Chapter 2- The Rig

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An hour and a half later, I’m sitting in the waiting room of the emergency room. Daniel had to start his shift but promised to check in when he could. I haven’t seen him since he left. I called Katie shortly after we got there to let her know I wouldn’t be home for a while. “Kara Elizabeth Jacobs. A hot guy breaks your arm while you’re WALKING home from campus, walks you to the hospital, tells you about his dark past, and you didn’t get his phone number?” She had yelled at me. Leave it to Katie to worry more about the guy than my arm. I told her I’d call her when I needed to be picked up. I didn’t want or need the onset of the millionth question brigade. I pulled out my journal from my bag and quickly got lost in my dream world. Thank god I hurt my left arm instead. I began fantasizing about a gorgeous angel falling in love with an unsuspecting human. I’ve written many short stories about angels, demons, and the good fight. My creative nature doesn’t allow my writing to go to the same place twice. Though the looks of my characters may be similar in each story, the endings are always different. As I’m describing the handsome angel from the girl’s perspective, I notice I’m describing Daniel. Everything including his dark, velvety hair, bulging muscles, his scruff, and his intoxicating scent; everything except his eyes. In my writing, I paint them as a deep sea of blues and greens. I’m not sure why I keep his eyes to myself, I just have a feeling they’re important. With my headphones in, my favorite playlist keeps the outside world at bay as I let my thoughts run rampant on the pages before me. I’m not sure how much time has passed as I take a break to save my cramping hand. I look up to see a kind-faced woman, in her late forties, looking at me. I take my headphones out and look up at her. A worn, tired face holds the look I’ve seen a million times before. Shock with a tinge of awe. Knowing full well that my eye color is the cause for her lack of words, I speak first. “Can I do something for you?” I ask, slightly irritated. That seems to break her trance. “I’m sorry. Your eyes are very strange looking. Very rare. I’ve never seen anything like them.” The lady says. She shakes her head to focus. “Are you Kara Jacobs?” “Yes ma’am.” I respond. “The doctor is ready for you.” I get up and gather my things with my good hand and follow her back to the examination room. An hour later, I have a cast on my arm with orders to book an appointment in six weeks. Turns out I fractured it in two places and jammed my wrist pretty badly. I’m walking towards the waiting room as I pull out my phone to call Katie. Smack, again. Strong arms shoot out to steady me before I fall and break my other arm which, let’s face it, would have happened. “We have to stop meeting each other like this.” I look up to see Daniel smiling down at me. Only one dimple graces his face, how charming. I step away to put some distance between us. “I see I was right. How bad is the break?” He asks. “Broke it in two places and jammed my wrist,” I say, raising up the cast to show the damage. “Six weeks and I’ll get it off. It could have been worse.” It’s true. It could have been worse. I’ve had worse things happen to me before. “Thanks for walking me here. I should call my roommate to come pick me up and you probably have work to do.” I start to walk away but I’m stopped by his large body blocking my path. “Wait Kara. Let me drive you home. It’s the least I can do after putting you in this situation. You can ride in the brig. It’s pretty cool” he says. “I’m not sure,” I say skeptically. “I usually don’t let strangers drive me home. You could be a stalker or a serial killer for all I know” I retort. The truth was I didn’t know much about this guy other than we share half a troubled past. I stand there with my cast resting on a c****d hip waiting for his response. He looks amused. “Safe. That’s good, Kara,” he grins almost mockingly. “While I’m glad you’re cautious, I can promise you I’m not either of those things. Plus, you’ll be in an ambulance. I’m not sure how much safer you could be” he reasoned. “Umm, have you never seen Criminal Minds? A bomb is hidden in an ambulance for Pete’s sake!” This causes him to double over in laughter. Thirty seconds of his deep bellowed laughter surround us. If I weren’t so irritated, I’d have enjoyed that sound. He stands erect to his full height, wiping tears from his eyes, to see my arms crossed over my chest. The look on my face sobers him up quickly. “I don’t like being laughed at.” Especially by guys as hot as Daniel. “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I know exactly which episode you’re talking about and I’m just bewildered that I didn’t think of that.” Well, that causes my resolve to falter. “Fine. You can drive me home, but my roommate tracks my phone and will know if it goes dead. No funny business, just straight home.” I tilt my chin up an inch, happy to get the last word in. I make my way towards the entrance of the emergency room when I hear Daniel clear his throat and call out to me. “Uhh, Kara? The brig is on the opposite side of the hospital” he chuckles, clearly amused with himself. Great, now I look like an i***t. Mentally slapping myself in the forehead, I turn to follow him to the brig. … Ten minutes later, I’m sitting in the passenger seat of the ambulance. I decided this would be safer than the back so I could keep an eye on him. After I give him my address, we make light conversation. I learn he’s just a few years older than I am and grew up a few towns over. After his mom died, he and his dad had gotten really close. They travelled a lot, visiting all the baseball stadiums in the country. He was an athletic child but excelled in baseball. Only half of my mind was present during our conversation. I gave the correct responses and asked the right question, but I didn’t offer up any details about my life. My mind was elsewhere. The day’s adventures and emotional rollercoaster I was on took its toll on me. Shinedown’s “Second Chance” came on the radio. I hadn’t noticed the songs being playing before then, but I let the lyrics draw me in and take me to a different place. At some point, Daniel had grown quiet, which, again, I hadn’t noticed until he startled me out of my musing. “You have a beautiful voice” he says as he looks at me in wonder. Not only had I not realized we were at my apartment building, but, apparently, I had been singing out loud. “Oh…umm…thanks” I say shyly. I usually keep my singing in the shower or my car. Both places where I’m completely alone. “So, you