Chapter 8- The Zodiacs

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Kara's POV     Pain. It's all I can feel. All that I know. It's engulfing and suffocating as it brings me closer to consciousness and then pulling me under. Again and again, over and over. For how long? I have no clue. It feels like days or months when in reality it might only be a few hours. I have no way of knowing. I can't move. My body isn't listening to what my brain is telling it to do. I can't speak. I silently scream in my head, hoping someone can end my misery. I can't see. My eyes feel glued together by some magical force. The only thing I can do is hear, sometimes.      I hear voices whispering to each other so quietly I can't make out who it is. I try to remember what happened. I remember walking home as it began to storm and then nothing, it all goes black. So, I have no idea where I am, who these people are, or why I'm in this state. All I know is how the burning pain sears through me, setting my blood and nerves on fire.      The voices seem to get a little louder each time I hear them. Maybe they're getting closer. I try to focus my energy on listening to each word, but I still can't make anything out. This cycle is put on repeat for awhile. I come to, then I feel the pain. I push the pain aside and focus on listening to them. Just as I start to feel like I understand what they say, the dark abyss pulls me back under. I let this cycle play itself out, hoping I'll find a way out of it. Eventually, I do.     "Kara" I hear a voice call out to me. It sounds sad, almost broken. I want to reach out and tell them I'm okay, but I can't. All I can do is listen. "Kara, I need you to wake up. I can't stand seeing you like this. Open those gorgeous eyes for me, my love. Please-" The voice cracks, silencing the owner of the sweet words. Who calls me their love? I'm not anyone's love. I never have been, so who would be calling me this? I try as hard as I can to open my eyes, but they won't respond. I feel a large, calloused hand wrap around one of mine as something feather-light brushes against the back. Wait, I can feel! I feel something other than pain! This is a new development. I feel myself getting just a tiny bit stronger. The hand rubs soothing circles into mine, leaving a warmth in its presence. My mind relaxes, allowing the darkness to come back, peacefully this time.                                                                                                      ...     The burning dulls itself to a constant throb and I finally find my way back, just below the surface. My eyes are still heavy, but I force them open, slowly. My vision is blurry so I let my eyes adjust to the dim lighting surrounding me. I'm in some sort of bedroom, that much is clear. The bed underneath me is big and soft. It's covered with cream colored sheets and a forest green comforter. The bedframe is a four-poster frame in mahogany wood. Across from me is a matching mahogany dresser with a gigantic tv. As I look to my left there are two doors. One is held wide open, the light shining through showing me a marble-tiled bathroom. The other, I assume, is the closet. As I look to my right, I see a sturdy mahogany wooden desk with papers scattered around. Behind the desk sits a comfy looking office chair, while the other side sits a cream and green pinstriped arm chair. Its matching counterpart sits next to the bed. All four walls are painted to match the forest green themed room.      I attempt to sit up, but my arms buckle underneath me, forcing me back to the laying position I was in. My muscles ache from not using them in a while. I slowly stretch them out, trying to pour a little life into them. Once I do, I try my second attempt. I'm successful. I try to move my leg, but that causes the pain to flair up and I moan in response. Before I manage to make it any further, the door across from the desk opens.      "Kara! You're awake!" I hear a deep masculine voice say. As he walks closer, I realize it's Daniel. I try to speak, but only raspy sounds come out as my throat is dry and scratchy. "Hold on, let me grab you some water." He says as he makes his way to the bathroom. A minute later he returns with a cup and a straw. He holds the straw to my lips and I gulp the refreshing liquid down greedily, letting the coolness soothe the ache in my throat. I don't stop drinking until I drain the cup of its contents. "Would you like some more?" Daniel asks. I shake my head no. Daniel sets the cup down on the desk and then comes to sit in the armchair next to the bed.     "Where am I?" I ask in a small voice.      "I brought you back to my house after I found you at the gas station. Do you remember what happened?" He asks. I try to recall the events that led me here, but I only get bits and pieces.      "I remember it starting to storm on my walk back to my apartment. Then these three guys appeared out of nowhere. They had long black capes with hoods over their heads. They had these black balls of smoke in their hands so I tried running away. I avoided the first two, but the third one hit my leg. I couldn't get up so I just closed my eyes and waited for the end. When I didn't feel like I had died, I opened my eyes and was two blocks from the gas station. I stumbled my way there but I was getting so weak and my legs gave out. I started to pass out then I tried to get someone's attention, but I don't remember anything else." I finish in a hasty manner, not wanting to relive that moment quite so soon. "D-did you find me? W-was that you?" I ask shakily.      "Yes, I did. I found you slumped over. I didn't know it was you at first. You had cuts and scrapes all over your face and arms. And you were so pale. I saw your leg and rushed you here. My dad fixed you up, but it took awhile for you to heal. I'm so sorry. I couldn't do anything to help you." He says, looking so helpless. I take a moment to look him over. His hair is standing up all over the place, looking like his hands were constantly being run through it. His stubble looks much longer than the last time I saw him. He has dark bags surrounding his eyes and his clothes are a wrinkled mess. I notice a blanket laying on the back of the armchair he's sitting on. Did he sleep on that?      "Daniel, how long was I out?" I ask, completely unsure of the answer.     "Five days" He answers.      "Five days! I've been here for five days? Why didn't you take me to a hospital? Does Katie know where I've been? Does she know what happened to me? What did happen to me? Who were those guys? What the hell were those black orb things? Why do I heal superfast? Why didn't I heal my own leg? Why are my eyes so different? Why have you been waiting for my eyes? What does that mean? And where were you the last week?" I angrily yell all my questions at him. The never ending questions that had been driving me crazy all last week combined with the new questions I have about the last six days came pouring out. The dam inside me broke as fat ugly tears began to roll down my cheeks. Daniel tries to reach for my hands to try to comfort me but I yank them away, not wanting the comfort before I have my answers.      "Kara, please let me hold you. This has been killing me all week. I promise I will answer all of your questions, but right now I need to hold you. Can I please do that?" He begs me. I can see in his eyes that my tears are hurting him just as much as they hurt me. For some reason, this makes me feel guilty, knowing I am the reason he is hurting. I sniffle and nod my head. He stands up next to me and grabs my hands in his. I instinctively rest my head on his tough stomach. He responds by putting one arm around my shoulders, pulling me in tighter, and the other cradling my head and stroking my hair. The warmth of the jolt spreads through me, making the second dam fall as I burst into tears once more. We sit like this for awhile, neither of us saying anything. He lets me stain his shirt with my tears and snot and I let him hold me. We finally pull apart after I have no more tears to cry.      "Kara, I'm going to try to explain everything to you and answer all your questions, but I need you to let me finish first. It's a lot of information and a lot to digest so if you need a break or you need me to stop just say the word and I will. Okay?" I nod tentatively. "Alright, I'm going to start at the very beginning so be patient with me." He pauses before giving his explanation.      "Many millennia ago, all the planets lived in harmony. Yes, I mean planets as in plural. There are many galaxies in the universe. Each galaxy has at least one planet which inhabits beings of a higher intellect. On Earth, humans refer to them as aliens, however, that term actually means a foreign person, not the little green guys that fly spaceships. So, at one point, everyone lived in peace." He pauses to make sure I'm keeping up with him. I give him a slight nod to tell him to continue.      "Every planet has a different form of higher species. On Earth, it's the humans who rule it. For example, the beings of Hoag's Galaxy do not have the ability to talk, however, they communicate with their minds. Each species might have a different way of life, similar to different countries here on Earth. One particular planet, Dhedrahalla from the Black Eye Galaxy, ended the peace amongst the galaxies. Their planet was not suitable for their way of life and eventually died. They were forced to leave their home in search of another. The closest galaxy was Coma Berenices who opened their arms and their planet to the Dhedra, the beings from Dhedrahalla. The Dhedra were known as the dark ones. They flourished in the dark and their energy was that of which was born from darkness. The Berens were a light planet. They lived in the light, having very little darkness on their planet at all. For a time, the Dhedra were peaceful towards the Berens, but that soon changed. The leaders of the Dhedra sought to take over the planet, making it their new home. They eventually succeeded, but they did not stop there. They systematically took over galaxy after galaxy. After the eighth galaxy fell at their hands, the leaders of the remaining galaxies met, forming the counsel. They tried to come up with a way to stop the Dhedra who were growing stronger with each victory. The counsel sought out power from twelve constellations. They had six of their strongest men and six of their strongest women. Each one of them was given power from a single constellation. The twelve constellations in which the power was taken from are known as the zodiac constellations, hence, the beings were known as the zodiacs.  