Chapter 71

3159 Words

They left the jail in a closed coach, with a single horse pulling them through the streets of Dundee. Scuddamore was at the reins, with Watters inside, and Charles sitting opposite, checking through the bag of tools that Watters had brought. “They"re all there,” Charles said. “That"s unexpected. I thought some of you bluebottles would have stolen my equipment.” He looked up with a twisted smile. “We all know what a crooked bunch you are.” “I want a clean, quick job.” Watters tried to hide the worry that gnawed at him. “In and out with no fuss and no distractions for anything else.” “You mean, no stealing the bank"s money,” Charles translated. “It"s no good to me, Sergeant. I"ll be inside for the next year, thanks to you.” “You"re inside because you"re a thief and a menace to the public

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