Chapter 50

4372 Words

"You are quiet tonight," Rowena said. She dragged the chair from its position in front of the fire and sat opposite Watters at the table. "There is something on your mind." Watters looked up from the map and pushed his case of lockpicks to one side. "Nothing particular." Rowena placed her arms on the table. "Then why have you been staring at that map of London for the past fifteen minutes?" She smiled across at him. "It might help to talk about it." "It"s only this case I am working on." Watters sat back. "It"s not straightforward." He seldom mentioned his cases to anybody outside the police force. "It is worrying you," Rowena said. "Come on, out with it." She raised her eyebrows and Watters felt something shift inside him. This woman disturbed him for some reason that he did not under

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