't do anything stupid. Don't hurt Yarrow in any way. He is innocent, he does not know anything." Sacchi chuckled softly. "Where are you taking him? Don't turn the situation into bigger miss. He will get the memories of his family one day. Don't rob him of what he is. He already spent three years in that jungle like an animal. Alone and confused...." Lizzy kept speaking trying to make Sacchi change her mind. She felt scared for Yarrow who had nothing to do in this matter. It was not him who hurt Sacchi air her family but he was the one who was going to suffer in the deadly game of revenge. "Do not worry. I won't hurt him. I am coming back." She told Lizzy who was relieved to hear that. "Don't lie to me." "I am not lying. I know I was wrong but I am not going to hurt him. Not now when he doesn't know who I am." She chuckled as Lizzy clicked her tongue in disappointment. "Do as you want but don't come back yet. This Daniel, he is a dog indeed. He even went to your workplace. Thank god, I already got rid of the footage or else he would find Yarrow easily." Sacchi pressed her lips together as she thought about something. "I will meet you in the cottage." "I will be there tomorrow." Lizzy added. "Let's meet first and then we can decide what to do with him." She told Lizzy about their secret place and cut the call. She started the car and drove towards the cottage that was outside the city. "Yarrow, do you remember anything about your family." "Huh?" He was confused while Sacchi felt bad for him. He lived like an animal in the wildland with no memories of who he was. He forgot how to speak and only survived on his animal instinct. She wasn't sure if he knew how to shift as there was no one who could teach him how to be a werewolf. "How did you find me?" She asked him who slowly moved his hand and grabbed her arm. He gently took her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. Bringing his nose to her hand, he sniffed slowly. "You smell so sweet pure." "Is it because I am your mate?" He ignored what she said and knitted his brows. "Your smell was delicious..... and I followed it......Those men......I killed them because they wanted to No one can hurt you." He told her and there was something in his tone making Sacchi stare at his face rather dumbfounded. "Then why did you mark me? You know it's hurts, right." She joked and Yarrow pouted. "I did not want to hurt you but I hade to do it. It was all because of Lizzy." "What? Why her." "She kept telling you to..... leave me. But you can't leave me now." He looked proud of what he did and Sacchi could not help but laugh at him. "Do you know you are actually a prince? Once you went back to your palace, you will forget about me." "I will never leave you." He minded her words and Sacchi giggled softly. "You will find a lot of women and you won't even think about it." She again added and this time Yarrow frowned angrily. "Only you are my mate." "Yeah, yeah, you men says this but then you cheat as soon as you get the chance." She teased him who looked angry at her who was believing him. He wanted to say something when suddenly the hair on his neck stood up. He became alert as he saw a dog in the middle of the road while Sacchi tried to save the dog and in doing so the car became uncontrollable. Sacchi felt the car rolling but her body was covered by Yarrow's body. Her head hit the metal frame and she became dizzy. As she gain consciousness, she found Yarrow hugging her while blood dripped down his face onto her. "Yarrow, yarrow,...." She called him who was unconscious. He was holding her in his arms in such way that his body took all the impact. "Please, please, don't leave me. Open your eyes, look at me." She cried as she lifted her hand and touched his b****y face. Her hand was trembling uncontrollably feeling the worse. She could not move and all she could do was pray for someone to find them in time. Slowly, her mind was covering in darkness. .....
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