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Michael POV: “Alpha, the first wave of attack was successful. We were able to get through their first defense line”, my Beta Gar. “Good, I don’t want this attack to last damn day. Have this battle done in less than an hour. Also, I want the Alpha and his family alive”, as I look over the map of the Moon Dust pack. Looking over the map of the pack land, I see that this particular land will serve my pack greatly. There is a natural lake, the ground is good for growing crops, hell I could build high-priced condos here just for the hell of it. Alpha James, is more stupid than I thought. He turned down a peace treaty because he didn’t want to get rid of his Harem. I don’t get it who the hell would want to f**k a woman that everyone has run through already, especially men underneath your station. He came to me with the idea of a peace treaty. Moon Dust Packed only has 1000 members, which is nothing compared to my 3000 members. Well, I guess their numbers are very low now. The treaty would have benefited both of us, me more than him, but he would have made out good. I get his unused land to do with as I please, as well as a yearly tribute of one million dollars. In return, he gets my pack protection. If he wanted to attack a pack that had no treaty with me, we would support him in the fight, he would have a guaranteed win with my army of wolves. James was about to sign when he saw that there was more of the contract. The ending of his Harem, breeders, or any form of s*x enslavement. All my contracts are non-negotiable. I have a rule: once I spend time and effort on creating a contract, it has to be signed by any means necessary. You either get down or lay down and James chose the wrong choice. I start to feel uneasy. Eos is trying to push forward, normally he is okay with me being in control. But ever since we got to Dust Moon Pack he has been acting weird. “We need to go to the battle now!”, Eos says in a panic. “What? Why is everything fine? We are winning”, I asked, confused. “We need to go NOW.…RIGHT f*****g NOW!”, he started to yell and walk-in circle in my head. “Okay…okay…whatever it is, I hope it is important. I am going over the blueprints for the new construction project I have planned for my new lands”, I said, annoyed with him. Leaving the comfort of my command and control, four warriors followed me towards the battle. I smelled something that had Eos going nuts. It smelt amazing. Following the scent, I found a woman barely alive with a deep bite mark on her side. Looking closer, she is missing a chunk of flesh. “She is still alive. Help her. She is important to us”, Eos said. “What do you mean by important to us”, I asked, confused. “She just is. I can’t explain it, I feel it”, Eos said. “Is she our mate”, I asked excitedly. “No! but she is just as important”, he replied. “Carefully take her back to the pack and have the doctors work on her. I want her alive when I get there. No excuse”, I ordered. “Yes, Alpha”, they said as they picked up the woman and took her to the pack. Continuing to walk, I smelled the stench of blood, sweat, and despair. At this point, the battle is over. The injured of the opposing pack are being rounded up. The dead of the Dust Moon Pack are being dumped into a mass grave. Once they are all in there, they will be set on fire. We don’t have time to bury everyone. The dead for my pack will be sent back to pack lands to be buried. The injured will be taken care of here, in the pack hospital. The wind blew and I smelt the scent of strawberries, dark chocolate, with a hint of mint. Following the scent, it led me to a group of my men standing in a circle cheering. I heard a man and a woman scream. Her scream made my blood run cold. I ran to the commotion what I saw may my heart stop, Reem is attempting to rape a woman here for everyone to see and none of my men attempted to stop it, I don’t condone any abuse of women in my pack the penalty for it is death. I growled and everyone except Reem stopped. “MATE!”, Eos said. Next thing I know, I grabbed Reem off the woman and ripped his mead off. “MINE”, I growled. Gar came running towards us. All of the men's heads are bowed in submitting. The woman is still lying on the ground, a male not too far from her. I have no idea what the f**k is going on. A lot of people are going to die when I get my answers and, unfortunately, they will be my men. “WHAT THE f**k IS GOING ON HERE!”, I yelled. “Your men were going to rape my Rati", Alpha James said. “Are you her father?”, I asked. I don’t remember him having a daughter. “No, she is my…my…love”, he said as I walked towards him. If he wasn’t hanging on by a thread, I would kill him, but I need him alive to sign over all his properties and finances. “She is not yours and will never be again. She is MINE! Take him to the hospital to keep him alive. Before you go, Alpha point out the men responsible for her state please”, I say, trying to hold on to my and Eos' sanity. James did just that, he pointed out those who are responsible for hurting my mate. I had those men arrested and sent to my packland dungeons. This was supposed to be an easy battle, I was supposed to win the battle, take all the assets, and be on my merry way. But, no I found my mate, I have to trial and execute some of my men and I have an Alpha who claims my mate as his. Picking my mate up, I took her to my command center and called a doctor for her. Looking at her, I am in awe. She's beautiful raven hair pairs well with her caramel skin. Even though she is battered and bruised, she is still beautiful. I am going to kill whoever hurt her, even if I have to kill half of my army. She is not on the skinny side, but not plus-size either. She is just right. She has her pup baring hips. When I got to my command center, the doctor was already waiting there for us. As I put her down on the bed, the doctor started working on her, then Gar walked in shocked that the woman is in my command center on my bed. I motioned for him to follow me outside. “Gar, I need an investigation done before I execute whoever did that to her”, I say as I point to the woman on the bed. “Okay, who should I investigate?”, he asked. “All of the men that were arrested. I want all of them questioned and tortured if need be. I want answers as to what happened”, I said, trying to control Eos. “When you left, I asked questions to the bystanders. Apparently, the woman, in an attempt to save Alpha James, challenged the men who were going to kill him. They choose Don to fight her”, Gar said. “What were the terms of the challenge”, I asked curiously as to how bold my mate was. “According to the men, if Don wins she will be his to do with as he pleases and if she wins they will allow her and Alpha James to leave unharmed”, Gar said. “They had no right to agree to let Alpha James go. So who won”. Now I am intrigued that she put her life on the line to save James. “She won, she killed Don, and for what I was told, she attempted to get James and Reem sucker-punched her, then attempted to rape her and that’s when you came”, Gar said, which made me furious. “Reem and Don are dead but the rest of my men will pay for not stopping the attempted rape”, I said as I punched a tree and half. “What’s your deal, Michael, you seem to take an interest in the woman. Do you know her? You are prepared to kill ten of our men to avenge her”, Gar asked" Well, since he is my best friend and Beta, I have to let him know. “She is my mate”, I whispered. “Come again?.... She’s your what?”, Gar asked, confused. “She’s my f*****g mate!”, I said through gritted teeth. “No f*****g way”, he said, laughing." I don’t know what is so funny. “What the f**k is so funny”, I asked, getting mad. “Dude, you just won a battle against her pack. She is going to hate you. Does she know?”, he said. “I am not sure if she had passed out before I could confirm she is aware or not”, I said, hoping she would be alright. “How are you going to handle all of this”, he asked. “First, I am going to punish those who hurt my mate; second, I am going to straighten out her relationship with James and nip that in the bud. Third, I am going to pray to the Mood Goddess that she realizes I am her mate and give us a chance”, I said. “I wish you luck”, he said with a smile. “Thanks, I am going to need it. s**t, maybe you will find your mate here too", I said, being funny. “Goddess, I hope not. I will hate to have to tell our pups how we met”, he said, which caused my heart to skip a beat. “Stay and notify me when she wakes up I am going to talk to Alpha James”, I said as I walked away.
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