
1079 Words
I can’t contain my excitement after I’ve completed the chores for the day. I hum to the song about the sky full of stars as I work. Cleaning up the rooms, helping to prepare food and doing the laundry. I’m humming away as I’m washing some dishes in the sink. I scoop up some bubbles in my hand as I twirl around and blow them out, not realising that Hazel is standing there as I blow them in her face. I hear a giggle behind me as Oisin walks into the kitchen and I try to contain my giggle too. Hazel grabs the tea towel from my shoulder as she wipes it over her face, grabs my wrist and pulls me into the pantry. ‘What are you doing girl?’ She hisses at me. ‘Wha, what do you mean?’ I whisper as I try to keep quiet. That’s when she slaps me across the face so hard I have whiplash. She has never hit me. Ever. I gasp as I bring my hand up to my cheek. ‘I told you to stay away from that boy. I made it very clear to you and not only did you disobey me but now you’re playing dumb? You’re insulting my intelligence Bonnie and I will not tolerate it. I raised you as my own. I’ve done everything I can to help you and you throw it back in my face by doing this.’ I stand there in shock. I want to scream and shout. I wonder if when I’m Luna I’ll be head of the house staff then. I don’t say anything as I stand there with tears rolling down my face. They aren’t in pain or sadness. They are with anger as I try to control the simmering rage building up through my body. ‘If you are caught canoodling with that boy then it puts us all at risk. All of us. Do you even understand what Alpha Magnus will do if he finds out? Do you understand how many others would kill for the chance to be in your position? You will be Luna. You’re throwing it all away for what? What are you doing?’ She screams at me. I’m sobbing now as I step away from her. Her hands are gripping my shoulders as she shakes me whilst screaming in my face. It’s then that I’m pulled out of her grasp and tucked into a hard body. A familiar body. I’m safe. I’m with Oisin. ‘If you ever and I mean ever touch my friend again then you’ll find yourself without a job and a home. You do not ever lay your hands on her again. Do you understand?’ He speaks so sternly to Hazel that she shakes. He’s going to be Alpha someday and although he is so young still, he’s already got the authoritative tone. He doesn’t wait for her to answer as he ushers me out of the room and marches me to my room. It’s only then that he stops and he roams his hands over my body as he checks me for any more marks. His hand caresses my cheek as he grazes his fingers over where she slapped me. ‘Nobody will touch you in this house. Nobody.’ He mumbles but it sounds like he’s saying it more for himself than for me. We both know that his father will abuse me until there’s nothing left of me. I heard how he would make Oisin scream as a child. I’m guessing he only stopped when he grew taller than him. He holds me tight to his chest as he mumbles something intelligible over and over again and I wish I knew what he was saying. I look up at him as I rest my palm on his chest. ‘Oisin’ I whisper as he looks down at me. ‘Yes, Bon Bon.’ He says with a smile and he’s back. I just smile as he kisses my temple. He walks into the bathroom and begins to run the tap before adding in a liquid which starts to bubble under the water. Bubble bath. I’ve never had a bubble bath before. My eyes brighten and I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. Oisin turns around to look at me. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not going to watch you bathe. I’m just running it for you.’ A laugh bursts out of me as I look at his confused look as he tries to reassure me. ‘It’s just because I’ve never had a bubble bath before.’ When I used to have baths as a child, they were in water with a hard soap to wash. The bath is only for children or injured as it requires a lot of time and hot water. We all just shower now to be quick for the other people waiting. ‘Oh.’ He says as he runs his hands through the water to stir it. I notice there’s a book on the side of the bath and as I look he drags his hand across his mouth. ‘Erm, I thought you might like to read a book in the bath. I overheard the girls at school saying they like to do that with a face mask on. I don’t have a face mask for you but there’s bubbles, hot water and a book.’ I smile as I walk over and pick up the book. I’ve never read it before. It’s a romance book by the looks of things. ‘It’s perfect, Oisin. Thank you so much.’ ‘I don’t know what the book is about. I don’t know if you’ll like it. I just overheard the girls talking about it and I thought you might like it too.’ Then he shakes his head. ‘On second thought, if it’s what they’re reading then it might be something you don’t like.’ We both laugh and I can’t make the smile on my face smaller. It’s so wide that my cheeks ache. Resting in a bubble bath whilst reading has become my second favourite thing. It’s what people call heavenly. I have to agree that if this is how heaven feels then I’m not afraid to go. I think about what my first favourite thing is and I smile. I wonder what Oisin’s favourite thing is? I wonder how far down his list I am or if I’m on it at all.
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