Chapter 27

1311 Words

    Elder Davu’s thrall, Remy, arrived at sunset as the bastard promised.      Master Charles struggled to let Sienna go, but when Davu requested the others come too, she was also who he meant; she had to go or there would be consequences. Sienna was tied to them even though she was not a vampire. The centuries old witch was well within their saṃsāra cadre of vampires and sangpyths; such a cadre was Davu’s grand vision of an invincible army. He would not be happy if they had left her behind.      After the ferry ride from Bainbridge Island, Remy escorted them to two black SUVs. Lord Athan and Mistress Sienna rode with Raith while the others piled into the other car. The ominous circumstances nearly suffocated any attempt at small talk. Raith knew his odds at swaying his sire to release G

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