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Gar POV: After Michael left, I went back to the command center. I watch as the doctor puts bandages on the woman. Even bruised, she looks beautiful. For some reason, I am drawn to her; her scent makes me want to hug her and protect her from harm. What the f**k is wrong with me? She is my best friend mate and my future Luna if she doesn’t reject him. But I can't help but shake the feeling that I am supposed to protect and love her. “Family!”, Titus says out of nowhere. “Family who?”, I asked, confused. “The girl moron, she is family”, he said, trying to push forward. “No, she is not family. I am the only child and so were my parents”. This dude is not making any sense. “Are you seriously going to debate this with me, humans? I am a wolf. We can sense our family”, he said as he continued to walk around in circles, making me dizzy. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear the noise coming out of the tent. The woman is walking out of the tent looking around. She can’t see me because I am behind a tree. I grab her before she gets too far and she punches me in my face. She is not a regular wolf. She has so much power over her. Since she will be my Luna, I have to be gentle with her. I mind link Michael informing him she is awake now. Michael POV: When I arrived at the pack hospital, I saw two of my men holding Alpha James down. I am surprised they seemed to be struggling. The last time I saw James he looked like he was on the verge of dying. Walking into the room, James sees me and starts yelling at me, which is funny considering he is at my mercy. “YOU SON OF A b***h WHAT THE f**k HAVE YOU DONE TO RATI”, he yells. At least I know my mate's name. “First off, calm the f**k down and let us talk like civilized men. As for Rati, she is fine, and like I said before, she is not yours”, I said, controlling the urge to kill him. “WHAT MAKE YOU THINK YOU HAVE ANY RIGHTS TO HER!”, he yells. “SHE’S MY f*****g MATE….THAT GIVES ME EVERY RIGHT TO HER!”, I yelled in his face, fighting the urge to break his f*****g neck. “HA…HA…she will never love you mate bond or not. You have destroyed the place that has been her home for nine years. She will never love you, not to mention your soldiers killed the only parent she had left”, he says as he spat at me. “She will grow to love me once the bond grows”, I said with care for how he feels. “Bond or not, she will never love you. She is carrying my pup who will be a daily reminder of our love. So you lost before you even started”, he said with a smile. “YOU ARE A f*****g LIER. IF SHE IS PREGNANT SHE WOULD NEVER HAVE FOUGHT”, I yelled as I grabbed his throat. “She doesn’t know asshole….I heard the heartbeat last night. I would have told her today but you f*****g attacked us. She was supposed to have escaped. She must have come back for her mother”, he said out of breath. “No…no…no, my mate can’t be carrying another man’s pup”, I said to myself, hiding my panic. “I will give you whatever you want, everything I own just don’t hurt her or my pup”, he says with pleading eyes. “He is right”, Eos said. “I can't believe that the Moon Goddess chose her for me to love me and me only”, I say, feeling lost. “She would never love us. Even if she stays with us, she will be devoted to her pup and the love she has for that Alpha”, Eos said with disgust. “What do you advise me to do, reject her? We have been waiting for decades for our mate. Am I supposed to let her go because she is carrying another man’s pup? What if he is lying to me?”, I am getting irritated. “There is only one way to find out. Go back to her and listen for the heartbeat”, he said. “I am going to confirm what you just said. So help you Goddess, if you are lying to me, I will castrate you and keep you as a servant”, I said as I walked out. What the f**k am I going to do? I not only have to deal with a trial and multiple executions. But also a pregnant mate, who just might hate me. I hear Gar trying to reach me via mind link. “Alpha, she is awake and trying to run”, Gar said. ` “Secure her I will be there shortly", I said as I started to run. “I’m trying, she broke my f*****g noise”, he said. Rati POV: I am having hard cramps. I feel like I am dying. I open my eyes and see I am in some kind of tent. I smell unfamiliar scents. JAMES! Oh, my goddess James, I need to find him and my mother before the forest animals get to her. I get off the bed realizing my ankle is fully healed, the only pain I feel in my stomach. I can’t worry about it. I need to get out of here. Sticking my head out of the tent, I didn’t see any guards. Maybe some campers found me. Inching out, I was about to run when I felt a hand strongly grab my arm. I turned around and punched the man in the noise. “WHO THE f**k ARE YOU? WHERE THE HELL AM I?”, I yelled. I have no idea who this man is. The cramps are starting to hurt more, but I have to keep fighting, I have to keep going. “Miss chill out, my name is Gar, I am the Beta of the Black Crescent Moon Pack”, f**k my life. “WHERE THE f**k ARE MY MOM AND ALPHA JAMES!?”, I yelled again, feeling more pain in my stomach. “Alpha James is in the pack hospital.As for your mother, I am not sure who or where she is”, he said, trying to calm me down. “Her body is in the woods, I need to get to her before the forest animals do. She deserves a proper burial”, I said, fighting the tear that wanted to come out. The pain I am feeling and the thought of some animals eating my mom’s body. “Calm down, everything will be sorted out once my Alpha gets back….he is on his way”, the man said, holding his nose. I kicked him in the balls and ran. “STOP RUNNING NOW!”, he used his Beta tone, which didn’t work. I ran until I hit something hard and fell on my ass. Now my ass and stomach hurt. Before I could see who or what I ran into, the smell of cedar and cognac. I looked up and see