A first kiss

1715 Words
MALLERY'S POV -- I'm baking in the sun as I wash his car, I even washed the wheels of it. I have a layer of sweat coating my skin, and the end of my ponytail is also wet from laying over the car to reach the middle and it sticks to the wet surface. "I think you missed a spot love," Jace beams and I turn to look at him pointing to the front of his car. I frown, walking around and I rest with my hands on my hips as I stare at the front I haven't started on. I scoff as I turn, looking at him with narrowed eyes, "I haven't washed here yet," his eyes are glued to my ass and I fully turn my body to him, "Oh," he grins as his fingers repeatedly tap against one another. I knew what he was doing, I wasn't dumb or blind, he loved looking at me. I'm flattered but also a little bit freaked out. Having him sit there in the baking sun, his skin looking shiny, his abs glowing and there are lines forming on the sides of his abdomen and it makes his body look more sculpted. Just looking at him makes me feel hotter, there is this heat between my legs and every time I lower onto my haunces, I feel his eyes roaming my eyes. I rinse the car off and when I look over at him, he has his glasses lowered, his chin dipped as he stares at me over the rim of his shades. "What are you looking at?" I stare at him while I have the water spraying his car, "At you, of course." he grins, making me scoff as I shake my head, "Well how does this look?" I turn the hose and spray the water all over me, gasping when the icy water connects with my fiery skin. "Well," he clears his throat, bending his knees as he leans forward, his hands clasped together tightly. I giggle and roll my eyes, enjoying the cool feeling as I rinse the front of his car. "You shouldn't have turned your back," his voice makes me jump and I accidentally spray him with water, soaking him. He grabs the hose, bending it until the water stops flowing and he grabs my hand, tossing the green rubber pipe to the side and pulls me towards the house. "Shut the water off!" he demands, pulling the dry cloth from his back pocket, "And wipe my car," he tosses it to the seat and I stay silent as he drags me inside the house. He doesn't look or sound mad, but what if he hates water? But how could he? How would he shower or bathe? "Did I upset you?" I ask in a mere whisper, "Nope," he breathes heavily, the muscles on his back tense. My feet glide over the tiled floor and I try not to slip as he rushes us up the stairs, "Where are we going?" I giggle and my eyes widen when he pulls me into my room and towards the bathroom, closing the door behind us. The sound of the door locking is deafening and I stare wide-eyed at him while my chest rises and falls. He slowly turns, my eyes catching every glimpse of his muscles that flex, "I'm going to kiss you," he blurts out as he strides over to me. His large hands cup my face, but when he leans in, I duck, turning and walk away, "Mallery?" his voice is full of curiosity, "Yes?" I chew on my thumb's nail, turning and I glance at him with flushed cheeks, "What's wrong?" he asks and I can't stop my thundering pulse, "I never..." I inhale a sharp breath, embarrassment flushing my cheeks. "You never kissed someone?" I notice how his throat moves and now I even feel more embarrassed. Why couldn't I just let him kiss me? Why did I need to tell him that I had never been kissed before? This is humiliating. I smile guiltily, "Of course I...haven't" my smile falls as fast as I faked it, I cover my face with my hands, shaking my head. His silence makes me feel even more embarrassed, "Mal," he sighs and I look at him surprised, no one has ever called me Mal before, it's a nickname...He cares enough to give me a nickname..."Have you ever done anything?" he stares at me blandly, "I have been living in the woods since I was thirteen," I exclaim, "Right..." he slowly nods and I chew on my bottom lip as my feet turn inwards. “Let me be your first kiss,” he takes a very slow step towards me, his eyes watching me as he studies my next move like I might bolt out of the window. It does seem like an appealing thought at this very awkward moment, but I have to face this one way or the other. So what if I never had a kiss before? So what that he knows it? I always dreamt about having my first kiss, but I always thought it would be with Timothy, the boy who had my heart when I was just a little girl. I had the biggest crush on him, and now I don't even know if he remembers me? "Mal," Jace pulls me out of my mind, "Jace," he grins when I call him that and I'm not sure why, he introduced himself to me with that name and it stuck. I still remember the feeling when I saw him, it's the same feeling I get when I stare into his beautiful olive-green eyes. "What are you thinking about?" he takes another step closer. My head tilts to the side as a soft sigh escapes my lips, "I'm thinking about..." I drag out, my heart racing, "About having my first kiss," my foot crosses over the other, my knees pressing together when a strange wet feeling forms in between my legs. "Have you never been kissed before? Other than by your parents of course," he smiles and I think he forgot that they abandoned me. I was never kissed, I was only feared. I wasn't going to correct him, so I only nodded. I could see how he lights up, it shows in his eyes, it's like a fire started in his orbs as they slowly widened. "Do you want me to be your first kiss?", without hesitation, I reply, "Yes," while trying to fight the smile forcing its way up my face. He starts to walk over, moving so fast yet it feels so slow, "Then stand still," his hot chest presses to mine as his large hands slide up my neck, cupping my face, "Ready?" he asks and without giving me a chance to answer or to think about it, his head dips and his soft, sweet lips connect with mine. It's like my organs and skin are on fire as his one hand slides up into my hair, his long fingers massaging my scalp and tugging lightly on my hair. The feeling causes my stomach to tense while heat wraps around the base of my spine. I pull away while pushing my palms flat against his chest, his furrowed brows making me feel like I did something wrong, "Are you okay Mal?" he asks concerned, his green orbs flicking from left to right as he bores into my soul, "There's something wrong," I mutter and his hands drop to his side, his gaze dropping to my body, "What?" he asks, his head slightly tilting to the side, "I feel hot," I wave myself with my hand, "Are you hot?" I ask worried and I sigh in relief when my icy fingers touch my burning hot cheeks. Jason starts to smile as his chest vibrates while chuckling, "What?" Embarrassment makes me even hotter, "You're turned on Mallery, nothing is wrong with that," a small smile remains on his handsome face and when he steps closer, it's like I can't control myself and I leap into his arms, my hands holding onto his mountain arms as I kiss him. I could still feel his smile while we kiss and his hands pull on my hips, our bodies clashing togehter. The way his tongue glides along my tongue as we make out makes me nervous, I don't know what to expect from him, I don't know what he expects from me and the unknown causes me to overthink and I pull away, or try to because he stops me, bending and he lifts me into his strong arms and I reach mine around his neck. We pull away for a brief second, "You can't escape me now, feram unum" he beams, brushing his nose along my jaw slowly before his lips capture mine in a soft, needy kiss. It feels as if he's pulling the air right out of my lungs and my lips part when his tongue slides against them, letting him gain access to inside my mouth. He slowly walks out of the bathroom and I panic when I think he's moving to the bed, but he doesn't, instead he sits down on the small single stool, my legs on either side of him. I didn't realize how large the chair was, until now. He has muscular legs, they are large and we sit comfortably as we continue to kiss. I want to feel his hands all over me, but how do I tell him that? How do I physically form the words? As if reading my mind, his hand starts to slide up and down my back, a fiery pit forms in my stomach and it feels like I can't get enough of him. I press my body into his and when I sit closer, I feel hardness poking me in between my legs. The way it brushes over my clit sends a pleasurable feeling through my entire body and I purposely do it again just to feel that spark. His one hand slides down to my behind, his fingers digging into my flesh as he pulls and pushes my hips back and forth and I guess I'm not the only one who loves the feeling.
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