Chapter 14-1

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Chapter 14“Madam, I believe we have arrived at our destination.” Biddle's voice awoke Zofia from a very sound sleep. She thought she was still on First World, and wondered why she was using one of Elton's books as a pillow when all of a sudden she was jarred by the motion of the coach as it made a wide arc. Zofia levered herself up on one elbow, and strained to peer out the window. Rising mightily were snow-crowned mountains, much closer than they had been a shadowpass or so before. Antares had sunk into the heart of a deepening crimson sky, then her view of it disappeared as the coach made one more wide arc over thick forested hills. She recalled now that Stephen had said she would arrive in a place called Raven's Hollow, and embark on a regular ground coach. The Hollow was not very larg

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