Chapter 11- Training- part 1

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Kara's POV     An entire week has passed since I last saw Daniel. A whole week since I found out about the Dhedra. Seven days since I learned that I’m a zodiac and, along with eleven other people, have to fulfill some destiny by defeating an entire race. Seven confusing and excruciatingly long days since I discovered that Daniel was my fated.     For the past week, I’ve been holed up in my room, pouring over the journals. Turns out, Daniel’s father, Richard, is a doctor at the hospital. They made up a story saying I came down with pneumonia after getting stuck walking home in the rain. Katie surprisingly bought the lie seeing as how there weren’t cop cars in our parking lot when I got back. Richard even called my professors letting them know I wouldn’t be in for the week. Lucky enough for me, this week was spring break, so I’ve had plenty of time to finish my papers and get caught up.     As I read through these journals, I realize I’m learning so much more than I thought I would. One of the council member’s journals talks about the history of the Dhedra in greater detail. Apparently, their thirst for power started long before their planet died. The journal says that there use to be another race of Dhedra whose energy was born from the light, to balance out the dark. The two races lived happily under the rule of Agathios along with his ‘mate’ Asyah. The monarchs ruled with grace and justice and were loved by many of their people. They believed that both the Dark and Light Dhedra were important and were treated as equals. Agathios’s brother, Devesh, didn’t view their world the same. Being born a Dark Dhedra, he thought they were superior and should have been treated as such. Devesh grew harder and more rebellious the more Agathios refused to fall to his brother’s whims. Eventually, Devesh challenged Agathios for the throne in which he won. After claiming his throne, Devesh made all the Light Dhedra slaves. Many have sought refuge in other galaxies, but most remain repressed, forced to suffer a life of abuse. When I read this, my mind was made up. I was fighting in this war. I couldn’t allow myself to sit back and let this happen when I have the power to do something to stop it.     Daniel had told me that time works differently in the various galaxies. I didn’t fully understand how much it differs until reading these journals. Each galaxy differs slightly from one to the next. Some have an average lifespan of 600-800 years, where, on Earth, that would equate to approximately 60-80 years. Others can live for over a millennium. Devesh used this to his advantage and stayed in the galaxies where time moved much more slowly, allowing him to cheat death. Because of this, he is still the leader of the Dhedra and the one we are tasked to defeat.     The council’s journals were mostly filled with information about the past and why we were essentially created. I finished those within the first two days, soaking in as much of it as I could. My room is filled with notes written on sticky notes plastered all over my walls, bathroom, and furniture. There was just too much information for me to remember it all, and this was the only way I could.     I became very intrigued to read the guardians’ journals. It was clear to me that my love for keeping my own journal started long before my parents. Every single ancestor of mine and the other zodiacs kept a journal, even the first generation. The first generation wrote about how they were chosen and the time leading up to receiving their powers.     “Last week, I received notice from Emperor Makis promoting me from warrior status. I wasn’t sure what to make of this, but I knew I would obey his every order. Last night, I was transported from our home galaxy to the galaxy of Triangulum where eleven other beings from different galaxies were brought together in front of various rulers. I could see the excited but nervous faces of each being, none of us knowing what awaited us. King Zinov of the galaxy Centaurus explained to us the danger the universe was in with the Dhedra annihilating galaxy after galaxy. He told us we were chosen, because of our strength and sense of duty, to fight in the battle ahead. I was the first to speak, anxious to make my emperor proud and lead the others. ‘I will fight. Thank you for allowing me this privilege. I will make you proud, Emperor Makis.’ I proclaimed as I knelt before them with my head bowed in honor and respect. The others began to follow suit, each pledging their loyalty and devotion to their own rulers. What we didn’t know and what King Zinov explained to us was that we were going to be given great power to defeat the Dhedra.”     