Chapter 9

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            {Rylee’s P.O.V.}             I knew I was in trouble the moment Wyatt linked me to come to his office. He never linked me to come to his office unless he was going to lecture me about something. It seldom happened, but I figured out the pattern of his ways early on. That and of course I can read his thoughts. I never indicated that I was doing so, but I honestly hated being lectured. Wyatt always treated me like I was some child whenever he did, rather than his mate and this pack’s Luna.             When I got to his office, he had his fingers interlocked and they were resting on his desk. Kendrick and Jason were there as well, and I knew that I was in deep s**t. He never wanted his Beta and Gamma in his office when he linked me unless it was something that he knew could affect the entire pack.             “Rylee, sit,” Wyatt commanded. Even though he couldn’t make me do anything, I did as he said either way. I sat between Kendrick and Jason and they were also looking at me curiously. They didn’t know why Wyatt called me in here, and when I tried to read his mind to get an idea, I found that he was blocking me out. “Surprised that I’m able to block your mind-reading?” he asked. I looked at him with wide eyes. “Yes, I know you cheat from time to time to gauge the reason for calling you into my office, but not this time.”             “But …”             “How? Let’s just say Olivia and Lorenzo have been giving me pointers.” My mouth dropped open at the betrayal of William and Olivia. “Do you have something you want to tell us, dearest?” he asked.             “Uhhh … Not really?” I answered. He lifted a brow at me and gave me an obvious look of displeasure. I cowered in my seat knowing that he was not in a playing mood. “I … Uhh … I …”             “Rylee, what is it?” Kendrick asked a little more nicely. I looked to Jason for help, but he also just lifted his brow at me. No one was on my side, and I knew that I was cornered. These guys wanted to know what I was hiding.             “I can’t,” I replied.             “Can’t? Or won’t?” Jason asked.             “Both.”             “Rylee, whether you tell me or not, it doesn’t matter. I already know, but I’m giving you the chance to tell me yourself because I would expect that as my mate and the Luna of this pack, you would have enough respect for me to be honest,” Wyatt said in a serious tone. “I know that Lexie and Lanie are a rare set of twins, but the real question is, how rare are they?” he continued when I refused to say anything. I looked up at him, and it was then I realized that he had gotten the call from his distant cousin that he had been waiting for.             “Wyatt … I …”             “Rylee, tell me now, or I will go interrogate the girls.”             “No! Don’t! They don’t know anything!” I shouted as I stood to my feet.             “So, there is something that we all need to know,” Kendrick said to me. I looked down at him and let out a big sigh. I wasn’t going to win this, and I knew it. I sat back down and gave Wyatt the look to let him know how much I hated him at this moment.             “What is it?” Jason asked.             “Dr. Andrews had Dr. Marsh run some kind of detailed blood test of the girls.”             “Who’s Dr. Marsh?” Jason asked.             “She’s Gavin’s mom. The doctor that did Keaton’s paternity test,” Kendrick answered, and I nodded in confirmation.             “What did she say?” Wyatt asked.             “In her expert opinion, she says that the girls may be direct descendants … of … the … moon … goddess …” I trailed off softly and cowered in my seat a little lower. All three of them just stared at me with wide eyes not saying anything. I waited a moment, but still nothing. “Ummm…Guys?”             “Hold the f**k up, what did you just say?” Kendrick asked, shaking his hands and head. “Moon goddess? As is in the mother of all werewolves?” I nodded my head.             “Rylee, why didn’t you tell me this sooner?!” Wyatt shouted.             “I just found out not too long ago myself! And I promised Dr. Andrews I wouldn’t tell anyone to keep the girls safe! They don’t know anything! All they know is that they are special! Just not how special,” I said trying to defend them. “That’s where their Alpha blood comes from. According to Dr. Marsh and Dr. Andrews, for someone to be a blood relative of the moon goddess, they also have to be born to an Alpha. It’s not as specific as being like me or Lorenzo, but I think you get the picture.”             “s**t,” Wyatt muttered under his breath.             “What?” I asked.             “That’s why these girls are so rare,” he said to no one in particular.             “What!?” I asked again.             “Come on, man, spill it,” Kendrick said.             “Do you guys remember that story your mom used to tell us when we were little?” Wyatt asked Kendrick.             “Which one? My mom told us a lot of stories.”             “The one where special werewolves are born, but no ordinary werewolf can go to, or find.”             “Wait, are you talking about the Lunar Kingdom? That fairy tale about where all of the higher powers live and special wolves are born?” Jason asked, and Wyatt nodded in response. I looked between the three of them really confused.             “Uhhh … Does someone care to share?” I asked, waving my hand at all of them.             “What if it’s not a fairy tale?” Wyatt asked, completely ignoring me.             “That’s crazy talk man, the Lunar Kingdom doesn’t exist,” Kendrick answered.             “Are you sure about that? What if it does? What if this is how direct descendants of the moon goddess are born?” Wyatt countered.             “But you said it yourself, ordinary wolves can’t go there,” Jason replied. The guys kept going back and forth with all of the ‘what ifs,’ and I started to feel very left out. I had no idea what they were talking about as I had never heard of the Lunar Kingdom. This was a bedtime story my parents never told me. I started to get a headache sitting between these three burly men debating.             “HEY!” I shouted, getting all of their attention.             “What, baby?” Wyatt asked, shocked that I yelled at all of them.             “What the hell is the Lunar Kingdom?”             “You’ve never heard of it?” Kendrick asked.             “If I had, would I f*****g be asking what it is?” I replied with a tone so bitchy it made him put his hands up.             “Geez, no need to get all snippy,” he said and scooted his chair away.             “It’s a fairy tale,” Jason told me.             “I get that, but what is it?”             “It’s a place where all of the leaders of the supernatural apparently live, like the moon goddess. Gods and goddesses of every supernatural you can think of. Wolves, vampires, fairies, dragons, bears, witches, you name it, they live there,” Wyatt said.             “Or so the story entails,” Kendrick added.             “The point is, the story Lizzy used to tell us when we were growing up was one of many she told, but the one about the Lunar Kingdom never seemed to end. Every week, she had something new to tell us about it, and it was a story that we all liked to hear. Mel, Milan, and even Tasha loved to hear it the most,” Jason said.             “It was mostly because she made the stories romantic,” Wyatt interjected.             “True, but it also had a lot of drama and fighting, and they were all around good stories,” Kendrick said, emphasizing the word ‘stories.’             “Okay … I still don’t get what this has to do with the girls,” I replied, giving them looks of utter confusion.             “The point is, in these stories, Lizzy always said something about the gods and goddesses giving birth to their own children and raising those children themselves. So not only do the gods and goddesses of our kind gift us our own pups, as well as any other supernatural offspring, but they also bless themselves. These children are supposed to be powerful,” Wyatt told me.             “And stories say that if anyone were to ever find the Lunar Kingdom, it could be devastating to all of the supernatural world,” Jason concluded.             “Okay, yeah, that just sounds like some made-up fairy tale,” I replied.             “See, even she thinks it’s bullshit,” Kendrick said pointing at me.             “There’s only one way to find out,” Wyatt replied. We all looked at him. “Who do we know that’s immortal and would have more knowledge of such a place?”             “Wait, you want to ask Lorenzo?” Jason said, and Wyatt nodded his head. “Ken, go get him.” Kendrick got up and went to go find William. I quickly mind linked Wyatt.             Wyatt, you can’t ask him! You’re going to blow his secret!             Rylee, this is important. If the Lunar Kingdom does exist, then we need to know.             And what if it doesn’t?! You’re going to out William as the first Primordial in existence. You’re going to put a target on his back!             Relax, Tink, it’s not like he can die.             THAT’S NOT THE POINT!             “Seriously, what are you two arguing about?” Jason asked, interrupting my mind link with Wyatt. Before either one of us could respond, Kendrick came back with William.             “Alpha, what is going on?” he asked Wyatt.             “Please, sit, there’s something we need to discuss,” Wyatt said respectfully.             “Is there something wrong?” he asked as he sat where Kendrick was originally sitting.             “Lorenzo, I think it’s time you came clean about who you really are,” Wyatt said to him point-blank.             “Excuse me?”             “It’s important, and it has to do with Lexie and Lanie potentially being descendants of the moon goddess.” William looked at me disapprovingly.             “Don’t look at me, I didn’t have a choice but to tell him,” I said defensively.             “Alpha, is this necessary?”             “It is, and you can trust these men. You know that.” William looked at Kendrick and Jason, and then at Wyatt and me. I glared at Wyatt for putting William in this kind of position, but to my surprise, William actually agreed.             “Very well.”             “What?” I looked at him completely shocked.             “Rylee, it’s okay. I think it’s time anyway. I can’t keep up this charade for much longer. There is no reason for me to keep up the double identity anymore,” he said to me and pat my shoulder with reassurance. “Beta, Gamma, my name is not Lorenzo Rossi … My real name is William. William Corvino, I am …”             “Holy f**k, you’re the first Primordial to ever exist!” Kendrick shouted.             “What?” Jason exclaimed.             “Yes, I am. I am the original, and Rylee is my direct descendant.”             “Whatttt …” Kendrick responded in shock. “Wyatt, you f*****g knew! And you didn’t tell us?!”             “I promised to keep it secret, but given what we know about Lexie and Lanie, this was necessary,” Wyatt replied apologetically. I still wasn’t happy with how things were coming to light, but it was too late now.             “Beta, Gamma, now that you know who I am, I would appreciate it if you kept this yourself for the time being. As much I don’t mind people knowing, trying to explain to a pack of over 800 werewolves that I’m over 7000 years old would be kind of hard.”            “Sev … Seven … SEVEN THOUSAND!?!” Jason shouted at the top of his lungs.            “Yeah, dude. This guy was f*****g alive in like 5000 B.C. or some s**t like that!” Kendrick replied.            “We’re not here to talk about his age!” Wyatt snapped, getting their attention back. “But, it is why we need his help.”             “What is this about?” William asked calmly.             “William,” I got his attention, “Does the Lunar Kingdom exist?” I asked carefully. His body tensed and his face hardened. “William?” He didn’t say anything and just stared at me blankly.             “William?” Wyatt waved his hand in his face.             “WILLIAM!” I shouted and shoved him in his seat.             “Huh? What? What did you say?” he replied.             “I asked you if the Lunar Kingdom exists?” I repeated and he tensed again. After a moment of him just staring at me and breathing heavily, he finally said something.             “Where did you hear about the Lunar Kingdom?” he asked in return. His tone was suspicious, and it almost seemed as if he was scared that we knew about this.             “My mom used to tell us stories about it when we were growing up,” Kendrick answered.             “And how would your mother know about it?” William asked him.             “I honestly have no clue.”             “William, why does it matter where or who we heard it from?” I asked. He bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes.             “Because, only those who were born in the Lunar Kingdom know about its existence,” he answered. All of us were taken aback by what he said.             “Wyatt, didn’t you say that only those born from the gods and goddesses live there?” I asked to make sure I was remembering what he said correctly. Wyatt nodded and his facial expression was the same one we all had.             “Wait … what?” Kendrick said.             “Beta, I believe your mother may have been a descendant of a higher power, more specifically, the moon goddess.” Kendrick’s eyes were about to pop out of his head. “And if Lexie and Lanie are descendants of the moon goddess as well, then it is possible that you are related.”
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