Chapter 16-1

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Chapter 16Zofia awoke feeling wonderfully rested. The bed was comfortable, and all was quiet—after Biddle stopped flushing the toilet. Yawning, Zofia lay in bed thinking about last night, and Myron. So, Saint Germain had actually hired Myron to get her safely to the castle? For all she knew, he may have also given Myron the gold it took to hire the Gypsies. What would Myron be doing with so much gold on him, unless he was a rich vampire, or a vampire who riffled through his victims pockets after he drank their blood? (Which was against Code big time and he could go to Hamparzum's for it.) Checking her neck with her hand, she felt for her vampire scars. She'd taken the heavy silver and amber necklace off, as it simply was too uncomfortable to wear to bed. She had found a spot to wear the

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