Chapter 6-2

1945 Words

“Ah,” a smooth-as-silk voice said. “There you are, and just on time, too.” Zofia turned to find Stephen smiling down at her, dressed now in a pure gold robe. His unfettered golden hair competed with his attire, giving him a surprisingly sexy look. She had never seen Stephen with his hair down, ever. Before she could stop herself, she gazed up at him, taking him in, noticing how the spun golden locks framed the angles of his face and the sun didn't simply glance off its silkiness, but imbued it with an angelic glow. His eyes, too, had turned to a sort of whiskey-gold. What more surprises the man had, Zofia didn't want to vex her already whirling brain with at the moment, and tea was not the brew she needed right at the moment to deal with it all. The golden, part-god turned to Tillie and

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