the most handsome man I had ever seen. He is 6’11, about 350 lbs., fair skin, bald, with a rust-colored Hollywoodian beard, and grey eyes. But a kilt on this man and he would look like a 15th-century highlander. “MATE”, Tina said. And my jaw fell to the ground. I watch him smirk and show the most sexist dimples ever. “What?”, I said in confusion. “You heard her sweet face”, the man said with a smile. “Who the f**k are you and where is James and my mom’s body”, I said, trying to ignore the cramps that were getting stronger. “I am Alpha Michael Car, Alpha of Black Crescent Moon and your mate. You can call me Mike if you wish”, he says as he reaches out to help me off the ground, but I smack his hand away. “That doesn’t answer my other question. Where are James and my mom?”, I said, trying to ignore the pain. “Alpha James is in the pack hospital he is alive for now as for your mom have no idea who or where she is. But if you calm down and come with me, we will figure it out”, he said as he reached for me again, and I backed up. “I, Rati Nymph of Moon Dust Pack, reject you Alpha Michael Car of Black Crescent Moon as my mate”, I said, looking straight in his eyes. “I Alpha Michael Car of Black Crescent Moon reject your rejection”, he said with a smirk, which I wanted to smack off his face. Once I stood up, I felt a sharp pain in my side that made me scream. Alpha and Beta both look at me with worry. I fell to my knees holding my side in pain. Next thing I knew, I picked her up and took her back to the tent. The pain won’t stop. I have no idea what’s going on. My period cramps are never this bad. “Doctor, what’s wrong with her?”, Mike said worriedly. “I am not sure. Miss, where does it hurt?”, the doctor asked me. “My lower stomach in my side. It feels like bad cramps, I said, crying in pain. “Miss, by any chance, are you pregnant?”, the doctor asked as he put pressure on my lower stomach, that made me hurt more. “NO!”, I yelled. “Yes”, Mike said as his green-grey eyes turned red. “What! No, I am not. Doctor, don’t listen to him. I just met this asshole and that one-two”, I said, pointing at the Beta. “Miss, I am going to have to take a look to make sure there is no v****a bleeding”, the doctor said, and Mike growled at Gar and they both walked out. The Doctor lifted up my shirt and once he did, I could smell blood. My eyes reached the doctor and he looked at me with sympathy. At the moment, I knew Mike was right. I am pregnant with James' pup. My soul broke. I lost my mom. Now I might lose my pup. All I have left is James. “Miss, I’m sorry, there is nothing that can be done. I have to get the fetus out or you will die. I need you to push me please”, the doctor said, and I cried and screamed for my mom and James. I don’t know how long it took. After the doctor cleaned me up, the pains slowly stopped. Tina hasn't said a word but I can feel she is there healing me physically, but the emotional pain will take a while to get over. I just laid there on the bed staring at the roof of the tent. Sparks started to run through my arms, I looked and I see Mike next to me holding my hand. I try to get up and he stops me. “Where are you going”, he asked. “I am going to the hospital. I need to see James and find my mom's body on the way”, I said and he growled. “Listen to me Rati, you have lost some blood. You need to rest and regain your strength.”, I am shocked he knows my name. “How do you know my name and that I was pregnant”, I said, confused. “Alpha James told me earlier," he said with a frown. He told Mike he knew. Why the hell did he tell me I was carrying his pup? He lost his mate and his unborn pup when he attacked my pack. I was the only woman he had been with since their death. . I start to cry again about how I am supposed to tell James our pup is gone. This is all my f*****g fault. If I listened I would have found out late and my pup would be alive right now. James is going to hate me. “Good you are up, Alpha”, the doctor said, walking in. He started taking my temperature, blood pressure, checking if I was still bleeding. The doctor asked me if it was my first pregnancy. I told him yes. The doctor starts to leave as I try to sit up. I want to ask a question I am dreading to know. “Doctor”, he turns and walks back towards me. “How far along was I”, I whispered. The doctor looks at Mike and he gives him a nod. “You were six weeks along. My dear, I am so sorry”, he said, giving me a synthetic look. “Why didn’t I know but the father did”, I asked. “The fetal heartbeat starts at about 5 weeks or so and it is very faint. The father might have known because he could sense the change in your smell. Or he had his head on your stomach and heard it”, he replied as Mike growled. “Why didn’t my wolf know? She would have told me if she did”, I am trying to understand how I did not know. “Was your wolf silent for two weeks or more, like she was in a sleeping state?”, he asked, and I nodded yes. “She was prepping your energy for the pup. My child, did you not learn this in school”, the doctor looked shocked that I didn’t know this. “No, my pack was attacked by the Moon Dust Pack when I was thirteen. When I finally was able to go to school, I skipped a grade. So I guess the part of the curriculum I missed”, I say with sadness. “Can she have more pups?”, Mike asked, interrupting the silence. “Yes, Alpha she can”, the doctor replied, looking at me with a smile. I left dozed off and slept for what seemed like days. “It doesn’t matter. I am not going to allow myself to get pregnant again. I doubt James will want to touch me again. But if he does, I will make sure there will be no more surprises. Doctor, is there something you can prescribe me”, I said, crying, thinking about how James is going to blame me for the loss of our pup. “I see what I can do”, he said as Mike growled at him.
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