Chapter 26

2188 Words

    Master Charles was squatting in front of Jekyll, handing her an ice pack for her face when Raith walked into the lounge. The warlock gently patted the younger witch on her shoulder as he stood, eyeing the vampire king as he walked into the room. Mistress Sienna strode over to her husband, taking a few breaths.       Lord Athan and Bellator Ambrose were the next to walk in.  After looking over the occupants, they moved to flank the vampire king. Raith nodded at his brothers, feeling himself relax slightly at their company. But he knew, nothing would unknot his stomach and quench the anger that pricked his demon until his Beloved was back in his arms.  Informing them on what happened, they nodded, and all three of them looked at the petite witch on their couch with claret scrutiny.    

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