Chapter 21

3878 Words

"I would have a word, sir." Watters held his hat under his arm as he stood in Beaumont"s study. "Of course, Sergeant." Beaumont put down his pen and looked up. The portrait of the late Mrs Beaumont smiled down upon him. "You did better than I thought with that Confederate fellow, Sergeant." He shook his head. "You may be assured that I let Amy know I was out of temper with her." Watters took a deep breath. "I wouldn"t be too hard on Miss Amy. I suspect that Miss Elizabeth Caskie had a hand in choosing the guests. Her brother, Mr William Caskie, appears to be quite close to the Confederate gentlemen." He stepped back slightly, ignoring the anonymous Cattanach, who handed Beaumont a document. "I believe that Mr William has shipping business with them." Beaumont looked suddenly wary as he

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