"Tell me how this whole making out in the middle of the road happened, because I am quite intrigued," Finn said as he sat in the passenger seat. I then climbed on top of him and sat on his lap. The car was only a two seater so I had to sit on his lap. This was going to be fun. "She flung herself at me," Laiden laughed. He was so exaggerating it. "This is a manual, isn't it?" Finn asked about the car. "That's all I will drive." Laiden confirmed. He said it proudly. "I am surprised you didn't kill the engine," Finn said chuckling. "So am I. If you wouldn't have called, I probably would have broken my back trying to climb on top of her," Laiden laughed and was soon joined by Finn. "I would have just sat there and let her have at it," Finn said honestly. "I like to be on top." Laiden