Chapter Twenty-eight

1327 Words
A deadly aura radiated from Mr. Blackwater’s body. This guy just doesn’t know when to back off. The Chief, the Mayor, and I quickly stepped into the line of fire to diffuse the situation. “Mr. Blackwater, I’m Police Chief Fenton Edwards,” he stepped in between Roger and Mr. Blackwater, extending his hand in a friendly gesture. “Your presence and help in this matter are very much both needed and appreciated. I gratefully thank you for coming out here on such short notice. But, I would also appreciate your cooperation in stepping out of the crime scene, just beyond the police tape,” he calmly reiterated. “Once my officers are finished with their preliminary work, we will be in contact with you. Could you give us another three to four hours to finish?” Mr. Blackwater still riled up, released a harsh huff in the form of a grunt. “Fine!” He turned his icy stare towards Mayor Jabberwocky. She gulped and bowed her head in submission. “Don’t worry, Mr. Blackwater, I’ll handle my Police Chief,” she assured him pointing to where their vehicles are. “I’ll be over shortly.” He and his head security officer stomped off toward their SUV. Mayor Jabberwocky turned her attention to Chief Edwards, “if Mr. Blackwater had “accidentally” overstepped and brought certain charges onto himself. I fully expect you to turn a blind eye to them. Do I make myself clear?” she threatened. And this is where the pursuit of justice becomes polluted. Chief Edwards is usually a mild-mannered man...well, how can I explain this? His reaction, including my own, could very well have mimicked Mr. Blackwater’s reaction towards Roger. It was quite intense. “May I remind you Madame Mayor, that you yourself are not above the law,” he somehow calmly stated, howbeit, through gritted teeth. “You by your own statements should be charged with obstruction of justice and also threatening a police officer. I can have Sergeant Black write up the charges right now if you prefer,” he challenged back. Sure Chief way to bring me into the middle of that tirade. Even though, secretly I would love to see her sitting behind bars. “Okay, so here’s a plan. City official to city official,” she began again. “You drop any and all charges and I’ll see what I can do about a better budget. Hell, I'll even toss in a few new hires as well.” Damn! She got him where it hurts. Jabberwocky strikes again! “This time, I’ll let the charges slide and give a stiff warning. However, I won’t be able to be so gracious next time, as the law simply wouldn’t allow me to be,” he grumbled. “Very well, Chief Edwards. Thank you for seeing things my way,” she arrogantly spoke. Turning to me she continued, “Sergeant Black is it?” “Yes, Ma’am,” I cautiously answered. “You are now the Senior Detective in your department, correct?” she asked. “Yes, Ma’am,” I calmly answered again. I don’t think I’m going to like where this is headed. “That would be correct.” “Good, I have the right officer then,” she stated triumphantly. Yay, her. Does Jabberwocky want a cookie? “What’s this about?” I asked her getting agitated. “I don’t have time for your whatever it is that you do. I have important cases that need to be resolved.” “Sergeant Black, I understand your busyness, especially with this specific one. I need your full attention devoted to it. So whatever “case” --the b***h used air quotes-- you and your team were working on before, needs to be put on hold...for now,” her voice held defiance as she spoke. I am doing my best to show restraint here, if my wolf was within reach, I’d probably have “wolfed-out” by now. Contrary to her opinion, Peter Bryant ISN’T a haphazard “case”, he was an actual human being that deserves justice. And with me being the Senior Detective, I’m the one who has to inform Professor Patrick Bryant of the sudden freeze with his brother’s case. I may have been ordered to switch focus, but I’m not giving up on tracking down Knapelli. “I will find him and I will bring that bastard in,” I silently vowed to myself. “Request understood, Mayor,” I gritted my reply to her. I stomp away from her and head back towards the crime scene. The Chief nodded at my display of restraint. Unexpectedly, I began coughing. Damn. This isn’t good. The coughing also brought on a short dizzy spell. Thank The Moon the EMTs are still at the scene. Cass and Roger quickly helped me over to them. “Hey, you okay, Mike?” Cass asked with concern in her voice. Roger’s face showed signs of worry also. Within minutes, both the Chief and George made their way over to check up on me. The paramedics have me laying down on a gurney with an IV solution drip and have placed an oxygen mask over my face. What the hell is going on with me? “Sergeant, you okay?” Chief Edwards asked. Great, now I’m feeling like an i***t. I’m not used to all this attention. Thankfully, with the help of the O2, I am beginning to feel a little bit better. “Yeah, I’m okay,” I mumbled through the mask. “Shouldn’t you be gathering information about the case, instead of standing and gawking at me? I’m not dying here. (cough), Please, get back to work,” I somehow forced out. I rub my eyes out of frustration with this sudden snafu. Everyone except for the Chief went back to the crime scene. The Chief nodded to the paramedics to give him some time with me. “Okay, Mike. Everyone’s gone. Tell me, what’s been going on with you,” he inquired with a look of both concern and genuine interest. “Nothing,” I coughed out, yeah, that started up again. I sat up to help the coughing subside. This is getting old fast. I don’t have time for this. “You know this time of year is rough on me. I don’t know why this year is harder than any other,” I groaned out an excuse. “Perhaps it’s just too much stress?” “That very well could be,” he said rubbing his chin. “You do have a bad habit of pushing yourself beyond your limits. Start delegating some more tasks to George and Roger, okay? You four are a team. If you need more help, just ask, I’ll find someone,” he sighed. “But for now, just lay back and rest up some more. I don’t want to see you until the paramedics release you.” He squeezed my shoulder in a caring gesture, then exited leaving me alone in the ambulance. Back at the crime scene... Cass, Roger, and George went back over to Doc Jacobson and his assistant. The forensics team is busy combing the area with their recording instruments. Photos of Rhonda’s mutilated body and the surrounding areas are carefully taken. Everyone is working in uncomfortable and eerie silence. Doc Jacobson noticing my absence walks over to Cass. “What happened with Mike?” he asked his voice laced with worry. The three of them shook their heads. “We don’t know,” Cass answered for everyone. “I’ve never seen him so weak before...” Her eyes were lined with tears. “None of us have, but if anyone can power through this, Mike can,” Doc mustered his way through. “I’m sure he’ll be back to his old ass of himself in no time.” They all snickered at that.
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