Chapter Twenty-seven

1629 Words
Blackwater Industries building site...  The morning sun slowly rose to cast long shadows across the crime scene. Pinks and yellows glowed on the horizon. The start of a beautiful day for the rest of Wolfdale City. By the time our SUVs reached the building site, a large crowd already was waiting for us. Standing in front of the pick-up trucks are the anxious construction workers. There’s more confusion in their eyes than any other emotions at present. Off to the side of them stand very shaken-up inspectors, along with Thomas Peterson, and Mayor Jabberwocky. The patrol officers at the scene were busy roping off the area and doing their best to ward off any over-eager reporter. Why do I get the sneaky suspicion that The Chronicler owns a police scanner? We exit our vehicles a short moment before Doc Jacobson arrives with his assistant. The forensics team prepares for their long and tedious tasks. Cass and I each take a newbie to conduct the initial interviews. Yeah, George and Roger will be known as newbies for a while. Stick with me please. Cass pairs with Roger and George is stuck with me. Cass and Roger make their way over to talk with the inspectors, while George and I will handle the interviews with Thomas and Mayor Jabberwocky. We will be able to get an accurate statement from Thomas, whereas Cass may unconsciously compromise it. Mayor Jabberwocky’s mind seems to be all over the place. EMS workers are also on the scene to help tend to those experiencing symptoms of shock. After getting the initial statements, Thomas begrudgingly dismisses the workers—again. After being treated for signs of shock, Mayor Jabberwocky is on the phone with the property owner to get the security footage released to be reviewed by us. Her presence here has proven to be useful after all. Imagine that? “Mr. Blackwater and his head security officer will be here in an hour,” she struggled to get out. She’s obviously still in shock. Welcome to my world Madame Mayor. “Thank you,” I simply stated. “I guess you’ll be sticking around then until they arrive?” She nodded and made her way back to the limousine. Must be nice to rest in comfort, unlike the victim... Sorry about that, back to the case. George and I meet back up with Cass and Roger. With the crowd that has gathered, the forensics team has set up a tent to keep track of everyone coming and going. They’re not risking contamination. We all sign in and move closer to where the victim’s body lies. Doc Jacobson awaits our arrival to give his initial report. I’m not even halfway to where the victim is and immediately we all recognize who it is. It’s Rhonda Addams. This is going to be hard on all of us. It’s never easy losing one of your own. But unfortunately for the Police Department, this is the second murder of a fellow officer. We haven’t found the perp, yet. “Rhonda! No, oh, my g-d. NO!” a familiar voice screamed out from behind us. What the hell is Lieutenant Isaiah Barton doing here? He forcefully started to make his way toward the crime scene. Before either George or I could get to him, Chief Edwards stepped forward to stop him. Thank The Moon, he’s here. In Isaiah’s apparent distraught state, his carelessness could have easily compromised the crime scene. I’m kind of thinking that there was something more going on between Rhonda and him. I smirk at that thought. “Hey, you shouldn’t be here,” the Chief snapped at him. “This is an active crime scene. You’ll be notified when your help is needed. But since you’re here, I’m sure Sergeant Black would like to ask you some questions.” Hearing my cue, I quickly walk over to them. “Lieutenant, mind telling us what’s going on through that head of yours,” I firmly inquired. With one of our own being the victim, I’m not going to go easy on anyone, I don’t care who they are. “Serious, Mike,” he scoffed, shaking off the Chief’s hold. He let out a long sigh. “Answer my question, Lieutenant,” I stated with some form of authority. It is my crime scene after all. “Why are you here? How were you informed who the victim was?” Letting out a huff, “I overheard dispatch,” he whispered. “A uniformed officer blabbed who it was. I couldn’t believe it. I had to see for myself.” “Okay,” I sighed, “I’m sure you know what my next question is going to be.” “Yeah,” he huffed avoiding eye contact with me. “You want to know if Rhonda and I had any kind of