Chapter 7-1

2222 Words

Chapter 7“I gather you didn't tell Dorian about the demon,” Stephen said in a vacant tone. Zofia slid him a sour look of contempt. “When would I have had time? You had the both of us booked all day!” She felt as though a huge fist had punched her in the stomach the way that Dorian had twisted everything around, somehow. “My faux pas,” Stephen said, and suddenly disappeared before her very eyes. She flinched, letting out a startled cry. She really had to quit doing that when someone Evanished in front of her. Wait a troll minute, did Stephen just Evanish, or was it something else? Because a man next to her dressed in gold robes was laughing, head tilted back, mouth open so that she could see all the back teeth, and in the middle of that uproarious laugh, he disappeared. She shook her head

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