Chapter Thirty Three

1420 Words

Mason POV To my surprise, I actually enjoyed my day with my dad and the other men. They were joking around, not at all like I expected them to behave, and it showed me that you can still have fun and be serious at the same time. It was a real eye-opener for me and I now want more of these days. It was so special to me. Dad had never pushed any duties onto me or my brothers, he made hints, and sometimes he would sort of ask if we wouldn’t mind doing some things for him to help him out, but never made it an order, and in some ways I wished he had. He gave me free rein to make an i***t of myself and room to make a formative decision about how much effort I would put into the tasks he gave me. Never once did Dad look disappointed about not completing a task or if I had not attempted it

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