Chapter 72

3179 Words

“Nothing then,” Duff said gloomily. “There was nothing of any interest inside the safe.” Watters tamped tobacco into the bowl of his pipe. “I don"t know,” he said. “The accounts seemed to be in order, as far as I could judge from a glance. Then there was that plan for two fishing boats. Why that is in a safe in the bank, I don"t know.” He drew on his pipe until the tobacco glowed red. “What"s more interesting is that Charles Graham thought it was the same envelope he was commissioned to steal from Gall, the boatbuilder.” He jabbed the stem of his pipe towards Scuddamore. “I want you to go to Gall and ask what was in his safe, and if it"s still there.” “What about me, Sergeant?” Duff asked. “I have a tough job for you, Duff,” Watters said, smiling. “What"s that, Sergeant?” “I want you

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