Intimately sweet

1791 Words
MALLERY’S POV — I'm breathless as Jace pulls away, I could feel my rapid heart beat thundering in my ears. I was sure I was bright red in the face, but still Jace looks at me with amazed eyes, "You sure you never done this before?" He asks with a teasing grin. I nod while I inhale short but fast breaths. "You are phenomenal feram unum," he growls lowly while his finger tips dig into my sides. My one breast is almost completely hung out of the bikini top as I look down and I embarrassingly fix my top. "We should stop," he clears his throat, pushing me back so that I sit on his legs. "Why?" I ask baffled. What if he just lied and said I was good but I was bad? Jason leans forward, the edge of his soft, but raw lips twitching up, "Because if we don't, this kiss won't be the only first today," I watch as his throat tightens as he gulps, but I sit frozen on his legs, with my own parted, my hands resting on my own thighs. I want more, but maybe I shouldn't rush into this, after all, we only met hours ago. "Don't worry," he captures my chin in between his rough fingertips, "We could kiss some more later on," he winks and he holds my waist as he stands up. My legs glide until they are straight and I stare at him towering over me. "Can I ask you a question?" I ask in a muffled tone. He nods once, it makes him look more tense than I expected, "What does feram unum mean?" The grin that takes over his face has my eyes widening and I make sure to listen, but he doesn't say anything and just brushes past me like I didn't ask him about it. "Jason," my voice goes high and then low, making him spin around, his arms held open, "I'm not telling you," his smile is so bright as he shrugs that it's difficult, almost impossible to be mad at him. "I want to know," I beg as I walk towards him. He stops by the bedroom door, "And I want to tell you, so I guess we both don't get what we want," he nods, sighing dramatically. "Go take a shower," he leans in, kissing the top of my head, "Be ready in twenty," he winks, disappearing as he pulls the door shut and I stand frozen in my spot, overwhelmed by the smallest gesture of a kiss on my forehead that leaves my heart feel like it's being torn apart. I close the door as soon as my tears drop off my chin and I wipe my cheeks with the back of my hand, I don't even know why I'm crying but how he kissed me made me feel so...alive and loved, it was so sweet. I never witnessed something so intimate, not personally. I watched as my parents kissed my siblings good night only to shut my door and whisper 'sweet dreams' in a scared tone. I watched over and over how people who were in love make gestures like the one Jason just did, but I never felt anything, not like I do now. I want to smile, that's how happy I feel, but at the same time, with the heart ache of knowing that my siblings received that kind of love as a child when I didn't makes me feel angry and betrayed. I didn't have to touch my parents for them to give me a single kiss on my head, I just realise now that they were so afraid of me that they didn't want to be close to me. I don't know how long I stand frozen in my spot, thinking of the sweet kiss Jason left on my forehead, it was like I could still feel his soft lips where it connected with my skin, like it was still there. My door opens and my head gently lifts, looking right at Jason dressed, "You haven't showered yet?" His green orbs travel down my body, but his hard features turn soft as his eyes connect with mine, "Were you crying? What's wrong? Did I take it too far?" His voice stays in one tone, which is creepy. "I'm fine," I shake my head, lying through my teeth. "Then why are your cheeks wet?" He steps into the room and it feels like all of the air is drained out, it feels like I have been caught doing something bad. I can hear his voice in my head, 'Stop crying you little brat!' I inch away while my head drops and I stare at the floor, "Mallery, look at me." Jason demands and he takes my face with both of his hands, making me look up at him, "Are you okay?" He asks and I nod twice, slowly. "Do you want to talk about it?" Is his second question. I shake my head once and he lets go of my face, tilting his head, "Do you still want to go dress shopping?" I want to shake my head, but he looks so lost, like he has no hope left and the last thing I want to do is disappoint him, so I nod. He sighs, it sounds so relieved that I can't even imagine what would have happened if I had said no, "Then go take a shower, however long it takes and I will get some clothes for you and make you a sandwich while you get dressed, does that sound fine?" His eyebrows are raised and I nod, "Then get going," he winks with a small smile and I turn and head to the bathroom. I shower as quickly as possible as I try not to make us more late than we already are. I don't know much about Jason except that he's kind, a good kisser and he seems to care about me, so I don't want him to wait too long. My father wasn't a very patient man and I don't know if Jason is like him. I use the big towel to wrap around me and when I exit the steaming bathroom, clothes are spread out across my bed and I head over, blushing when I see underwear next to the soft black material shorts and white blouse. It has thin straps and looks loose, but I choose to trust my mate and put the clothes on after drying my hair. I skip down the stairs, feeling like a kid as I smile and Jason waits for me at the bottom with a plastic container in hand and a happy look on his face, "That was fast," he smiles and I nod, "I didn't want to make us late,", "Late for what? You could have taken an hour and I wouldn't have cared." He hands me the container and wraps his muscular arm around my waist, "But I am happy you were fast because I don't know how long it takes for bread to get soggy," he smiles guiltily and leads me out of the house while I giggle. The drive is relaxing, but when Jason almost speeds into other car's rear ends, I wish I wasn't in here, "Can you slow down?" I squeeze my eyes shut, "We're driving sixty," he snorts and I open one eye before the other, peeking through to make sure that I'm alive and not dreaming this while passed out because of an accident, "Are you afraid of cars?" He asks with a grin, "No, I just...I didn't use one a lot, maybe like five times when I was younger," she car suddenly slows down as he stares in front of him at the road, guilt written all over his face. "I'm sorry, I made it awkward," I bury my face in my hands, "No, you didn't." He sighs, "I did, I keep on forgetting that you haven't had a normal life." He sighs, scratching the back of his neck and I could tell that he was feeling guilty, "Hey..." I take his hand, "It's okay, it's not your fault that I had a shitty life, and you shouldn't feel guilty because you made it better, by giving me this," I jiggle the bracelet around my arm in front of him and he stares down at it, smiling, "I did something right at least,", "You've done everything right." I suck on my bottom lip as I watch him smile. "Even tricking you by smelling dust so that you could pass out?" He grins and I roll my eyes, "Everything except that." I snort and he starts to laugh. "You weren't afraid of me," he mutters, now looking at the road in front of him. "I feel safe with you," I shrug and he turns his head, only for a second, to look at me. We stare at each other for only a second, but it feels longer, speaking with our eyes as our souls attach themselves to one another and I feel complete. "Do you want to grab McDonald's?" He asks as if I'm supposed to know what that is, "Sure?" I shrug and he stares at me, he's driving a lot slower once we're in the city as he called it and his eyes widen as his lips part, "You never had McDonald's, have you?", "Look, I can see you want me to be excited about this, but what is it?", "It's a fast food restaurant," he deadpans, looking at me if I were silly all while he was getting excited about food. "But I had a sandwich," I pout and he scoffs, "But not ice cream," he winks, a shriek escaping my lips as he turns sharp, my body swaying to the side and we fall behind other two cars. "Is this the line for parking?" I only ever went to the store once with my parents and never again, I don't know much about the city, only the woods and the animals inside of it. "No, it's a drive trough. You order by the first window, pay at the second and get your things at the third." He shrugs, "This seems very lazy," I point out, which makes him laugh, "I guess it is invented by the lazy," I can't help but smile as he laughs, he looks so happy about getting me ice cream from this Mc-whatever place we're at and it makes me feel happy to see him this excited. His eyes are so full of joy that he reminds me of a small boy getting a surprise. I guess this is kind of my surprise, not the ice cream, but him.
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