like this kind of music?” he asks. “I like a variety of music. It really just depends on what mood I’m in. When- I’m happy or want to belt something out, I’ll listen to country. Rock or old school rap when I’m in a partying mood. Alternative when I’m angry…or upset or lonely. I like throwbacks too. Anything from when I was a kid or things my…parents use to listen to” I explain to him. Music has always been a big part of my life. Just like books and my journal, it’s a welcome distraction from my reality. “Which one are you?” he says. “What?” I ask confused. “Well, I classify that song as alternative. That means you’re either angry, upset, or lonely. So, which one are you feeling right now?” Damn. What a loaded question. Daniel looks at me with sincerity and an expression of longing to comfort me. His bright eyes bore into mine seeking the answer. My eyes must have said what I couldn’t or wouldn’t because the light from his eyes dim before he turns away from me. He opens his door and disappears behind the brig. I let out a shaky breath I didn’t know I was holding and try to clear the mental fog from my mind. Daniel reappears beside my door and opens it for me. The moment he takes my hand to help me climb out, the jolt shocks me, sending sparks of electricity through me. This one was stronger than the other two times it has happened. The warmth from the jolt calms me, but the contact makes my heart speed up. I look into Daniel’s eyes and find myself smile. I don’t know what it is, but, somehow, I know this guy is different. As if my mind and body are on autopilot, I lean closer, closing my eyes in anticipation. “Ahem” I hear. Just like that, I’m snapped out of the trance. I quickly put some distance between me and Daniel, breaking the contact with him, and look over to see Katie. Her arms are crossed, looking perplexed. Daniel walks over to her with a strangely confident demeanor. “You must be the roommate,” he says, holding out his hand to her. She looks at his hand, then gives him a once over, exuding sass and attitude so thick that I can feel it fifteen feet away. “You must be the guy who attacked my best friend,” she says, still not extending her own hand. This is a new side of Katie I’ve never seen. I’ve never dated anyone or even brought someone back to the apartment. It never crossed my mind that she would be defensive. Her usually sweet and overly trusting personality seems to be long gone now. Daniel smiles, looking delighted by her reaction to him. “I suppose that would be me. I’m Daniel” he says. “Katie” She responds coldly. Katie walks over to me, grabbing my non-casted hand, and drags me back to our front door. “Katie slow down. He did help me today and drive me home in the middle of his shift. At least let me thank him properly” I say low enough so only she hears. “Properly? And what, pray tell, do you mean by that? Sucking face?” she hisses at me. Oh, good lord. She must be on something. I think as I roll my eyes. I walk over to Daniel before she can get another word in. Daniel had grabbed my bag and is holding it out to me. “Thanks again for helping me. I’m sorry I hijacked your day but thank you” I genuinely say as I take my things. “Well, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have needed any help in the first place” he says, flashing that half-smile. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Kara.” He says my name as if it belongs on his tongue. As I look up into him, I find myself wishing that were true. I offer my own small smile. “Me too…I mean you…” I stumble over my words nervously. Why am I nervous? I take a deep, steadying breath before I continue. “It was nice to meet you too.” Nice? Ugh, I’m a moron. Daniel brings a hand to cover what is most likely a little chuckle. At least my blubbering idiocy gave me one last look at that smile. “See you later Kara” he says. I take one last look into his bright, creamy eyes before he turns away and leaves. A huge gust of wind pierces through me causing me to shiver. As I walk back to my apartment, I wonder if I’ll ever see him again. … I manage to avoid Katie and her onslaught of questions. After the day I’d had, all I wanted was a hot shower. I grab a bag and tape it over the deep purple cast and get in the shower. As I let the water soother over the aches and pains, I reflect on the day’s events. Who was Daniel really? Would I ever see him again? Why were his eyes so…mysteriously different? At this last thought, realization swallows me like a wave. Not once did he mention my eyes. How had I not noticed that before? Everybody had some sort of reaction to the eerie color, just like the nurse had earlier. Thinking back, I realize he didn’t outwardly show any type of reaction. Maybe it’s because his eyes are just as strange as mine. Whatever the reason, I gained a little respect for him. Another thought registers as I gasp in wonder at the implications. I hadn’t thought about my parents for hours. Maybe Katie was right. Maybe there was hope that someone could take that pain away, or at least help me forget for a while. I wonder if Daniel could be that person. I stay in the comforting warmth of the shower long enough so that my fingers resemble raisins. I dry off, remove the plastic wrap from my arm, and proceed with my nightly routine. I struggle with putting on my too-small pajama shorts and over-sized t-shirt. I grab some Tylenol to ease the ache in my arm and reach for my journal from my bag when panic seizes control over me. I rip through my bag, throwing caution to the wind where my injured arm is concerned, dumping all its contents on my bed. I frantically search through everything, but my journal isn’t there. Could it have fallen out at the hospital? Did I leave it in the waiting room? I quickly retrace my steps since I last had it when I realize something. It must have fallen out in Daniel’s brig. Either he had it, or it was just sitting there in the ambulance. I’m not sure which one is worse: Daniel having it or some random stranger having it. On one hand, a stranger could have it and read it, but I’d most likely never see it again. On the other hand, Daniel could have it and I could at least get it back, but would he read it? Oh no. If Daniel read my last entry, he’d see my writings and description of him. I pace back and forth while anxiousness and dread drape me like a suffocating cape. After a while , I turn off the light and attempt to fall asleep. I toss and turn all night while sleep evades me. When it finally does relieve me and brings me slight comfort, I dream of jet-black hair and glowing creamy eyes.
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