Chapter 20

3640 Words

Standing at the corner where High Street met Reform Street, Watters slanted his low-crowned hat over one eye. The new Sharps revolver was a comforting weight inside the pocket of his coat. He preferred his old faithful Tranter, but Mr Beaumont had presented him with the Sharps as a personal gift for dealing with Varthley, so it would feel impolite to use anything else. It was a new design, being patented in 1859, with four barrels that slid forward with each shot, and at only four-and-a-half inches long was easily concealed. He was not too happy about the lack of a trigger guard, but his trials in the courtyard of Broughty Castle impressed him with the accuracy of the pistol at close range. Watters swung his cane, lifted his hat at Amy as she and Elizabeth Caskie sauntered past, laden wit

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