This particular passage came from Nethanel, who was given the power of the Aries constellation. He did in fact become the leader of the zodiacs as he volunteered to receive the power first. Another entry came from Marlaine who received the powers from the Scorpio constellation. Her journal went into more detail about what they experienced after receiving their powers.     “Nethanel blew up the training grounds again. His minor frustration caused an explosion of fire that raged bright and fierce. I tried to contain it but the stream of steadily flowing water that I had envisioned turned into a tsunami that nearly killed us all. Since getting these powers, none of us have been the same. I’m sure the others feel the same. It’s like a tiny balloon inside of us contains our powers and it continues to stretch and build each passing day. I feel like the dam is about to break. I can feel the power over every inch of my skin, like electrical impulses constantly firing, waiting for the conductor so it could ignite and spread further. None of us are in control and I can’t help but feel this is a massive mistake. How much longer can we contain the immense powers before one tiny thought causes us to lose it and we wreak havoc amongst the galaxies? How much longer will I be able to form coherent thoughts before I am no longer me?”     Every journal was the same. They were all worried but were helpless to do anything about it. This worried me. Could we become this way? Would we lose ourselves to our powers and become nothing more than the gun that holds the bullet until the trigger is pulled? None of my worries were eased reading the rest of the journals. Daniel only gave me the first generation’s journals. Hopefully my questions will be answered as I continue to read more.     I finished all of that by the fourth day, writing out a list of questions to ask Daniel and Richard or seek out in the remaining journals. The past three days I’ve had nothing to do except ponder over what Daniel told me about the fated mates. The concept is still crazy to me. I mean, how can a choice like that be taken away from us? How is that a gift? I don’t know how to get past that.     I wish I wasn’t wrapped up in this mess. Everything would be much simpler if Daniel and I were just two people who met by happenstance and slowly fell in love. I could easily love Daniel. It’s more than just his looks, although that is easy to love. He has a calming nature that makes me easily trust him and I don’t trust easily. He has a carefree spirit, but he also is mature and responsible. He is smart and caring, devoted and seems loyal. But I have to wonder, how much is this because he already knows I’m his fated? How much of this is because it’s Daniel as a person or Daniel as my soulmate. Was he like this before we met, or is he only showing these parts of him because I’m around?     My heart tells me this is him and to trust him. My head, however, keeps reminding me that people aren’t always what they seem. They can put up a façade and lie and scheme to get what they want. I know what Daniel wants. Me. I’m just not sure I’m willing to give him that. I thought I was until all of this happened.     How can someone love another person so wholly? I thought my parents had, but the more I found out about this world, the more I realize I don’t know them as well as I thought. How can someone be completed by another so entirely? It just seems too good to be true.     Part of me wonders if I would have freely chosen this if I had a choice. Would I have been happier simply surviving, walking through life as half the person I use to? I wasn’t happy, but I was comfortable. Would I have eventually found happiness with someone who wasn’t forced to be with me because of some gift? I guess there’s no way in knowing now. Does that mean I should just give in without a fight? Do I even want to fight?     A million more questions flooded my mind than when I left Daniel’s house. I became so overwhelmed by the last day that I had to take a second to prioritize everything. First, I need to learn about my powers and harness them. I am determined not to let the power rule me. Second, I need to do everything in my power to find the rest of the zodiacs. If they are like me and don’t know about their powers or their destiny, I need to find them and ease them into it before the Dhedra attack. Lastly, I decide I need to understand how I feel about Daniel before I can decide on what we are. If I am truly bound to him by fate and I am the only one for him, I owe it to both him and myself to explore this fully before deciding. I don’t want to live the rest of my life as a broken shell of a person. If this is my only chance at real love, then I need to know without a doubt if I can pursue this.     