Chapter 3-3

2766 Words

“You are a fest for the eyes,” the voice from behind made her jump. She turned to see Dorian slouched in the doorway gazing almost hungrily at her. He wore knee-length black boots stuffed in black pants, a simple silk shirt with billowy sleeves and open neck, and un-tucked, as was the style for Knights. A leather belt hung with his wand giving him that irresistible bad-boy look. “And look at you!” she said, making an attempt to appear as though he hadn't startled her, or made her want to jump him and start where they'd left off before the fight in the bedroom. “I've only eyes for you,” he said with a smirk. His jet-black hair was mussed in the usual way, thrust over one eye, which he usually either combed away with his fingers, or did nothing at all—as he did now—and it made him look en

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