Chapter 31

1967 Words

    At the cave’s entrance, they all paused, peering into the blackness. The moon’s light only allowed Gabriella to see a few feet inside, though the vampires probably didn’t have a problem with looking into the black. Waves tickled down her spine as her mind conjured up what sort of demons that lived in these dark places. Engrossed, she felt more writhing of the umbre de sânge, as if they were stirring from having been asleep, and stretching their limbs. Although she had been training with Mistress Sienna on how to control them, the fear of what they could do iced her confidence.      “How far in do we go?” Though she tried to put on an air of courage, her voice shook.      Lord Athan answered, “This is just the ice cave entrance right here. We won’t find what we are looking for until w

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