Tomorrow I begin my training with Daniel and Richard. My leg has been fully healed for a few days, but I needed time to myself to think before committing fully. I spend the rest of my night immersed in my music and my journal. Tonight, is my last night as Kara Jacobs, daughter of Lilly and Michael Jacobs, best friend to Katie Helms, college student and survivor. Tomorrow I begin my life is Kara Jacobs, Aquarian. …     “Kara, try to feel it. Picture it buried deep inside you. Imagine opening a box to your soul that’s tied to your powers. Focus on unlocking that box.” Daniel encourages me while trying to be patient. We have spent the last two hours trying to figure out how to tap into my powers. Nothing has worked. I don’t know the first thing about finding this box or whatever. It’s always just happened. I throw my hands up in frustration as I aggressively hurl myself back on the ground. The ground is still damp from the early morning dew, but I welcome the cool wetness that’s seeping in through my lightweight hoodie. I heave a loud sigh to let Daniel know I’m exhausted and done with this for the day.     “This is stupid. It just works when I need it to. I can’t make it happen if there’s no reason for it.” Daniel looks at me thoughtfully, taking in what I said. He sighs, letting it go for now, and offers me his hand to help me up. I briefly look at it trying to decide if I should take it or not. I’ve tried not to touch him as much as possible. Maybe if I can keep the extra emotion out of it, I’ll be able to think more clearly around him. I decide what the hell and reach out to accept the gesture. I’m immediately flooded with warm tingles erupting up my arm, heading straight for my chest. Once I get to my feet, I quickly drop my hand from his, ending the onslaught of emotions that usually accompany his touch.     “Alright, we can end here today. I’ll research some more, and we can approach this from a different angle on Wednesday.” I sigh in relief as I rub my temples with my fingers in a circular motion to calm the slight headache that has creeped its way in. I internally pout as I think about the long day ahead of me. It’s only eight in the morning, but I have been up since five, training for two hours before I have to get to my classes.     I sluggishly walk to Daniel’s Jeep before crawling in so he can take me home. I lean my head against the cool window and take a power nap as he drives me home. After what seems like only a few minutes, Daniel gently shakes me shoulder, urging me to wake up.     “Hey, you need to wake up. I let you sleep an extra fifteen minutes, but you have class in an hour.” He says to me as I try to blink the fog away. I hop out of the Jeep and say bye before rushing to get ready. I contemplate skipping but seeing as how it’s been two weeks since I’ve been to class, I decide I should probably make an appearance.     Thirty minutes later I hurriedly throw my bag in the back of my car and make my way to the nearest coffee shop. I order something hot with lots of espresso in the tallest size they have, hoping it’ll help me get through the day. The first sip burns my tongue, but I welcome the bitter taste as it seems to go straight to my nerves, jolting my mind and body awake. I make it to campus with just enough time to talk to my professor before class starts. I hand him my term paper and apologize for it being late. He seems understanding enough and accepts it, promising to have my grade by the end of the week.     The rest of the day passes without incident. I go from class to class, apologizing to each professor and scheduling time to make up the tests I’ve missed. By four o’clock, the coffee has worn off and I’m back to feeling exhausted. I head home to take a quick nap before Daniel comes to pick me up for regular training.     Six o’clock rolls around and I’m changing into a sports bra and leggings when I hear the knock at the door. I told Daniel that he could just honk, and I’d come out, but he insists on coming to the door to walk me to the car. He’s probably trying to do anything he can that will sway me one way or another, but this simple type of chivalry doesn’t fool me. It’ll take more than just opening doors and kissing me sweet goodnight kisses to pull me in.     I pull on my running shoes that I’ve had for years but have only worn a few times because, well, I don’t workout. At all. I’m rushing out the door when I run right into Katie. Her hands jet out to grab ahold of me and steady the both of us. She takes a moment to run her eyes over me. She sees what I’m wearing, and her eyes narrow in suspicion.     “What the hell are you wearing?” She asks me as she c***s her hip and crosses her arms over her chest.     “Umm…clothes?” I say, looking myself over, wondering if I look bad.     “I couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve seen you in anything other than ripped jeans and some sort of sweater or shirt. Even in the summer. You usually wear your jeans and combat boots. What the hell are those shoes? Did you just buy them?” She asks incredulously.     “No! I’ve had them for years. I just haven’t worn them.” I subconsciously shift me weight back and forth feeling slightly uncomfortable by her questioning.     “Uh huh, and where are you wearing this outfit to?” She asks.     “I’m going to work out.” I say hoping to leave it at that. I attempt to walk around her small frame, but her attitude makes her seem much taller and more intimidating.     “Oh? And when was the last time you worked out? Hmm…let me think about this…NEVER!” She’s right. I’ve never worked out, even in high school. I’m not the sporty type and my tall frame allowed me to hide whatever fat I had on my body. My curvy figure was always satisfactory for me. I never wanted or needed anything more.     “Fine. If you must know, Daniel is teaching me self-defense. Nothing crazy. Just stuff for my safety.” It’s not a total lie. He will be teaching me some self-defense tactics and this session shouldn’t be too crazy. I hope.     “You and Daniel have been spending quite a bit of time together. Should I be worried? Do I need to kick his ass and let him know not to mess with you?” She asks and I struggle to hold in my laugh. If she only knew he has been training for ten years to fight some evil alien assholes, she probably wouldn’t even suggest taking him on. Katie is strong, but she has never trained to fight.     “Daniel and I are just friends. He’s just helping me out.” I say, again, not a complete lie. “Look, you can bombard me with all the questions you want when I get back, but he has already been waiting for fifteen minutes.” She squints her eyes one last time, assessing me before she finally moves aside to let me pass.     “Thank you! Love you, Katie!” I say as I wrap her in a quick hug before darting out the door. At this point, Daniel is already back in the Jeep waiting for me. We ride in comfortable silence, both of us content with each other’s presence.     An hour later, Daniel and I are running the perimeter around his father’s land, which is about six miles. By mile two, I’m dying. I’m not sure how the hell I’m going to finish four more miles. My muscles are beginning to cramp and sweat is pouring out of me in copious amounts. I try to keep up with Daniel’s pace, but despite my long legs, his own put some distance between us. He turns around and starts running backwards, flaunting his superior endurance. He has the nerve to laugh at me!     “Come on Kara. Keep up!” He yells back at me. If I had the lung capacity to yell and run at the same time, he’d hear some not so innocent words fly out of my mouth. Instead, my lack of endurance forces me to silently curse his name over and over in my mind. This gives me newfound energy and I decide to use it.     I push my muscles harder than ever before, determined to make up some of the lost ground. By the time I reach mile five, I’m only a few strides behind him. In the distance, I can see Daniel’s house just over the hill. My feet pound against the hard dirt as I push my legs faster. My muscles burn from overuse and fatigue, but I don’t let it stop me.     Once I reach the house, I collapse in the grass. I take a few minutes to let my muscles recuperate and allow my breathing to get back to a normal rate. I look up to see Daniel holding one hand out to me while the other holds two water bottles.     “Great work. I thought I had lost you there for a minute, but you pushed through it. Hopefully you have that same energy and determination when we double the miles next week.” He winks at me with a devilish grin. I stare wide eyed in disbelief.     “Twelve miles!” I shriek. Is it too late to change my mind? All of a sudden, Daniel bursts into a fit of laughter. He doubles over, holding onto his stomach as his deep voice bellows out that glorious melody. Damn. I wish I could hear only that sound-. No, Kara! Don’t let him get to you. You are here to train. I scold myself. I push myself off the ground onto slightly shaky legs and give him an annoyed look.     “Oh, you should have seen your face! Priceless.” He says as he wipes the tears from his eyes. “But in all seriousness, I’m impressed. When we do get to twelve miles, it’ll be a piece of cake. You’re a natural!” He hands me a water bottle and I feverishly drink the cooling liquid in its entirety. I take another moment to compose myself, slowly stretching out my limbs. Just as I’m about to ask him what’s next on the agenda, I stop short. The look on his face and that evil smile tells me I’m not going to like it. 
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