Chapter 19-1

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Chapter 19The storm had abated when Biddle woke Zofia in time to dress for her dinner date with Saint Germain. She had set out the green dress and now slipped it on over her chemise and belted it with a silver-coined belt, hoping the silver would deter any vampires—like Myron—who might be hanging out at the inn. She also went with the amber and silver necklace to ring her throat. She was happy to see that the vampire bites were nearly healed. Just the faintest marks remained. And the sore on her lip was now reduced in size and not nearly as red and sore, thanks to Saint Germain's slave. It had smelled of hyssop and menthol, she decided, and didn't mind the minty taste, and swabbed some on again. It tingled. The tingle meant it was working. She was just finishing up slathering kohl around

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