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The scene opens at the office of Commander Tola, as he and Agent Jamal have a very concerning and disturbing conversation.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: Jamal, you've finally completed annihilating the royal Emeka clan, I have to commend you, that must have been no easy job. The mere fact that you did it flawlessly just shows how much you deserve the codename D347H.  Jamal: Killing them was beyond easy, I only infiltrated their castles and poisoned them one after the other, ensuring it was all done in the space of a day. Killing their royal privileged ass was just too easy. I could have done it with my eyes closed, now commander, why have you really summoned me.   C0MM4ND3R 70L4: As usual, you're very perceptive. Very well then, are you aware of what your family has planned for the organisation.  Jamal: No, I don't. What could they be up to if you don't mind sharing.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: Jamal, as you already know, your family is rather special. Only people of your bloodline are able to withstand animal dna transplants and even at that, not everyone in your family can accept the dna transplant an example being your sister Ameenah. I ask you this, have I said anything new or untrue.  Jamal: No, you haven't. Now, stop beating around the bush and hit the nail on the head.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: The organisation forced your mother and father who were once siblings become a couple just because we wanted the bloodline pure. Now, after all this, your father, agent k1ll decided to betray the organisation, he is hell bent on taking over the organisation for his own personal gains, no matter the cost of lives that will be lost. Now, with the knowledge I have just shared with you, what are your intentions.  Jamal: You should already know, this is a situation in which I have to choose between doing the right thing or the sensible thing and like any wise man, I choose to take the most logical of decisions. As for my intentions, my intention will always remain pure, I have no desire to be a shitty person or possess a shitty personality.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: That is rather funny, a complete assassin and mass murderer talking about purity, my question is what will you do, or rather, who are you going to side with, the organisation or your family. Jamal: I have no intention of taking sides, just let me handle my father. If it gets to the worst case scenario, I'll kill him myself, just keep my family out of it. C0MM4ND3R 70L4: You're so cold, don't you know that no one hides pain more than a leader trying to stay strong for his followers. Your father must be having a hard time. Jamal: I do not care about any of that piece of s**t, I shall protect my country, no matter what it takes.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: It appears you're putting Nigeria first. Jamal: Now, that is just an offshoot of unconcious stupidity. I'm not taking sides with anyone, I'm only aiming to do what is best for the majority.   C0MM4ND3R 70L4: There are two reasons to not trust a person, the first is, you don't know them. The second as is your case is that you do know them, I know you'll always put family first, if you fail to stop your family, then, prepare for trouble, and make it double. Jamal: Is that a threat commander? Do not forget that I can turn dreams into nightmares without you even knowing it was me. You hear that? You filthy, greedy, ugly, stinking son a demented psychotic b***h. If you come for my family, then, prepare for trouble and make it triple.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: Take off your hat and let me slap your empty head. Jamal: Lol, alright, enough with the arguments, do you know why dark is spelt with ''k'' and not ''c''?  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: No, I don't. Why? What does this even have to do with the discussion we're having, anyway, why?   Jamal: Because you can't c in the dark, obviously.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: Was that supposed to be funny, well, I'm disappointed.  Jamal: Hello disappointed, I'm sir Tobi. C0MM4ND3R 70L4: I'm sincerely............... Jamal: (cuts in) No, you're disappointed not sincerely.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: So, you're Tobi who then?  Jamal: Tobi or not to be.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: Damn, you're such a pain, seriously though, take care of your father's fuss.  Jamal: I will, I promise, by the way, what is 5Q plus 5Q.  C0MM4ND3R 70L4: 10Q obviously. Jamal: You're welcome, well then, I shall be leaving now, thank you for your time. The scene comes to an end as Jamal walks out of the commander's office in a branch of the NSS.
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