Chapter 12- Training- part 2

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Kara's POV     A few minutes later, we make our way back to the house. Daniel leads me through the kitchen towards the basement. As we hit the bottom step, he flips a switch, and the room illuminates in a bright light. My jaw drops as I take in the room before me. It’s massive, easily three times bigger than the house itself. Lining the edges of the concrete walls are several different stations, each equipped with different types of machinery. On one wall, there are all sorts of workout machinery. At least, that’s what I’m assuming they are considering I’ve never set foot in a gym. Hopefully he won’t make me use those. On another wall, there are several hospital beds with various machines stationed by them. Another wall is set up with a desk that runs its entire length and multiple chairs. On top of the desk rests several computer monitors and large TVs are mounted above, each broadcasting different news stations across the world. The last wall has multiple targets lined up. About fifty feet in front lie all kinds of weapons like guns, bows, throwing knives, whips, swords, crossbows, spears, and tridents. Tridents! Who would fight with a trident? I make a note to ask Daniel about that later as I walk to the center of the room. I walk onto a large mat and take another look around.     “What is this place?” I ask.     “It’s our training room. My father had it built down here so we could train and practice our powers where no one could see us. When we find the others, we can train down here. We’ll learn how to fight together, mixing and molding our powers. This is also where we’ll discover each other’s strengths and weaknesses. For now, this is where we start your self defense training.” He explains. He takes off his jacket and hangs it up on a row of hooks by the stairs. He twists his head side to side and rolls his shoulders, issuing a string of loud pops as he cracks the joints. I stand there awkwardly, unsure of what to do.     “Come at me. Let me see what I’m working with.” He says in a serious tone. The funny Daniel that was just cracking jokes at my expense a few minutes before is gone. Uncertain of what to do, I think of all the action movies I have ever watched and try to figure out how I should do this. He won’t hurt me, right? I decide to throw caution to the wind and charge at him.     I run at him as fast as I can. When I’m close enough, I pull my fist back and strike. I whiff, missing him completely as he easily side steps me. I turn around and charge again. He ducks. This pattern goes on repeat a few more times before I decide to get creative. This time, I pretend to swing but change tactics at the last minute, hoping to catch him off guard. I put as much power as I can into kicking his side. A surprised look crosses his face for a brief moment, but it disappears just as quickly. He let’s me get the hit on him but backs away just enough that it doesn’t do any damage. Before I can bring my leg back, he grabs onto it, using his strength to flip me backwards. I land hard on my back, all the air forced from my lungs.     I lie there stunned for a moment before he stands over me, reaching out his hand. I ignore the gesture and get up without his help. My body protests with every step I take, but I push forward, walking to the other end of the mat.     “I’ve never trained to fight before. I’ve never even thrown a punch. I have no idea how to do any of this, so what’s the point?” I ask feeling irritated with him and frustrated at myself.     “I wanted to show you why you need to train in hand-to-hand combat. It’s important that you can protect yourself, especially since your power isn’t exactly a fighting power. You have to take this seriously and I needed to show you that.” He explains. I’m still mad, but I see his point. “Now let’s work on your stance.” He walks over and places me where I need to be. He places his hands on my hips, angling them where he wants. His fingers brush against my ankles as he spreads them apart. Next, he grabs my bare arms and bends my elbows to protect my face. The contact sends the jolt tingling up my arms. I shiver as I barely suppress the moan from the incredible feeling. He moves to stand behind me, my back flush to his chest, as he wraps his large hands around my fists.     “I want you to practice shifting your weight from your back leg to your front, while throwing punches at the same time. Get comfortable with this position, learn how to move in it, because this is how you’ll want to be set in a fight. Keep your weight even and centered until it’s time to punch.” He says lowly in my ear. I hear every word, every syllable he is saying, but I can’t comprehend any of it. His heat wraps around me, almost suffocating me. The constant skin-on-skin contact as his hands wrap around mine sends the jolt coursing through me in powerful waves. His breath fanning over my exposed neck elicits goosebumps that spreads down my arms. With every movement, I feel his hard muscles flex underneath the thin layer of his shirt, which sends a rush to my core.     In this moment, my resolve is dwindling. His close presence makes me want to turn around and smash my lips to his. My breathing picks up as I try to focus on the task at hand, but I’m failing miserably. I shift my weight like I’m told, but my punches are thrown lazily. I only move to feel him move behind me, enjoying the way his body fits with mine.     “Ahem.” A throat is cleared somewhere behind us. I whip around to see Daniel’s father standing there with an amused look on his face. My eyes widen before I quickly drop them to the floor, keeping my gaze away from both him and Daniel. My cheeks redden in embarrassment at getting caught feeling up his son. The moment I broke away from Daniel, it felt like someone had poured a bucket of ice-cold water on me and I could think clearly again. Mortified doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel right now.     “And how is training going?” Richard asks, a smile close to the surface.     “Just teaching her the correct stance. It needed a little tweaking, but I think we got it down. Right, Kara?” Daniel asks with a knowing smile. I’d give anything to slap that smirk off his face right now. I shoot him an irritated look before bringing my gaze back to the floor.     “Hmm yes, I can see it was…coming along.” I look up to see Richard give Daniel a disapproving look while offering me a sheepish grin. “I’ll let you two carry on with the…training. Daniel, after you take Kara home, please come up to my office. There are some things we should discuss.” Richard looks back over to me. “Kara, it was lovely to see you again. Hopefully we can find some time to sit down and talk. I feel there is a conversation we should have in the near future.” I offer a slight nod in response. I’m still not sure what to make of him, but I should at least hear him out.     After he leaves, I look back at Daniel, only to find him giving me the most devious smile. My eyes roll of their own accord. I huff before moving away from him. Space. That’s what I need.     “I think I’m done for the day. Can you take me home?” I ask exhausted and not wanting to fight.     “Sure, let me grab my stuff. I’ll meet you up there.” With that, I head back up the stairs and rush outside. The cool night air greets me pleasantly. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I let it calm my mind. I need to be stronger around Daniel. I can’t let him break down all my walls with just one simple touch. I can’t let him have this effect on me. I won’t.     He seems more at ease now that I know everything. He’s much more playful and carefree than before. This side of him makes him all the more attractive and that’s dangerous. I can’t learn how to fight if every time he comes near me, I get distracted. I need to have a thicker resolve around him.     Just then, he walks out of the house holding more journals. This definitely piques my interest. I look at these journals as more stories to read. More pieces to solve the puzzle. More answers to my questions.     “Since you finished the ones I gave you already, I figured you’d want to start on the next generation’s journals. If you’re free on Saturday, I can come over so we can talk about everything. I’ll even bring coffee.” He offers wiggling his eyebrows at me. I think about his suggestion for a minute. I don’t exactly want to be alone with him just yet, but I do have so many questions to be answered. I take the journals from his hands delicately before countering his proposal.     “I do have quite a few questions and I love coffee, but I feel like Richard should be there for it. Plus, him and I need to have a conversation. Why don’t I pick up the coffee and maybe some breakfast before coming over here to discuss everything?” He ponders my counter briefly.     “Okay, a counter to your counter. You bring the coffee, and we’ll make breakfast here. My father makes a mean breakfast sandwich.” He says excitedly.     “Alright then, nine on Saturday morning.” I nod at him, happy to finally be getting some answers.     “It’s a date!” Those words make me stop in my tracks, but it only takes him a second to recover. “Not a date. Obviously so not a date. I mean who would bring their father along on their first date?” He rambles nervously as he grips the back of his neck with his hand. I can’t help but laugh at how instantly nervous he became. He relaxes a little when he sees me laughing and begins to anxiously laugh.     On the drive back to my apartment, the air is a little thick. After the steamy but incredibly embarrassing moment in the training room and then Daniel’s nervous rant about the ‘date’, we haven’t said much to one another. I decide to break the silence.      “Have you and Richard found anything about the other zodiacs yet?” I ask.     “We have a few possible leads. Only one has real promise though. There were reports about a guy from Seattle who saved a little girl from a house fire. He walked right into the flames but came out without a single burn on him. We monitor news stations all over the world looking to find anything like this. This is the first one we’ve come across in years that has had any promise.” He explains.     “Do we know his name? Do you think he already knows about us? About the zodiacs?” I ask, excitement bursting inside of me.     “I honestly have no idea. My father is going to Seattle next week to look for him.” I nod. The rest of the trip back home is quiet and uneventful. Daniel helps me load the books into my apartment before telling me he’ll be here early the next morning for training. I get the day off from physical training, thankfully.     The moment I’m alone, a wave of exhaustion hits me like a train. I force myself into the scalding hot shower and let it soothe my aching muscles. Once I’m finished, I take a few ‘me’ moments and write in my journal. I describe my first day of training and all my hopes for how it will be from here on out. I explain my excitement at hearing we might have found another zodiac. I try to let my writing sort through the many different feelings I have about Daniel, but I quickly become frustrated and decide to stop for the night. I pick out a journal from the new stack and begin to read. Before long, the exhaustion takes over and fall into a peaceful sleep. 
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