Chapter 32

1481 Words

    Entering with quick, silent strides, they hustled together in order to keep their party close in case of an immediate threat. The door closed on its own behind them; an audible clicking noise suggested a lock had been set; the red patterns in the door fizzling to its original mundane gray coloring.       Raith scrutinized the area quickly, then hoisting Gabriella closer to him, he dodged behind the first available stone pillar to hide. The others took to other various areas of cover as they also scanned. Now situated on a daïs of masoned rock, they cautiously huddled on the lofty platform which positioned itself above a cavernous trench.  Skirting to their immediate left and right, an ominous red glow bled through a malodorous haze. Thick pillars cornered the rectangular daïs as well

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