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The scene occurs in the living room of a well furnished mansion, the room is furnished to the best of tastes and members of the Tobiloba family are seated and having random discussions  Ameenah: Dad, when is big bro Jamal coming home, I miss him so so much and why has he been going to work so much? He is just sixteen, he's too young to be working so hard, I miss him so so much.  Mr Tobiloba: Your brother is working around the clock to support the family, instead of whining like a particular moron I'm looking at, when I was 10, I fed my entire extended family, from your grandmothers to your uncles and no one ever complained. Ameenah: Dad, this isn't the lame generation you grew up in.  Mr Tobiloba: Listen here you little piece of completely useless and worthless s**t, kids your age from my ''lame'' generation broke each others bones for the hell of it, when I was your age I was fighting to survive on the streets, now get the f**k out of my face before I use my belt on your ignorant, weak and lazy punk ass.  Ameenah: Alright dad, you don't have to be rude abo..........  Mr Tobiloba: (cuts in and pulls out his leather belt) What did you say you foolish disgrace of a daughter (hits her on the head with the buckle of his belt). Ameenah: (burst into tears) Dad, I'm sorry, I never meant to.............. (proceeds to look at who is about to come in and screams in excitement) BIG BROTHER!!! Mr Tobiloba: What! Jamal, you're back so soon, wow! That is quite like you though, quick and wise, I'm proud of you son.  Jamal: Father, why are you hitting Mia?   Mr Tobiloba: Why are you so rude, I just asked you a question, why are you so worried about this failure, we all know what she is, a failure.  Jamal: My mission was fine as always. Now, why are you hitting Mia.  Ameenah: Mission? What do you mean mission big brother, aren't you an engineer.  Mr Tobiloba: (Hits her on the head for a second time) Keep your filthy mouth shut, your breath stinks, you reeking little pig.  Jamal: Father, that is enough, she's done nothing to deserve such a barrage...............  Mr Tobiloba: How dare you talk back at me, have you forgotten your place? Jamal: Shut the f**k up you stupid son of a b***h, you let Liyah get captured by sending her to murder the ever powerful emo team, I defeated them for you and you're asking me if I dare talk back at you. I've been doing your job as the head of this family since I was ten, so get your pathetic and pained personality out of my face before I beat up your senile and pathetic old ass.  Mr Tobiloba: You've really become arrogant this past few years, however, I won't let this matter drag on.  Ameenah: Big brother what do you mean by what you have just said, I don't understa........  Mr Tobiloba: We have to wipe her memory, she knows too much, why couldn't you keep your proud mouth shut (hits Ameenah on the head to knock her out). Jamal: We'll just remove this memory and put her in bed, it'll be just like a bad dream she can't seem to remember.  The scene closes as Agent Jamal carries his younger sister Ameenah into his car and off to an NSS laboratorya to wipe off her memory of the events that just occure
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