These zodiacs grew in immense power, each with their own gifts. The counsel had high hopes that this would be enough to put a stop to the Dhedra. As the zodiacs began to learn and wield their power, they became unstable. They had too much power and it was corrupting them. But the Dhedra were relentless and the counsel used them in an attempt to stop the next invasion. The zodiacs were too far gone by the time the battle happened and all were killed by the powers they tried to use." Daniel pauses to take a breath.      "So what happened? If the zodiacs failed, how did the counsel find a way to stop the Dhedra?" I ask, way too interested. Something about this story calls to me. If I look at it logically, I should be laughing in Daniel's face. Something in my heart is telling me all this is true. Daniel chuckles at me before continuing with the story.     "I'll get to that in a second. I'm just making sure I haven't lost you yet or that you don't want to run for the hills."      "As if I'd get very far" I say as I roll my eyes at him. "Go on, I'm listening." He smirks at me, revealing his singular dimple.      "The counsel waited a generation for the next strongest twelve. Time moves differently in the different galaxies and it takes the Dhedra a considerable amount of time before they completely take over a planet. Their strategy may be time consuming but it's lethally effective. When the next twelve strongest men and women were found, the counsel repeated the process only this time, they put half the power into each being. Again they failed. It took them many generations before they figured out what they had to do. Instead of finding the twelve strongest men and women, they had to look for twelve beings who could harness these powers. They found twelve beings who were compatible with a power. Even then, they were only given a small amount. They went about and lived their lives, producing the next generation. As this generation came of age, they were bestowed with a little bit more power. Several generations repeated this cycle, allowing each generation to be born with it already inside of them, and added just a little more when they came of age to make them stronger. The counsel reconvened when they decided the next generation would be the ones to fight against the Dhedra. They found the next galaxy to be invaded and sent the zodiacs there. That galaxy is the Milky Way and their next target is Earth." Daniel pauses again, giving me a minute to process all of this.     "It's a lot, I'm not going to lie, but it's an incredible story. I'm just not sure how all of this plays into what's happened the past few weeks." I say skeptically. Daniel raises his hands in defense and nods his head.     "I'm getting to that part, just hang in there a little bit longer and then you can ask me all the questions you want." I take a breath and re-center myself, focusing on every word he says. I nod for him to continue.      "Since the counsel knew the Dhedra would invade Earth within at least two generations, they sent the zodiacs here. They were suppose to live amongst the humans, fall in love and prepare for the final generation. So, that's exactly what they did. The final zodiacs were to be half human, half zodiac, leaving them dormant for most of their lives. Their zodiac parent was suppose to be their guardian. They were charged with waiting until the age of sixteen before beginning the teachings. At twenty-one, the zodiacs would be bestowed with their final dose of power, allowing them to safely hold all the power the constellation could safely give. Each zodiac was born under the sun of their constellation. For example, the Gemini zodiac would be born late May or early June. Pisces would be born late February early March. Aquarius would be born late January o-"     "Or early February" I interrupt him with a whisper. He can't be saying what I think he's saying. This is just some story, right? I look into his eyes, trying to find any evidence that he's lying or messing around. All of this can't be true, it just can't. My parents never said anything to me. They had two weeks before they died to tell me something, anything, but they didn't. It can't be true. But Daniel's eyes have never been clearer. I can see right into them, like I'm looking into his soul. All I see is honesty and relief. "So, let me get this straight. You think I'm one of the zodiacs?" I ask and he answers with a simple nod. "Does that me you're one too?" He, again, answers with a nod. I sit there stunned. My brain can't wrap around this. I just don't understand. The room starts spinning as my breathing becomes more erratic. It feels like I can't catch my breath. Am I having another panic attack? Small black dots begin to cloud my vision as Daniel hands me a paper bag, which he seemed to grab out of thin air. As I take the bag, I notice a small, warm, comforting wind wrap around me.      "Deep breaths Kara. You're okay. Just focus on my voice and breathe." Daniel soothes. His hand gently rubs my back and I let the strange wind calm me until I'm breathing normally again. I sit there, still clutching the bag, and try to comprehend what he just told me. "Are you ready for me to continue?" He asks.     "There's more?" My voice comes out in more of a squeak as apprehension fills me.      "Only a little more," He says sympathetically. I give him a shaky nod, telling him to go on. "As I said before, we were suppose to start learning about this when we turned sixteen. My father told me the day after my birthday. I reacted much worse than you did. I was enraged that he had lied to me my entire life. I yelled, said some harsh things, broke a few chairs, and stormed out. I stayed at a friends house for three days before I came home to listen to what he had to say. I'm not sure why your parents decided to wait, and it's rather unfortunate that they did, but because they passed so untimely, they never got to share this with you. You're taking this much better than I would have expected." He smiles at me, looking prideful. I can't help the warm feeling that's spreading through my chest right now, so I smile back.      "As I said before, each zodiac has a gift from which the constellations gave us. I believe you have the gift of healing. We both watched your cut heal in a matter of seconds so I think it's a safe bet. It is possible that you have more than one gift, but let's focus on one at a time. We can train you to wield it and use it at will, even heal other people, but you have to heal first."     "Wait, what's your gift?" I interrupt him by asking. He smiles at me, but doesn't say anything. The next moment there's a gust of wind that blows through the air. It surrounds the two of us, making my hair fly around my face. The wind gets smaller, more precise as I feel it gently caress my cheek. I gasp at the feeling. It then travels across my eyebrows, down my nose, then lightly traces my lips before it leaves to go to the desk. As it grabs the papers and makes them float, I look around and see none of the windows in the room are open. Shock crosses my face as I stare wide-eyed at Daniel. He smiles at me as the wind dies down, settling the room to the way it was before.      "I can manipulate the air." He says nonchalantly, like it's a normal thing that normal people do. "Since there are twelve zodiacs, each zodiac was born in a different month, even though the zodiac suns do hover between two of them. Each month is associated with a stone, a birthstone. The zodiac's eyes will represent the stone in every aspect from color, to shine and luster. My stone is the pearl which is why my eyes look creamy. Yours is amethyst. That's how I knew who you were when we met. That's why I said I'd know those eyes anywhere. Now along with the different colored eyes, the stones also protect us in some one. It depends on the stone. I've known that mine offers me purity, it helps me remain pure in mind and heart. I did some research during that week I ignored you. Which I'm so sorry about, but I wanted to be prepared when we had this conversation. Your stone offers more than one protection. It'll help strengthen your relationships to the ones closest to you, meaning you'll be able to form deeper, more meaningful bonds with them. It also aids in giving you courage. And the last one I could find is that it will guard you from intoxication. I assume that's why you were able to take so many shots that night in the club."      "Wow, this is a lot." I say as I lean back against the headboard. I let everything soak in. As crazy as all of this sounds, I believe him. My heart tells me this is all true.      "I know it's a lot so take your time with it. I've had almost ten years to comprehend all of this and I still think it's crazy sometimes." He smiles sheepishly at me. We sit in silence for awhile as he allows me this time to get everything straight. The silence comes to an end as he grabs my hand in his and the jolt fires its way up my arm, making me gasp out loud.        "Oh! There is one last thing I should mention. There is one more gift each of the zodiacs share. It was a gift granted by the counsel as their thanks and appreciation for everything we must endure to defeat the Dhedra." He says looking hesitant.     "Umm, o-okay?" His sudden hesitation was making me nervous.     "The counsel asked each of their highest authorities, kind of like their gods and goddesses, to allow the zodiacs a gift no other being could have, again in appreciation for what we have to do. Their deities happily agreed and gave each zodiac a partner. Someone that complimented the other, made them complete. The deities saw fit to keep it between the zodiacs since there were to be six men and six women. They said the partners were called the fated, or fated mates. Similar to the human's idea of soulmates. One would be exactly what the other needs and vice versa. They would know who their fated was by a simple touch. They described it has a jolt of electricity, a warmth that spreads underneath the skin. Every nerve ending would feel this jolt and they'd have instant confirmation. They said as time went on, the connection between the fated would grow, allowing them to be more powerful together than apart. They also believed that this would help defeat the Dhedra as love is a light that burns wildly, eliminating the dark." He finishes. My mind is on complete overload. My heart is beating faster and faster. Did he just explain why I feel the jolt with him?     "Daniel, are you saying...are you say-" He cuts me off as I struggle to finish the sentence.     "Kara, my love, we are fated. I am your soulmate, and you are mine."
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