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Sacchi opened her eyes and blinked few times to adjust with the surroundings. She felt her body numb and aching everywhere. Feeling the dull pain in her neck, she tried to touch her neck but found her arm held tightly. She lifted her head and found Yarrow hugging her arm looking dejected like a lost puppy. "Sacchi, thank God you woke up. I was going to call a doctor if you haven't woken in ten minutes." She looked up and found Lizzy holding her phone which she put to the side and quickly filled a glass with water. Sacchi freed her arm from Yarrow and held the glass from Lizzy. As she finished the water, she remembered what happened with her. She remembered how Yarrow called her his mate and how he tried to mark her in anger because she wanted him to leave. "You..." She nearly growled at the man who looked worried for her as she hissed in pain. "May be it's not a good time to yell at each other." Lizzy tried to calm her who touched her neck and felt the mark under her finger tips. She suddenly became scared. "Did he...did he..?" Sacchi was even scared to say those words while Yarrow held her hand and gave a squeeze. "I am... sorry." He looked shamed of what he did. Sacchi wanted to say something while Lizzy raised her hand and made her stop. "It's all your fault. I told you to let him go but you wanted to keep him here. You are his mate, why would he leave you. Moreover, you are in this mess because of every wrong decision you took. Now, forget about everything. Let's find a way to solve everything. Danial is coming tomorrow. He is going to find Yarrow at any cost." Sacchi watched Lizzy while Yarrow did not paid attention to what Lizzy was saying. He was massaging Sacchi's hand still worried for her. Now that the mate bond was formed between the two, he was more protective of her. "Let me go you creep." Sacchi pushed him away and Lizzy scoffed. "I am leaving now. Stay hidden and don't leave the apartment for few days. If you went out, someone will pick his scent on you." Lizzy advised her and left the apartment while Sacchi did not know what to do. She decided to go back to sleep and to find a solution tomorrow. As she laid on the bed, Yarrow got on the end and laid next to her watching her silently afraid to touch her. Sacchi turned her head to look at him. "Why you came here?" Yarrow licked his lips. "Mate." "I hate you so much. I always hated you. Do you even know who I am? Did you know what our relationship was? No, you don't. Why I have to be your mate? I can't forgive you and your family for what they did to me. You people took my childhood from me. All those years, I .... wished for your destruction. Why.....Why have to come now?" She questioned him confused why her destiny took this turn. Why she can't hate him anymore? Yarrow watched her silently before he reached to her and took her in his embrace. He could not understand why she was crying. "Does it....hurt?" He asked her who wiped her tears knowing he would not understand anyone. "Yes, it does." She told him who leaned and kissed the mark. "Sorry...." He spoke against the mark. "Can you kiss me? I wanted to see something." She asked him who blinked staring at her face while Sacchi inhaled deeply knowing he m does not know what she was asking for. She moved himer face and gently put her lips against his who slowly blinked feeling her lips. Suddenly Yarrow moved as he got on top of her repeating the same what she did to him. He took the lead as he kissed her passionately. He liked what she kissed him on lips. He felt sparks erupting as she touched him. The newly formed mate bond made him go crazy for his mate. He wanted to protect her and leave his scent on her so everyone knew she belonged to him. Sacchi put her hands on his chest trying to push his away. "Yarrow, stop." She shouted and instantly Yarrow stopped. His movements were not aggressive anymore but he looked like a dog waiting for the next order. "Just sleep." She told him who nodded and laid down holding her in his embrace. Soon, Sacchi fell asleep in his embrace. The next day, when she work up, she found Yarrow still sleeping which was unusual. At the same time, she received a message from Lizzy. "Do not leave the apartment for few days. Danial has arrived and I am afraid he will find the truth soon." Sacchi stared at the screen dumbfouded before sending a quick message to work telling she had to leave city for few days due to some emergency. Suddenly, she received the call from Lizzy. "Where is Yarrow?" Lizzy asked without any formalities. "Is everything okay?" Sacchi asked her who was speaking in low tone. "This man is dangerous. He is already digging all the information around the city. Sacchi, let's reveal the truth behind him. You need to to get rid of Yarrow." Lizzy advised her while Sacchi pressed her lips together. A mysterious smile appeared on her lips. "I have decided something." "What?" "I am not letting them find about Yarrow. They will never find him." "Sacchi, don't do anything stupid." Lizzy's voice trembled on the other side while Sacchi chuckled. "He is my mate. Don't you think this is what destiny wants? They will never find their prince and I will make sure of it." "Sacchi, don't .." Lizzy tried to warn her but Sacchi cut the call seeing Yarrow coming out of the room. He looked like a kid who got lost in a crowd. "I won't let him go back." She thought selfishly. .......
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