Chapter Thirty-two

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While I’m in my room tying my regulation tie around my neck, I hear a loud noise coming from outside the house. It doesn’t sound like George’s car, but a flatbed tow truck. I pull on a v-neck sweater and grab my jacket. The weather’s supposed to be cooler and dreary today. Upon reaching the front door, I see Sammy finishing up unloading my Rogue onto my drive. With the goofy grin still plastered on my face, I grab my keys, wallet and lock the door behind me. “Hey, Sammy!” I greeted him in a cheery tone. “Hey, Sarge!” he greeted back. “So how much do I owe you?” I inquired reaching for the contents from my wallet. “No charge. It’s already has been taken care of.” “George?” I whispered. Sammy nodded and waved bye as he got back into the tow truck and left. I eagerly get in my Rogue and it starts on the first turn. Yes! I owe, I owe, so it’s off to work I go. I successfully navigate past the nasty pothole. At the Police Department... Isaiah Barton is still going through all the files and information he can dig up. He is so focused on his task that he doesn’t hear me step into his area. I gently reach out to place my hand on his shoulder. “G-d, Micah! You scared the s**t outta me,” he said catching his breath. “Yeah, I know. Sorry about that,” I replied nonchalantly. “Meet me in Room #2. Fifteen minutes.” I turned to leave. Since I gave Lieutenant Barton a time frame, I need to quickly gather what I need for this damn interview. Upon entering the homicide area, Cass, George, and Roger all stare at me like I’m some sort of walking ghost. “Okay, who the hell are you, and what did you do with my partner Sergeant Micah Black,” Cass asked me in all seriousness. Her arms crossed and her eyes held a firm resolve in them. “Sorry, Cass, but I don’t have time for this right now. I need to get an interview underway,” I said quickly grabbing my notebook and pens. “Hey, George. Thanks,” I smiled in his direction. He gave a knowing nod back. The three went back to review the statements that were taken yesterday trying to find our next lead. Interview Room #2... Our interview room isn’t any different from any other police department's room. We have a small table with chairs. One door for entering and exiting. And of course, the standard two-way mirror with CCTV cameras mounted on opposite walls. Isaiah Barton is sitting in one of the chairs looking through some files that he brought with him. A mixture of emotions seems to be playing hockey on his face. I meet up with both Captain Winston and Chief Edwards in the observation room. Captain Winston seems to approve of my clothing choice. I do, however, need to loosen my tie a bit. When I get the go-ahead, it’s going to be intense. “Captain, Chief,” I acknowledge them entering the room and watching Barton through the mirror. Usually, I don’t mind doing these interviews, but I always hate having to question one of our own. The Chief sensing my nervousness signals me for the go-ahead. Showtime. “Barton.” “Black,” nodding I take a seat across from him. Notebook ready. “So what exactly can you tell me about the assignments that were given to Avery and Rhonda?” I started off with an easy one. “Basically, they both were the inside eyes on Knapelli. We had reason to believe that he was the one who would lead the college kids to The Roundhouse,” he readily admitted. “But no viable proof,” I politely reminded him. “It’s all just circumstantial at this point. Photos of him talking with students won’t bring him in.” “Don’t you think I know that? But do you know how frustrating it is having these photos of these students and finding them nearly OD not too far from The Roundhouse?!” “I can relate,” I simply stated. “So why didn’t they end their surveillance when they couldn’t film any hand-offs?” “I don’t have that answer,” Barton said letting out a hard sigh. “Something else must have caught their attention. They stopped checking in as frequently as they should have. Then there was no contact from them. They just disappeared, until their bodies were found.” “And you have no idea what it was that they couldn’t drop their assignments?” “None, whatsoever.” “Okay, so going back to the relationship you and Rhonda had. Did you also have one with Avery?” “Just what exactly are you trying to imply Sergeant?!” Lieutenant Barton lashed out. “I’m not implying anything. I just need answers. Were you the only one they were to report in to?” “No, of course not. They knew that they could call for backup anytime if they felt that they were in danger. And no, I didn’t have a relationship with Avery. Only Rhonda...” The emotions behind his eyes matched his statements. “Who else knew of their assignments?” I pressed him for more answers. “It was a covert operation that narcotics was doing on its own. No one outside of narcotics knew of any specifics.” And with that confession, a very grumpy Chief Edwards barges into the interview room. With him now taking over, I exit and head back to homicide and my desk. My next task for the day isn’t pleasant as well. I have to inform Professor Bryant about the hold on his brother’s case. “Jabberwocky,” I grumble to myself. Yeah, that “lady” irks me to no end. Finally, back at my desk, I sit and contemplate my next move. Just exactly what am I going to say to Professor Bryant? The heaviness of the impending task weighs on my mind. I don’t need another health scare. So I notice Roger coming back from the water cooler. Perfect. I’ll needle him over this Tiffeny debacle. Cass knowing my quirks sees what’s coming is getting comfortable watching the show. “Hey, Roge,” I greeted him. “Uh, hey, Mike,” he greeted me back. “Nice sweater vest.” He tried to hide his snicker. “So, tell me again, how long have you and Tiffeny been dating?” “Uh, a couple of months, why?” “A couple of months,” I reiterated back, rubbing my chin in fake deep thought. “So you would know each other well then?” Cass’s eyes widened with each question and answer. I bet she wishes she had popcorn. “Yeah, somewhat. I guess,” he stumbled the words out. I think he knows that he’s been caught. “If you know Tiffeny so well, what’s her last name?” Cue deer in the headlights look on Roger. Busted! “Well? What’s her last name?” Cass chimed in, eager to know more about Roger’s Tiffeny. “Her last can’t remember at the moment,” he avoided the question. “Okay, fine. So where does she work and how did you two meet?” Cass got in on it too. “Why are you interested all of a sudden in my love life, Black?” he diverted. “Because how else are you to learn the techniques of interviewing persons of interest in a case? Except by being on the receiving end of one. When you have all the facts and evidence in your corner, you know what questions to ask?” “What do you mean by that?” he sincerely asked, his face fallen. “Let’s just say that I know who your Tiffeny is, and we’ll keep it at that,” I reassured him. I gave him a wink. “Dammit, Mike! You suck me into this banter and I don’t even get to know the details,” Cassidy grumbled as she gathered her things to bring with her to the meet-up with Professor Bryant. “You’re such an asshole.” “Yeah, okay,” I shrugged. I gotta be me.
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