Chapter 49

3453 Words

"It is a great pity we had to kill Flannery," Alba sorted through the pile of photographs they had retrieved from the safe. "She could have told us who financed this operation and to whom she handed her notes. I presume that is the same person." He looked up. "I am afraid I cannot agree to your request to free one of the prostitutes, however. We must treat her like the others." "Lily has proved a great help to me in the past," Watters said. "That is irrelevant compared to the greater picture." Alba smiled. "I am sure that you understand that, as a policeman, you cannot allow a criminal to evade justice." Watters took a deep breath. "I am well aware of that, Alba. I am also aware that her crimes are small compared to those of others, and I think it is unfair that the Law should punish he

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