Chapter 8

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            {Lanie’s P.O.V.}             After Lexie and I were released from the hospital, Rylee came to get us, and she introduced us to a pack member named Lorenzo and his mate Olivia. We could both tell that he wasn’t someone ordinary, and he seemed a lot more powerful than Rylee or Wyatt. Of course, in typical Lexie fashion, she had to point it out that instant.             “You’re not an ordinary wolf,” she said ever so bluntly. I elbowed her in her side. “What? You were thinking the same thing, Lanie.”             “Doesn’t mean you go and point it out, stupid. That’s rude.”             “No, it’s not, it’s a fact, and pointing out a fact isn’t rude.”             “Lexie, you’re going to get us killed, just like the time you almost got us killed jumping off a cliff.”             “I told you we would survive and look, we’re standing and breathing, aren’t we?”             “GIRLS!” Rylee shouted so we stopped arguing.             “My goodness, it’s like dealing with children,” Olivia muttered under her breath.             “They basically are, love,” Lorenzo told her.             “Compared to us they are,” she replied.             “Okay, enough already. Let’s get them to their rooms so they can shower and change into something more comfortable. I am pretty sure that the hospital gowns are not comfy,” Rylee said, and we both nodded our heads in agreement. She led us up to the second floor of this humongous castle that Lexie and I could not stop admiring. We couldn’t contain the  “oohs” and “ahhs” whenever we saw something that really caught our attention which was pretty much everything.             Even the staircase that led upstairs was grand, and I couldn’t stop myself from running my fingers along the handles and railing. It was so smooth and shiny. I loved things that were shiny. When we got to the top of the second floor, we made a right turn, and there we were met with doors upon doors.             “Okay, here is the room you two will be sharing. Sirena and Irene, your two nurses, are just on the other side of the stairs. This side is for our guests, so you two are the only ones staying on this side. You will have plenty of privacy as well as medical staff close by just in case you need anything. All of the rooms are soundproofed from the inside, however, Sirena and Irene are able to hear you if you call out to them,” Rylee told us. We both smiled. She opened the door and inside were two beds, one on either side of the room. One was a light shade of yellow and the other was a light shade of green. They both had matching blankets and pillows, and there was a big walk-in closet that seemed larger than life.             “Where did all these clothes come from?” Lexie asked with her eyes wide as she opened the closet. “The clothes were collected from Melody, our Gamma Milan, our friend Michelle, who is Milan’s sister-in-law, Irene, and from me” Rylee answered. “Some of the clothes are still new and have the tags on them, we all figured that it would be wrong of us to give you clothes that were already worn out.” Lexie and I exchanged glances and we both smiled at Rylee. She and this pack, as she called it, have been so kind to us ever since they saved us from the lake.             “Lex, which bed do you want?” I asked her.             “Either one, I don’t care. You pick what you want, and I will take the other,” she answered. I knew that she wanted me to take the bed furthest from the door because I was afraid of being too close to it. So that’s what I did, and Lexie happily took the other bed closest to the door.             “The bathroom is through that door to the left of the closet. There is another room right across the hall that was also going to be yours too, but since you wanted to share we will leave it unoccupied for now.”             “Is that the other room that has a shower?” I asked and Rylee nodded.             “Rylee, I have a question,” Lexie said.             “Sure.”             “Why do people call you Luna?” she asked. I was honestly wondering the same thing.             “That’s because I am the Luna. As I mentioned when we all first met, Wyatt is the Alpha which makes him the leader of this pack and I’m his mate. I’m his Luna, and I help him run the pack.”             “Girls, think of it as a King and Queen running a kingdom,” Olivia said to us.             “Ohhhh …” That made a lot more sense.             “And just like a King and Queen, those beneath their rank have to show respect so they refer to them as Alpha and Luna,” Lorenzo added on, and we just nodded now that we grasped it a little more.             “But since you girls don’t know the fundamentals of pack life yet, you two are permitted to call Wyatt and me by our names, as well as everyone else, for the time being.”             “But isn’t that disrespectful?” Lexie asked.             “Only when you do it without permission. Honestly, Wyatt and I don’t mind at all and neither do the other ranked members. We allow a lot of people to call us by our names, but that’s because we like to be personable with pack members. Even Lorenzo and Olivia call us by our names.”             “That’s because we’re older,” Lorenzo said and patted Rylee on the head. She instantly swatted his hand away and gave him an annoyed expression. Lexie and I just giggled at their interaction.             “Anyways, I will send Irene in here to help you girls get cleaned up and change into new clothes. I know that undergarments may be a new thing for you because at one point they were for me too, but you will get used to wearing them. Trust me, you’ll like it. I’m up on the fifth floor if you need anything at all.”             “Girls, it was a pleasure meeting you, and I hope we can all help you two get settled in comfortably,” Olivia said and shook our hands.             “Olivia and I live in a house within the territory, but we are always available if you need anything from us as well. We will do what we can to help keep you safe from the traffickers,” Lorenzo told us with a genuine tone.             “Thank you!” Lexie and I both answered in unison. They all left us and closed the door behind them. Lexie and I looked at each other, looked around the room once more, and then we both smiled again.             “Lexie, I think our lives are going to turn around for the better from now on,” I told her softly.             “I think I have to agree with you. Rylee has been making sure that we’re taken care of. We owe our lives to her,” Lexie answered. “I still can’t help but wonder how she knew where to find us after we jumped though.”             “What do you mean by ‘we?’ If I remember correctly, you technically pulled me with you,” I responded. “It was either jump or go back to a life we may not have survived much longer,” she replied nonchalantly. I let out a sigh and nodded my head. We stood around a little longer, still taking in our new surroundings and living arrangements. This was the first room that we would ever call ours. Our first bed, our first real clothes, first real shower and bath, and it was all ours, at least for the moment. “Well, if you’re done looking at the place, I’m going to take a shower!” Lexie said and ran into the bathroom.             “HEY!” I shouted as she locked the door on me. My jaw dropped in complete shock at what just happened. I figured that I might as well wait since I didn’t feel like leaving the room by myself just yet. Next time, I’ll have to go in first and lock her out to give her a taste of her own medicine. I let Lexie have her moment and went to lay down on the bed for the first time. “Oh wow,” I gasped at how soft and comfortable it felt. I curled up and hugged one of the pillows. “This is definitely better than the hospital,” I whispered and felt my eyes getting heavy. I let sleep take over as I dreamed of a life where my sister and I never had to worry about the traffickers ever again.   Two weeks later             {Wyatt’s P.O.V.}             It’s been a couple of weeks since Lexie and Lanie became accustomed to the pack life, and they seemed to be fitting in nicely. They’ve made friends with a lot of the pack members, especially the newborns since they seem to have more in common when it comes to age and living a new life. Rylee and William have been spending a lot of time together, and it seemed like he brought her some newfound peace. She felt more comfortable being open with her powers when he was around, and the pack has definitely acclimated to their Luna having extraordinary abilities.             There was definitely an adjustment period following us telling the entire pack about everything—the situation with the clone, Rylee’s number and scope of abilities, and William actually being a long lost relative of her bloodline. It was a hard pill to swallow and a lot for them to digest, but after explaining in full detail why s**t went down the way it did, more pack members were very understanding. Some still felt betrayed and were wearier of getting in Rylee’s way or upsetting her. Rylee tried her best to keep her mind-reading to a minimum, but she still slipped here and there.            I took some time off work due to the upcoming annual Alpha meeting that was going to be held here at Blue Lake. Rylee was not at all happy about it, but unfortunately, it’s been over a decade since we last hosted the event. After what happened with Halfmoon, it was only right that Blue Lake was selected this year. Additionally, the Elders were finally going to lift their punishment off the pack, well more like off me. Kendrick, Jason, and I were in my home office preparing for the meeting when I got a phone call.             “Hello?”             “Wyatt.”             “Dorian?”             “Yeah. So, I got that information you wanted, and I don’t think you’re going to like it.”             “You found information on the traffickers?”             “I didn’t, my trackers did. But let me tell you, it’s not what you think it is.”             “What?”             “This isn’t just some group of traffickers moving werewolves for money, this is something way bigger.”             “Yeah, I actually gathered that when our guests told my mate that there were others aside from wolves.”             “This isn’t just one group either.”             “What do you mean it’s not just one group?!” Kendrick and Jason were staring at me at that point.             “I mean, it’s an entire ring of traffickers. The girls that stumbled into your pack seem to be from one certain group but based on the intel that my team of trackers gathered, this ring of traffickers is bigger than anyone can comprehend. They found information all over the world, and the one particular group you’re looking for is apparently the head of the operation.”             “Holy shit.”             “Holy s**t is right. Whoever is in charge of this has to be supernatural himself. There is no way a human can lead something of this magnitude.”             “I’m inclined to agree, I knew that it couldn’t just be humans involved in this.”             “Wyatt, you need to be careful. I know you have a strong pack, and a large one at that, but these traffickers mean business.”             “What are you saying, Dorian?”             “I’m saying that those two girls that you gave a safe haven aren’t what they seem.”             “I don’t understand.”             “Wyatt, one of my lead trackers found out that those girls are referred to as the Gemini Project, and they’re not ordinary wolves. She wasn’t able to find out exactly what they are, but they are rare. Probably even rarer than your mate.”             “How do you know about my mate!?”             “Come on little cousin, did you honestly think that you would be able to keep that secret from me? I run a security and surveillance company. My wife and the other ranked females were hand-chosen by the moon goddess herself. If I need to find information, I have my ways of getting it.”             “f**k you, Dorian. Don’t spy on me or my family.”             “Not spying, I just have people all over who find out information for me. It also doesn’t help that rumors of a certain vampire being killed by a Luna she-wolf in your state made the news last year.”             “Shit.”             “Don’t worry, I doubt anyone is stupid enough to go after her, knowing full well what she is capable of. That would be suicide.” I couldn’t stop the smile that formed across my face. Rylee was a force to be reckoned with and she was all mine. “Anyway, just called to give you that tidbit about those girls you have. Trust me when I tell you, whoever wants them will do whatever it takes to get them, so watch yourself.”             “I got it, thanks.” I hung up and looked at Kendrick and Jason who were still staring. “What?”             “Dude, don’t play like we didn’t just hear all of that. Obviously, your cousin had something to say, so spit it out,” Kendrick said. “I’m with Ken. That call had to do with Lexie and Lanie, didn’t it?” I nodded my head and let out a big sigh. I gave the guys a recap of the situation and told them what Lexie and Lanie were referred to. It made sense because they’re twins, but when I told them the part about the girls being even rarer than Rylee, they both gave me confused looks. To this day, Rylee has been the rarest wolf anyone has ever come across. Blessed wolves weren’t anything new to report, but rare wolves like Ryan and William were one in a billion. As of this moment, the rarest wolves in existence were those two plus Sam.             The fact that there were two wolves that were considered to be even rarer than them was something that we could not comprehend. It also made me wonder if Rylee already knew of this and refused to tell me. Knowing her, she probably omitted this information to protect them, but now that I knew this I needed to confront Rylee about it before the Alpha’s meeting.
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