relationship outside of work.” “Well?” I questioned with an eyebrow arched. I impatiently wait for his answer with my arms folded across my chest. His hesitation is quickly putting him on the list of suspects. “There may have been the start of a relationship, I think,” he heavily sighed again. “We decided to put things on hold after Avery Reynolds disappeared, then...” he trailed off. “Yeah, okay. I get it,” I mumbled. “We know the timeline from there. Besides Knapelli, would she have had any other person wanting to cause her harm?” “Truthfully,” he said letting out another heavy sigh. “I think she was hiding vital information concerning the case she was working on. So, no. I wouldn’t know of anyone else,” he stated finally holding his head up. I notice signs of hurt in his eyes upon hearing the last statement. There’s more that needs to be asked just not here among prying eyes and listening ears. “We will finish this back at the station. Don’t disappear on us, please,” I firmly stated looking him directly in his eyes. He nodded. Chief Edwards had a uniform officer take Isaiah back to the station. “This isn’t good Chief,” I let out a heavy sigh. “So, how would you like me to handle the interviews?” “I know, it isn’t, Sergeant,” he sighed with pain and hurt in his voice. “You and George stay on Isaiah and try to get him to disclose any information on the case that both Avery and Rhonda were assigned to. I somehow think that I’ve been left in the lurch as well with some cases. I’m the Chief of Police. I’m supposed to know what goes on in my department.” He sounds so defeated. I don’t fault him. I fault Mayor Jabberwocky. Her fancy financing and policy-making have made our jobs extremely challenging to perform up to standards. No wonder Emerson and Deeks resigned. Okay, enough rambling. Cass and Roger during this time have made their way over to where Doc Jacobson and his assistant are. The expressions that they both hold are telling. “Doc?” Cass cautiously asked. She’s never seen Gilbert so shook up. “I’ve seen these injuries before, Cass.” He rubbed his face. “I’m not sure from which particular cases. I’ll have to look them up...” he stated before trailing off. “Rhonda didn’t take her last breath here,” Doc’s assistant stepped in. “Although, she was disposed of or dumped here.” He pointed to the dark areas on her body. “Okay... I guess that’s helpful,” Roger stated in a question. While we all were busy with the interviews and such, a black SUV rolled up onto the property. Two dangerous-looking men stepped out of the vehicle. Mayor Jabberwocky immediately recognizing the men, made a hasty leave of her limo to join them. Brazenly, the three of them entered the roped-off crime scene. That’s a big “no-no”! “Excuse me?! But who the hell do you think you are to walk into a marked-off active crime scene?!” Roger yelled at them. “Get out! You’re contaminating the scene.” Wait, what? Did Roger just turn into a “mini-me”? I would have handled the situation the exact same way. Both the Chief and I quickly turned our direction to where the sudden outburst came from. Mr. Blackwater, nostrils flaring with his signature icy glare, is standing toe-to-toe with Roger. Their eyes are locked onto each other in a predator vs prey moment. Who’s gonna cave in first? Roger refuses to back down his breaths are calm and even takes up Mr. Blackwater’s challenge. Mr. Blackwater however probably has had no one ever stand up to him before. His breathing is hard and erratic. His muscles flinched at every sound around him. His hands slowly curl up into a fist. He really wants to strike out. But that wouldn’t be too smart, now would it? Finally, breaking his silence Mr. Blackwater spat out, “I’m Mr. Blackwater. I own this property.” He’s obviously disgusted with himself for caving first. “I should be able to go anywhere I please. No one speaks to me that way. Ever.” A deadly stare emits from his eyes. “I don’t care who you are at this moment. Your high-assness is interrupting an investigation. I need you and your entourage to leave the premises immediately. You have two options. Leave willingly, or be forcefully removed. Your choice, Mr. Blackwater,” Roger calmly stated still holding his ground. “If you or anyone else dares to touch me, I swear, I’ll tear you from limb to limb,” he threatened with his teeth gritted.
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