Chapter 10-1

2079 Words

Chapter 10Zofia woke staring up at a painted ceiling. Then she remembered Restormell Castle had whimsically painted ceilings throughout with chunky cherubs, exotic birds and animals running through out a serene landscape, with fluffy clouds in the center of the ceiling. The top of her canopy had them painted there, too. She didn't remember falling asleep. And now she was chilled. Why was she n***d? She moved her hand, and heard the splash of water. Tillie's form swam into view. “You're becoming one big wrinkle!” Tillie chuckled lightly at this. “Here,” Tillie said, drawing a nice large towel up to cover Zofia's nakedness. “Out you go… that's it.” Emerging from the tub, splashing tepid water all over the floor, Zofia stood shivering as she allowed Tillie to wrap her up. How long had she

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