
1945 Words
Bonnie It's been a couple of days since my visit to the zoo with Oisin. We had such a great time and I’m so glad we got to go. He told me that he wanted to help me relive the childhood I missed out on. I don’t know why he’s doing it. Perhaps he feels some second-hand guilt from his Father. As I’m getting dressed in my room I spot movement by the waterfall again. I quickly place my clothes over my body and hide behind the wall next to the window. I peek my head around and catch the sight of the black wolf walking away, not looking in the window. At least whoever it is isn’t a pervert. I hope. It still makes me feel on edge though. Part of me wants Oisin to see the wolf too so that I know I’m not alone. The other part doesn’t want to cause any trouble or pay attention to the fact that he was in this room when he had no reason to be. I like it in here and I want to stay in here as long as I can. Oisin said that once I’m Luna, I should get my own room away from the attic. I’m not so sure though. I want to make the most of it because I might not be able to stay in here once he’s gone. He’s currently my safety net. Hazel would tell me that I was setting myself up to fail by being in here. It will only hurt me more when I can’t experience this again. I don’t think Hazel knows that I’m staying in here. She does seem to know a lot of things that she shouldn’t though, so I’m not so sure she isn’t aware. She might just not be saying her opinion on it. Which would be odd if Oisin hadn’t told her to stay away from me. That confuses me too. I know she slapped me, but she’s the closest thing I’ve had to a parent. She’s the only person I’ve had since I’ve been here. I know I have Oisin now, but for how long? I know it’s temporary. I can’t get attached. I haven’t seen him since the zoo visit and my body is longing for him to be near mine. I like being around him. He’s my first and only friend. I love to see his smile and hear his laugh. I enjoy the feeling of his closeness near me. He gives me comfort and when he holds my hand, I feel warm and safe. I don’t know if that’s how I should feel about a friend but I don’t let the feelings take over me. Temporary. That’s what I keep telling myself. I have to understand that it’s temporary. I won’t have him as a friend forever. That hurts as I think it. I need to take Hazel’s advice though as I don’t want it to hurt even more. I need to prepare myself. When I go down to the kitchen there is a bit of a commotion. I work out the date in my head and there are no special occasions which I’m aware of. There’s no party. Hazel comes rushing over to me. ‘You’re late.’ She’s mad at me, I know. I was always the first in here and always did more chores than anybody else. I have slacked though since Oisin came into my life more. I don’t rush down anymore and he pulls me away when he shouldn’t. I do slack and I understand why the others don’t like it. I can imagine it feels unfair. What’s unfair is how they do this for a job. Paid work and accommodation where they are free to do as they please outside of their working hours. I’ve been raised to do this since I was a child. I’m still technically a child for another year. I’m supposed to be Luna soon and this will still be my life. I can never escape. That’s what isn’t fair. They never engaged with me anyway so their sniggers, stares and nasty words don’t bother me as much anymore. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by allowing Oisin into my life. ‘Stop daydreaming.’ Hazel clicks her fingers in front of my face and I stare at her. ‘There’s an important meal tonight. We need to prepare. The pack house needs to be immaculate and the food needs to be exquisite. You need to help clean and then ensure you are clean and..’ She stares at me then as she realises that I’m already clean. I’ve been having baths in the evening and showers in the morning. I washed my clothing daily in the bath and hung it up to dry in the bathroom. I watch as I see her thinking. I can’t hear her thoughts but they seem loud. ‘You better not have been sleeping in his room.’ She states matter of factly. ‘I haven’t seen you use our bathroom for a while and you’re not down here before anybody else.’ She says as she comes to terms with what she is saying. Her face is red with anger. The heat on her chest and neck is visible. ‘I don’t have time for this right now. You’re to serve the dinner party this evening. Magnus has requested you specifically. You don’t speak and you do not offer your name under any circumstances. You have no voice.’ I nod my head. I know how it works by now. It’s rare for dinner parties though. It must be an Alpha meeting. After cleaning the pack house thoroughly from top to bottom, I shower in my room and dress in my serving clothes. We have different clothing for parties. One without all the stains and although it still screams ‘I’m a servant,’ it looks nicer and is much more fancy than our usual attire. I dress in a black dress with black tights. Add the white frilled apron and put my hair in a ponytail with the large white bow which clips above my bobble and falls down my hair. I walk down the stairs and enter the kitchen to begin. It’s going to be a late night tonight and I wasn’t prepared for that after working so hard during the day. We usually prepare for parties so that we aren’t all exhausted. This was either last minute or I wasn’t informed. However, I feel like it was very last minute. Whenever is here must be very important. As I walk into the dining room with the first dishes of the evening I notice Oisin straight away. He doesn’t look at me how he usually would. He has always smiled. Even when he was young. He has been respectful to all of us. Acknowledged us when we walked through the door and although he was punished for thanking us, he continued to nod his head and give a small smile. A small gesture which meant a lot to all of us. However, he doesn’t lift his head when I walk in and I place his dish in front of him he doesn’t acknowledge me. I can’t read the expression on his face at all. It’s only when one of the males next to his Father, reaches back in his seat to check out my bottom that he scowls a little. I’m used to this though. I have been groped and gazed at more times than I haven’t by the guests here. I’m young and apparently have a curvy body which males enjoy. I’ve always ignored it and it’s never gone too far. One of the other females paid attention to what was happening and said something. She was raped and let go from her position in the same hour. She wasn’t just sent away from the pack house, she was sent away from the pack for being disrespectful to a superior. She was only standing up for herself. She didn’t want her body touched. She was newly married and in love and said it wasn’t right to let another man near her. As I’m walking back into the kitchen from the hallway I watch as a blonde-haired girl exits the bathroom. She’s breathtaking. Her long blonde hair falls down her back in curls. Long eyelashes frame her dark brown eyes. She’s dressed to impress in a long red velvet dress and heels. She looks young. Perhaps the same age as me and she looks me up and down and screws up her face in disgust as she flicks her hair over her shoulder and struts into the dining room, her heels clicking as she walks. I guess being beautiful on the outside doesn’t make you beautiful on the inside. There are hushed whispers in the kitchen and when I walk back in there everyone goes quiet and stares at me. I say nothing, as always and get to work. I’m not interested in the gossip. Sometimes it can be a little interesting, but most of the time it’s something I don’t want to know in case I get into trouble for it. When I go back into the dining room to serve the second dish I notice that the girl from earlier is sat next to Oisin, her hand on top of his. He looks uncomfortable and she is staring right at him with a huge smile on her face. He looks up and smiles at what she’s saying and instantly feel a pain in my chest. I raise my hand to rub the pain I’m feeling. I must be coming down with something. Hopefully, it will wait to take effect when the evening is over. ‘They seem to like each other so upon meeting your Luna and at your ceremony and ensuring that she can bear children.’ My head snaps across to theirs at this. Magnus glances at me swiftly and I put my head down as I’m supposed to as I place the plates down. He needs to meet me? Whatever for? ‘I will send over my doctor to ensure that the facts are correct. As long as she passes and I know she can bear children for this pack then my daughter can be mated to your son. I want a guarantee that this curse is over as you suggest.’ He says and my heart drops. He’s sending a doctor for me? When the plates are all dished out and I’m walking back through the doorway, Hazel takes my hand and rubs it with her thumb. Her look is of pity and that’s when what he said sinks in. There are three males there. Alpha Magnus. What I’m assuming is another Alpha and then Oisin. Then there’s the female. Daughter mated to your son. I repeat in my head. ‘They can meet up weekly to get to know one another to ensure that this communion will work. She is my only daughter and she is very valuable to me.’ She is going to be his mate. He’s sat there with her hand on his and I glance back again before leaving. My heart sinks and my eyes feel glazed. I’m going to lose my friend. ‘Well, I am away once a week. She could stay over so that they can get acquainted with each other in privacy.’ Alpha Magnus says as he chuckles. The time he goes away is when we do our thing. I rush into the kitchen, lock myself in the pantry and let the tears fall where nobody else can see.
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