Chapter 5-1

2179 Words

Chapter 5North tower was the tallest tower in the castle. Stone steps wound up and out of sight. Candle sconces every few feet lit her way as Zofia Transvected up the stairs. She didn't know how far up Stephen's office was. Possibly it was at the very top of the tower, which only made sense, as it would give him a commanding view of the entire castle, village, as well as the valley and the ridge of snow-capped mountains just beyond. As Zofia continued all the way to the very top, she thought about what Tillie had told her just before they'd parted. “Whatever this meeting is about,” Tillie had said, “just be careful. I've heard stories about his taking women to his private rooms and seducing them.” Tillie's warning had not been necessary. She'd heard the same stories. But she really fear

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