Chapter 7-3

1950 Words

“I did, at that. Dorian's? Right?” Tillie's hopeful voice invaded her thoughts. Zofia had been thinking on this all day. She really wasn't absolutely positive, but she had to go with the train of thought that led her down that one-way road to the answer. “Remember when Lolly invoked the cross on me?” She turned to her. “Yes. The b***h,” she added the last under her breath. “It was after—” she couldn't say it. “After?” Tillie's eyebrows rose, trying to coax the words out of her. Zofia gazed into her light-blue stare. Worry was harboring there. “After I had made love to Dorian—when he was still a vampire—but before the demon thing.” “Any s*x you had after the cross was invoked is all that counts,” she said flatly. Zofia sighed, her legs felt suddenly weak as she withered onto the near

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